Bathrooms Design Interiors Addict Kitchens RENO ADDICT Styling

Wattyl & Caesarstone make perfect pairings easy

Wattyl and Caesarstone have collaborated once again to help take the guesswork and mystery out of choosing a successful colour/finishes scheme when planning a new kitchen, bathroom or living space. Launched in 2019, the concept has been used by literally thousands of consumers when planning renovations and new builds.

Wattyl’s Confetti Shower and Tipi, Caesarstone Calacatta Maximus and Polytec Ligurian

In this latest, Perfect Pairings 3, eight palettes have been created by professional designers and colour experts, illustrating how the latest Caesarstone surfaces, Wattyl paints and Polytec cabinetry can be beautifully paired to create a particular look or ambience. 

For the first time, three of the palettes focus on outdoor settings, showcasing Caesarstone’s new collection of UV and water-resistant outdoor quartz surfaces alongside Wattyl’s latest colour offerings in its Solagard exterior paint.

Wattyl’s After and Earth Child, Caesarstone Midday and Polytec Prime Oak and Empire Oak

Reflecting current design and colour trends, the pairings incorporate everything from raw neutrals and a splendid sun-kissed amber to more saturated lush greens and a calming Mediterranean blue.

Wattyl’s Winter Mushroom, Gretna and Smoked Jade, Caesarstone Arabetto and Polytec Plantation Ash and Verdelho

The aim of Perfect Pairings 3 is to provide an informative and inspirational guide to the many homeowners looking to update their interiors with confidence and flair.  

For more on the Wattyl/Caesarstone Perfect Pairings

Designers RENO ADDICT Styling

Product road test: Amy checks out new digital moodboard maker

An enthusiastic scrapbooker from way back, I’ve always jumped at the opportunity to collate my creative ideas (hello Pinterest!). But as an interior stylist (when I’m not writing for Interiors Addict) I now find myself doing this in a professional capacity. So I was rather excited to hear about the new digital styling platform Style Sourcebook, that brings this technology direct to the consumer.

Style Sourcebook features an easy-to-use interface

Featuring more than 700 brands and 30,000 products, the platform is a product sourcing and styling destination that allows interiors enthusiasts (and if you read this site, the chances are you are one!) to search for finishes, fittings, furniture and homewares and drag them onto their own digital moodboard.

“The objective is to bring all the products, tools and inspiration together across different retailers to help you create your perfect space,” says Style Sourcebook founder Lisa Cousens who has had over 15 years’ experiencing building digital platforms for online publishers such as Fairfax, Sensis and REA Group. It was after Lisa renovated her own home, and spent countless hours sourcing from individual retailers, that she came up with the idea of collating them to simplify the renovation and styling experience.

My mood board

Aside from products and finishes, you can also add text and inspirational images too. Personally, I found it a breeze to use (you literally drag and drop) and there’s a good selection of products within the site that are stylish and on trend. The search function is also easy to use. And what’s more, when you’re finished designing, the site creates a virtual shopping list and you can click through easily to buy.

The other aspect of the site is the ability to seek inspiration and expert advice from interior designers. There are several designers currently registered on the platform including Mr Jason Grant, Aimee Tarulli and yours truly! You can get in touch if you like their work and would like to discuss a similar project.

Start designing.

Art Expert Tips Furniture Homewares

7 amateur-friendly DIY projects for your home

DIY projects can be scary (I’ve experienced enough glue-gun fiascos to know that!) but they can also be great fun, cost-efficient and even something to be proud of. Here’s 7 of our best DIY projects, and don’t worry, they’re amateur-friendly!

Buying a bed head for under $50 isn’t going to happen, so why not make one instead? Super easy (I promise) and renter-friendly, all you need is a piece of ply board, sandpaper, paint and paint brush, matte finishing spray, 3M hooks and a pencil. Follow our step-by-step instructions.


If keeping plants alive is one of your life’s biggest challenges, a terrarium is the perfect answer. Not only are they easy to maintain, they are super easy to make. Follow these nine simple steps and get some greenery into your space.


