
The Block auction results 2021

For those just after the important stuff from last night’s 2021 Block auctions, here we go:

1st: Mitch and Mark

2nd: Josh and Luke

3rd: Tanya and Vito

4th: Kirsty and Jesse

5th: Ronnie and Georgia

Image via 9now

So yes, probably not what many expected and just goes to show, as ever, that it doesn’t really matter who the favourites are or how they behaved on the show, anything can happen on auction night and it did! Not to take away from Mitch and Mark though, who my money was on to win (them or Kirsty and Jesse anyway!). They deserved it.

Last night’s (always!) much-anticipated auction episode kicked off with Josh and Luke dropping Tanya right in it over the cheating scandal (all as guilty as each other really but it was her who took that photo of the production schedule and then pretended she’d been sent it by a tradie). Off to a gripping start!

Then came the reserves ($3.5m for everyone except Kirsty and Jesse who got $4.2m!). Everyone felt deflated and Ronnie and Georgia (in tears) changed their strategy, which would have put Kirsty and Jesse first and themselves second. After more consideration and discussion with their agent, in light of the high reserves, Ronnie and Georgia decided to pitch themselves first. Sadly, it ended up putting them at a disadvantage and they came last.

Pic via Ronnie & Georgia’s Instagram

The contestants got together and discussed walking away over the too-high reserves as a point of principal. Meanwhile Scotty spoke to the powers that be and he and Shelley revealed the reserves were going to be reduced by $100k each. Ronnie and Georgia stuck with their second plan to put their house first at auction, followed by houses 2, 3, 4 and 5 in that order.

Here’s what went down…

House 1: Ronnie and Georgia: $3.4m reserve

Bids opened at $3m and ended at $3,696,000; a profit of $296k for the couple. This gave them a very surprising last place.

House 2: Mitch and Mark: $3.4m reserve

It was bought by Block regular Danny Wallis, an IT entrepreneur (and his extremely annoying bidding, I might add!) for $4,044,444 giving them a profit of $644,444 and first place (plus a bonus $100k for winning). I loved watching their emotion and utter shock as the bids went up and up and how they felt bad to have beaten their friends Ronnie and Georgia. BLESS! Well done boys!

Image via 9now

House 3: Tanya and Vito: $3.4m reserve

With their $3.4m reserve, they sold (also to Danny Wallis) for $3.8m. A profit of 400k and beating Ronnie and Georgia who were, until then, in second place. I’ve got to say, I was surprised! This put them third overall.

House 4: Josh and Luke: $3.4m reserve

Bidding started at $3.2m and kept going! It went for $3,930,000 to Frank Valentic’s client, giving them a $530k profit, second place overall and many tears, Again, BLESS! Got to give it to them, for all their bad attitude towards the judges at times, they pulled off a serious result for rookies! Nobody saw that coming!

House 5: Kirsty and Jesse: $4.1 reserve

Bidding started at $3m (Danny Wallis) and was at $3.7m in less than a minute! And Danny got it in the end for $4,401,523, a profit of $301k for the couple. It was a hard watch and the bids were slow. But they were grateful and happy nonetheless!

Scotty declared Ronnie and Georgia the unsung heroes of the night for going first and giving everyone else the best chance to make money. There’s no doubt they would have made a lot more had they not gone first and it seem a little unfair, but that’s the nature of the game and they took it with good grace!

Until next year, folks!

All our Block coverage


The Block auctions 2020: results

It started with Jimmy and Tam in tears having been given the double-edged sword of getting to pick the Block 2020 auction order (putting themselves second) which set everyone else off! And it ended with their happy tears when they won, and they won big!

Photo: Nine

Let’s recap how it went. Scotty explained auctions were allowed on site but must be outside and only 10 people allowed, with a Zoom for any overflow.

First up were Luke and Jasmin, the carpenter and teacher from Perth with a reserve of $3.35m. It was a great start! They very quickly surpassed the reserve with bids in person and via Zoom, declaring they’d paid off their mortgage when they hit $440k profit. But it kept going. They sold for $3,856,000, meaning $506k to take home.

