Interiors Addict

Jen Bishop named in top 50 female entrepreneurs under 40 list

This week, our publisher, Jen Bishop, was honoured to be named #43 in a list of Australian female entrepreneurs under 40 by Startup Daily.


“It was a huge surprise,” she said. “But definitely makes all the late nights and hard work and juggling worth it. I feel very lucky to love what I do and the growth of Interiors Addict since I became a full-time blogger two years ago has been really rewarding. It was particularly nice to get this honour the day after International Women’s Day. Now I need to work out how to juggle running a business with becoming a mum in a few weeks’ time and proving you really can have it all! Wish me luck!”

Earlier this year, Jen launched sister site Reno Addict and an online store with her own homewares range is launching later this month.

Read the full list.


Interiors Addict

What I have learned in my first fortnight as a full-time blogger

Wow, that went quickly! Everyone keeps asking me how it’s going so I thought I would share what I’ve learned in my first fortnight of self-employment.

1. The ATO doesn’t know what blogging means, which Is probably why it took almost a month and two calls from my accountant (she’s awesome) to finally get my ABN.

2. Self-employment doesn’t mean daytime TV and sleep-ins. In fact I haven’t had a sleep-in since I left the day job, despite promising myself an entire week off. Ah well, a busy self-employed person is a happy one, surely?!

Interiors Addict

Today marks new beginnings as a full-time interiors addict!

Yesterday I left my day job and ventured out into the world of blogging and self-employment! It’s a little bit scary but very exciting!

It’s going to be amazing to have so much more head space (and TIME) to devote to Interiors Addict. It really will be a luxury. As ever, I want to know what you like, what you want, who you are! Feel free to comment below, introduce yourself, tell me who you are, what you do, what you like (and don’t) about the blog. I’d love to ‘meet’ you!

And can I ask a favour? If you have friends who you think might like Interiors Addict too, spread the word via your social networks? We’re on Facebook, TwitterPinterest and Instagram (jenbishop_interiorsaddict)!