While Pinterest and Instagram have their place, nothing quite beats a physical, in the flesh, inspiration/mood board. But let’s be honest, no amount of magazine cut-outs and fabric swatches can hide an ugly cork board! So create your own, with just six supplies and our step-by-step guide.


When interior and event stylist Steve Cordony undertakes a DIY project you know it’s going to be good, and his upcycled sideboard does not disappoint! With a full list of products, preparation advice and instructions, he gives you all the know-how to tackle an upcycling project with confidence.


There’s no denying weavings are very on-trend, however, they look seriously complicated to make! But… with just a few simple techniques under your belt, creating a beautiful wall hanging is achievable. Just follow these step-by-step instructions.

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Teepees have rapidly become a staple for every kid’s room, so make sure your child doesn’t miss out! All you need is a $30 investment and in five steps, you’ll be done!


Original art can often be expensive, so why don’t you give it crack? Sure, you most likely won’t be the next Van Gogh, but by following these achievable steps, you can create a beautiful geometric design. All non-artsy types welcome!


We hope you liked this list. Let us know what you’d add.

Design DIY Expert Tips RENO ADDICT

How to create a design moodboard with Alisa & Lysandra

Renovating? Decorating? Step into your planning shoes and start by crafting a design moodboard. Find out why you need one, and check out our top tips for creating your very own.

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Architects, builders and electricians have plans, and so do landscape artists. Why? Because it’s crucial that they visually and structurally illustrate their vision and plans for the job they’re working on.

During a renovation, chances are you have already gathered a whole heap of ideas, either through magazine cut outs, images you’ve googled or even those rough design sketches you drew on that coffee stained serviette when you were out with friends. Feeling bamboozled? It’s time you created a design moodboard.

A design mood board is important because…

It helps you clarify your styling direction

Renovating your bathroom? You probably have a number of design elements you’re attracted to. Consolidating all your ideas will quickly highlight the distinct differences between everything that you like, and the need to make a decision about the direction you will take with designing it. Yes, it is possible to like a hotel style bathroom, and then realise you also love that classic French style look. Your mood board will initially be big, but you will refine it as you go along until you’ve nailed the look and feel you desire for your chosen space.

It helps your trades people work with your vision

Professionals and tradies will love you! People often get lost in translation with verbal explanations, and this also leaves room for misinterpretation and error. A visual explanation of your vision will guarantee you get the result you want and it makes everyone’s life easy!

It saves you money

Collating images of the furniture you like for the space you’re renovating will give you a direct style guide to follow. When the time comes to furnish your room, you will be able to choose from a variety of furniture and price ranges.

A moodboard helps you save money by sticking to your theme and avoiding purchases that don’t work, therefore saving you precious time and money from returns or having to repurchase other items in order to ‘make it work’.

It saves your sanity (and your marriage too)

You started off with one idea, but then it morphed into something else and well into the renovation no one knows what the idea is all about anymore.

A moodboard helps you ‘stick to the plan’

Stick to the plan, and no one gets hurt!


If you’ve never designed a moodboard, use the following tips and tools. It’s time to get creative.

Your moodboard can be physical or virtual, or both.

  • If you need a platform to collate your ideas, we recommend you use Pinterest. It’s free, it’s loaded with searchable content and ideas, and it allows you to create numerous boards where you pin images you like.


  • Alongside your virtual moodboard, you may create a physical moodboard. Once you’ve established your style guide, you’re bound to start collecting samples, be it carpet, flooring, paint, or textiles.
  • Create one big moodboard or start by making smaller ones that individually group styles, colours and materials.
  • Keeping well organised is key. Always carry your virtual mood board with you; download the Pinterest app on your phone or tablet so you’re completely mobile. Then make sure you organise a space (box or file) where you store all your physical bits and pieces. Your samples may vary in size and weight, from small fabric swatches to large brick samples, tiles or pavers, so a portable trolley bag works wonders with portability without breaking your back.


Creating a design moodboard is the very first step you need to take during your renovation and it’s a lot of fun. A note of warning though; moodboards can be addictive! Still, if you need a little extra help with your vision, always consult with professionals who will ask the right questions to help you create it!

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