Second up were Brisbane plumber and barmaid Jimmy and Tam. But would choosing the order end up working out for them? They’ve said all along they were on The Block to get a better future for their daughter Frankie. I’ve loved how they stuck to the heritage brief all along with their 50s house, more than any of the others. They had a reserve of $3,290,000. A lot of jaws hit the floor with Danny Wallis’s opening bid of $4,200,000. I think Jimmy and Tam were almost having heart attacks as it kept going and their profit edged towards a million. It sold for $4,256,000 with a profit of a whopping $966k! It was the highest result ever in Block history and made Luke and Jasmin’s result look distinctly average! The successful female buyer said she fell in love with the house watching the show and loved what Jimmy and Tam did with it.

How do you follow that?! Sarah and George, the teacher and sparky from NSW, were up third. It took this couple a while to find their stride but they got there! Danny Wallis, no stranger to the show, started the bidding high again at $4million, and Sarah burst into tears. It sold for $4,000,002. $650k profit for the couple; enough to start their family mortgage-free. Woohoo! Danny bought Mitch and Mark’s house last year and another Block property back in 2012.

Fourth up, SA farmers Daniel and Jade, whose daughter has a rare disorder. They came on the show keen to make some money and take the financial stress off their family, meaning they could spend more quality time together. Their reserve was $3,340,000. It went for $3,800.000, with $460k profit. A little bit of an anticlimax, I have to say! But they were happy nonetheless and the money will no doubt make a big difference to their lives.

Unlucky last perhaps were father and daughter Harry and Tash, the proud Greek Cypriots from Melbourne. Their reserve was $3,350,000. Bidding was very quickly at $4m (from Danny of course, buying his third!) and a $650k profit. And that’s where it ended. And there was no disappointment but plenty of happy tears!

So Jimmy and Tam, the Queensland battlers, did it, taking the additional $100k for winning and adding it to their profit to make $1,000,066!

Did you watch? Were you surprised?!

The Block

Who will win The Block 2020? Mitch and Mark weigh in.

Last year’s flamboyant The Block contestants Mitch Edwards and Mark McKie, are back this week to share their thoughts on who has the best chance of winning the show come auction day.

The Block 2020 is now halfway through and hurtling toward the most unusual sales campaign and auction in its history.

As Melbourne begins to slowly emerge from Stage 4 lockdown, and the houses from The Block 2020 have begun their campaign for sale, advertised with price guides of $3.2m to $3.4m – these are big numbers. Reserve setting will be key as to whether contestants will earn any money from their hard work and efforts during such a strange season of The Block.

With five vastly different houses, the win could be anyone’s.

The auction order selection this year will have a different sense of drama about it. Giving one couple the power to choose the auction order is almost like giving them a blank cheque book (remember those?!) to decide how much each couple will win! For some this would be an enviable position, and for others it would be a hard burden to carry.

So far, it’s looking like Jimmy and Tam will be making that decision, but so much can change, it really is too early to tell. With the perfect scores for Luke and Jasmin (yes, even with a bathroom not connected to plumbing – we’re not sure either), they could easily be deciding the order. We will be extremely interested to see how couples position themselves to influence the decision makers as things get closer to D-Day.

As we write the favourites, according to the bookies, to take out the win are Jimmy and Tam followed by George and Sarah. The Block auctions throw up some unusual results, and history has shown this. Tess and Luke were unexpected winners of 2019, winning only two rooms from the judges with the lowest average score and the lowest cumulative score. In 2018 Hayden and Sara took out the win, with only one room win from the judges. It is so hard to tell!

When it comes to winning The Block, there is no formula, all we know is that in the auction room the judges’ opinions and scores are not indicative of what is the preferred property amongst buyers.

