Interiors Addict

Jen Bishop named in top 50 female entrepreneurs under 40 list

This week, our publisher, Jen Bishop, was honoured to be named #43 in a list of Australian female entrepreneurs under 40 by Startup Daily.


“It was a huge surprise,” she said. “But definitely makes all the late nights and hard work and juggling worth it. I feel very lucky to love what I do and the growth of Interiors Addict since I became a full-time blogger two years ago has been really rewarding. It was particularly nice to get this honour the day after International Women’s Day. Now I need to work out how to juggle running a business with becoming a mum in a few weeks’ time and proving you really can have it all! Wish me luck!”

Earlier this year, Jen launched sister site Reno Addict and an online store with her own homewares range is launching later this month.

Read the full list.


Bedrooms Homewares Kids Rooms

Australian nursery ideas: with Bramwell Designs

It was only a matter of time before I started posting more about nursery decor since being pregnant. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! Today, I’m kicking off a new weekly feature on nursery ideas and products from all-Aussie brands. There are so many out there, I couldn’t believe it. I’ve also come to realise that a nursery is one of the most fun rooms you’ll ever decorate. Not to mention how exciting it is, coupled with the anticipation of the arrival of your baby, especially if it’s your first. So, introducing startup Bramwell Designs, who are making a name for themselves with their organic and stylish baby and kid’s room linen.


[contextly_sidebar id=”7MCPl0IZrebdcsb0nnJxN3MbPmbYf1wC”]”Everything is created in our studio by the sea on the Sunshine Coast,” says founder Emma Bramwell, who was inspired to start the business after becoming a mum to two little boys. “My designs are inspired by my childhood and the children in my life; how their little faces brighten up to the most simple things and their appreciation for their natural surroundings. We all need to remind ourselves to simplify our lives, appreciate the little things and take time to play and have some fun.”

Bramwell Designs use soft, luxurious organic cotton for the bedding and organic canvas for the accessories. Many items are one-offs, however if clients love something they have seen, they’re happy to work on custom design bedding for them.


She adds: “We are a young company growing steadily, but enjoying the ride and not taking anything too seriously. The journey is better than the destination, that’s for sure.”


As a mum, designer and business owner, Emma is super busy. “I try my best to be super organised and allocate time for my designs and custom bedding orders, and when I’m with my boys, I’m 100% devoted to them. My bedding collection is an extension of them, being free spirits, having fun on the journey and taking some risks. My passion for business and design drives me to continue and always will.”


Trademark touches of fun fluro feature throughout the range and probably always will, according to Emma! Bassinet sheets cost from $40, pillowcases from $45 and cot doona covers from $130.

Emma’s latest product is a fun kindy sheet set, with the option of hand printed name badges. But there are plenty of new and exciting things planned for this year so watch this space! If you’re a grown up who loves these designs, don’t worry, they go up to king size in some cases! And they cater for kids of all ages too, not just babies.

Shop online.

See all our kid’s room posts.

Styling by Simone Barter | Photography by Elisabeth Harvey

Interiors Addict

Discover and the Interiors Addict boutique!

There’s a new concept in online shopping for you to explore and I’m pleased to say Interiors Addict is a part of it. is a US-based curated ecommerce platform that connects trusted tastemakers with talented makers from across the world, including, of course, Australia. And there’s a LOT of gorgeous homewares to be found!

GREAT.LY aims to streamline the maker marketplace. The company has tapped tastemakers (including me!) to curate their own boutiques and do all of the selling, so makers only have to worry about doing what they truly love doing— making. Shoppers will discover the best accessories, home and kids products created by distinct makers from near and far, handpicked by the tastemakers they already follow, all in one beautifully curated place.

“Tastemakers are a powerful force online, motivating the purchasing habits of millions of people worldwide daily, yet no one has made them central to an online shopping site where makers go to sell their fabulous products. GREAT.LY is an ecommerce platform that leverages the audiences of tastemakers to drive sales for the maker economy. It is a simple win-win situation,” says Sarah Bryden-Brown, founder and CEO.

greatly-about copy

Unlike many startups that launch with a product, and then look for an audience, GREAT.LY is launching to a massive audience right from the start. Its tastemaker network currently has over 30 million pageviews per month. And, that’s only the beginning. GREAT.LY has raised $500,000 with the goal to grow to 1,000 tastemakers selected from across the globe, reaching combined pageviews of 200 million, within 12 months.

With a transparent revenue model, GREAT.LY shoppers see just where their money is going. Tastemakers, who already spend their days searching the world for beautiful things to write about, can finally setup shop to share those finds and make a profit, earning 30% of every purchase made through their boutique, plus an additional 5% for sales across the site from shoppers they bring to the platform. Makers receive 50% of sales, and a built-in global sales channel.

decor8's boutique
decor8’s boutique

I really enjoyed filling my boutique with goodies, especially affordable art, which I hope you’ll love!

Some of my favourite international interiors and lifestyle bloggers are also tastemakers, including Victoria Smith (SF Girl By Bay), Holly Becker (decor8), Taylor Sterling and Caitlin Moran (Glitter Guide), Alaina Kaczmarski and Danielle Moss (The Everygirl), Will Taylor (Bright.Bazaar). Great company to be in!

Disclosure: I will receive a commission on any sales via my boutique.