Interiors Addict

Latest Art Series Hotel is named after Schaller

Mark Schaller has been named as the artist namesake for the latest Art Series Hotel Group property in Bendigo, due to open in May.

Schaller, a well-respected Melbourne artist, was a founding member of the ROAR studios; a bold group of artists united by their interests in Expressionism and Primitivism. He works fluently across a variety of art forms including sculpture, ceramics, and painting. 

Interiors Addict

My decoration + design Melbourne experience

Wow, what a week! Melbourne was very kind to me this week, for all kinds of reasons! First off, it was a fantastic experience being a speaker at decoration + design’s International Industry Seminar Series. What an absolute honour, especially when I met the other uber talented speakers from all over the world (no pressure!), who included international lighting designer Beau McClellan, Dutch trend forecaster Milou Ket and the fabulous Sydney-based interior designer Thomas Hamel, who I have known for some time and am a big fan of. 

My friend Darren Palmer (interior designer and star of reality TV shows homeMADE and The Block) and I gave a talk on harnessing the power of PR and social media to grow your business. We were delighted that around 200 people came along to hear us and flattered by the great feedback we received. I was less nervous than I usually am when public speaking, probably because I know this topic so well and am passionate about it. Darren and I wanted our talk to be entertaining as well as informative, and like two friends having a chat! I hope that’s how it came across. I was only slightly nervous to see belle’s editor in chief Neale Whitaker in the front row as Darren and I talked about how to approach magazine editors!