Turning our attention to the 2020 properties, these our views on the pros and cons of each house, heading into auction;

House 1 – Harry and Tash

While House 1 was the last to be ‘chosen’, being left for Harry and Tash to ‘select’, we think the location is the most preferred of all five houses. The floorplan and orientation of the house gives it a private sunny courtyard that none of the other houses can boast. While some of the styling and layout is concerning, they have the largest master suite on The Block, which is also an asset for buyers in this price range. All said, we think House 1 is in a good place to take out the win, which would be in keeping with Block history.

House 2 – George and Sarah

It’s been hard to get the overall picture of their house. Their first guest room, with the built-in study, now seems so sensible given how many of us are working from home! They have not really played with the overall floorplan and the aesthetic is neutral, which would have broad appeal, but so far there is nothing significant that makes this house stand above the rest.

House 3 – Daniel and Jade

Week 5 of The Block saw Daniel and Jade take a gamble by adding an extra bedroom to their floorplan. With a house already boasting four bedrooms, adding a fifth seems redundant, especially if they are small. However, if the fifth bedroom is easily transformed to a home office, they might just be onto something. For a buyer in this range, they might need two home offices, making this change to the floorplan attractive!

House 4 – Luke and Jasmin

Jasmin and Luke started slow, and in the last few weeks we have seen their competitive sides come through fast and strong…creating some drama along the way. They have created beautiful rooms that are not polarising and would sit well with many buyers who would be able to imagine themselves in this house. There seems to be a sense of calm in their design, and the house is back from the busy street corner.

House 5 – Jimmy and Tam

Throughout the season, Jimmy and Tam have been fan favourites and received great scores from the judges. History would therefore suggest this house will not win. Looking at their design aesthetic it is quite polarising, and we think they have reduced the appeal of their house to quite a specific buyer. This may reduce the number of buyers, and competition for their house. The corner block position is also not appealing, and this may reduce buyer demand.

Our pick for the win? Flip a coin! The Block is full of surprises!

Mitch Edwards and Mark McKie are hipages ambassadors.

Expert Tips The Block

Block’s Greville Pabst shares tips ahead of Sunday’s auctions

By Greville Pabst

This season of The Block is about to come to an end, but we still have one main event left before we say goodbye to the beautiful houses on Regent Street in Elsternwick. The contestants have been working very hard for three months to save five houses from demolition and transforming them into dream properties.

If you are thinking about selling your home, there are a few things you can do to make sure you get the best possible outcome on auction day. Here are 10 tips and tricks you should consider before putting your home on the market:

Restore the old: The front part of the houses on The Block are old period homes and the contestants have done a great job in restoring these original details that have a charm that can’t be replaced, such as fireplaces and crown moulding. Hannah and Clint have even kept the bulky old-fashioned light fittings, but given them a modern touch that ties in well with the period charm.

Add more light: Many of the contestants have done this really well by making the most of the natural light. I was impressed by the large cathedral ceiling and skylight that Sarah and Jason added in their hallway, as it gives you that wow factor and also creates a bright welcoming feeling as soon as you step through the front door.

Jason and Sarah’s light-filled hallway

Fresh curtains and blinds: The sun can easily make the colour fade and it is a quick DIY job to install some new modern ones.

Replace outdated fixtures: A quick, easy and cost-effective fix that will make a huge difference to the look of the house, is to replace old doorknobs and handles. Such a simple change in the kitchen and bathroom can make a massive difference.

Light zones: In four of the five houses, the kitchen, living and dining area is one large open space. Ronnie and Georgia took their open area and created a different mood in each zone by using clever lighting. Carefully planned lighting creates space and purpose to an area.

Bathroom updates: Whitening the grout between bathroom tiles will make a noticeable difference and instantly make the bathroom feel more fresh and clean.

Refresh and repaint all doors: It is particularly important to pay attention to the front door, as this is one of the first thing a potential buyer will see when walking up towards your house. You can make an impressive entrance just by repainting the door and updating the door handle. Jason and Sarah added a beautiful double door, while Hannah and Clint painted their door in a light pink. Have a look around the street you’re in and see what is suitable for the street appeal.

