Design DIY Expert Tips RENO ADDICT

How to create a design moodboard with Alisa & Lysandra

Renovating? Decorating? Step into your planning shoes and start by crafting a design moodboard. Find out why you need one, and check out our top tips for creating your very own.

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Architects, builders and electricians have plans, and so do landscape artists. Why? Because it’s crucial that they visually and structurally illustrate their vision and plans for the job they’re working on.

During a renovation, chances are you have already gathered a whole heap of ideas, either through magazine cut outs, images you’ve googled or even those rough design sketches you drew on that coffee stained serviette when you were out with friends. Feeling bamboozled? It’s time you created a design moodboard.

A design mood board is important because…

It helps you clarify your styling direction

Renovating your bathroom? You probably have a number of design elements you’re attracted to. Consolidating all your ideas will quickly highlight the distinct differences between everything that you like, and the need to make a decision about the direction you will take with designing it. Yes, it is possible to like a hotel style bathroom, and then realise you also love that classic French style look. Your mood board will initially be big, but you will refine it as you go along until you’ve nailed the look and feel you desire for your chosen space.

It helps your trades people work with your vision

Professionals and tradies will love you! People often get lost in translation with verbal explanations, and this also leaves room for misinterpretation and error. A visual explanation of your vision will guarantee you get the result you want and it makes everyone’s life easy!

It saves you money

Collating images of the furniture you like for the space you’re renovating will give you a direct style guide to follow. When the time comes to furnish your room, you will be able to choose from a variety of furniture and price ranges.

A moodboard helps you save money by sticking to your theme and avoiding purchases that don’t work, therefore saving you precious time and money from returns or having to repurchase other items in order to ‘make it work’.

It saves your sanity (and your marriage too)

You started off with one idea, but then it morphed into something else and well into the renovation no one knows what the idea is all about anymore.

A moodboard helps you ‘stick to the plan’

Stick to the plan, and no one gets hurt!


If you’ve never designed a moodboard, use the following tips and tools. It’s time to get creative.

Your moodboard can be physical or virtual, or both.

  • If you need a platform to collate your ideas, we recommend you use Pinterest. It’s free, it’s loaded with searchable content and ideas, and it allows you to create numerous boards where you pin images you like.


  • Alongside your virtual moodboard, you may create a physical moodboard. Once you’ve established your style guide, you’re bound to start collecting samples, be it carpet, flooring, paint, or textiles.
  • Create one big moodboard or start by making smaller ones that individually group styles, colours and materials.
  • Keeping well organised is key. Always carry your virtual mood board with you; download the Pinterest app on your phone or tablet so you’re completely mobile. Then make sure you organise a space (box or file) where you store all your physical bits and pieces. Your samples may vary in size and weight, from small fabric swatches to large brick samples, tiles or pavers, so a portable trolley bag works wonders with portability without breaking your back.


Creating a design moodboard is the very first step you need to take during your renovation and it’s a lot of fun. A note of warning though; moodboards can be addictive! Still, if you need a little extra help with your vision, always consult with professionals who will ask the right questions to help you create it!

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