Hannah and Clint’s front door

Replace old yellowing electrical covers: While you’re at the hardware store, pick up some fresh, bright new covers for your light switch and power point covers – throw out the old yellowing ones covered in dust and the kids’ fingerprints. Again, this is quick, easy and cost effective, and will make the house look fresh and modern.

High pressure clean: Make sure to clean the house properly before inspection. And remember, it’s not just the inside that matters — a high-pressure clean of the driveway/paved outdoor area can make a huge difference.

Landscaping improvements: More often than not, an auction is held out the front of the property. This is where first and final impressions happen. Make sure you have trimmed the trees and bushes and cut the grass to make the property inviting. All the contestants restored the period features of the front properties, except Ronnie and Georgia, who gave it a more modern look by painting their house black and adding tiles to the veranda. 

Ronnie and Georgia’s bold facade

With the auction only a few days away, I am sure the contestants are getting really excited (and nervous) about the outcome. There is nothing like The Block auctions — anything can happen!

–Greville is CEO and executive chairman of WBP Group and one of the buyer’s advocates on The Block. He is a regular commentator on Sky News and the daily papers such as Herald Sun, the AFR and The Australian, helping everyday Australians make better property decisions.

Greville Pabst

The Block auction is on Sunday night at 7pm on Nine. We’d love to know who you think will win and why? Please comment below!

The Block

The Block Auctions: TV’s biggest plot twist ever?

(Otherwise known as the one where editorial assistant Olivia Shead watches the Block finale and narrowly avoids having a heart attack. — Jen)

In a result I think it’s fair to say absolutely no-one saw coming, Steve and Chantelle took out The Block Fans vs Faves last night and to be honest, I’m not ready to accept it. Scott Cam says: “It’s the craziest night of television I’ve ever done.” For me, it’s the craziest night of television I’ve ever watched.

Steve and Chantelle
Steve and Chantelle

Okay, deep breath, let’s start at the beginning: the reserves. Kyal and Kara’s comes out highest at $1,900,000, minus the money from their challenge win and their final reserve is $1,872,750. Steve and Chantelle follow suit with a reserve of $1,850,000, down to $1,834,000. Brad and Dale’s goes from $1,830,000 to $1,802,750. And Alisa and Lysandra’s shrinks from $1,775,000 to $1,759,000.

At this point, I’m feeling good; my favourites the twins have a solid reserve, substantially lower than their competitors. Naively I’m thinking, let’s make it two wins for the girls.

Now we’re up to auction order and in the first surprise of many it goes shockingly well. The order is worked out amongst the teams in a total of 30 seconds: the boys first, followed by the Super Ks, the twins and lastly, Steve and Chantelle.

Brad and Dale's winning master bedroom and ensuite
Brad and Dale’s winning master bedroom and ensuite

With that done, the auctions are ready to start and the boys are up. Down in the auction room (in other words the kitchen) the first person I spot is Frank. For committed Block fans (like me) you’ll remember him from Sky High, where he bid unsuccessfully for four out of the five apartments before finally securing Matt and Kim’s. He was certainly one to watch during last year’s auctions and the same can be said for these, but more on that later.

The boys’ auction goes fantastically well, they sell their apartment for $2,310,000 and break the record for the most money ever won on the show, going home with a sweet profit of $507,250. It seemed like no-one could dream of beating them, but that was definitely not the case.

Kyal and Kara's winning main bathroom
Kyal and Kara’s winning main bathroom

Kyal and Kara are next and they shoot past the boys profit, selling their apartment for $2,440,000, taking a profit of $567,250. Ok, so surely no one could beat that? Wrong again!

Next are the twins and I feel my stomach drop. Like those that have gone before them, the bids go thick and fast. The girls are crying, I’m squealing and then it’s over. The twins sell their apartment for $2,375,000 and take home a mammoth profit of $616,000.

Alisa and Lysandra's winning kitchen
Alisa and Lysandra’s winning kitchen

Now, only one couple stood in the way of the twins’ second Block win. Enter Steve and Chantelle. How could these underdogs possibly beat $616,000? The auction starts and once again it’s quick and this is where Frank comes into play. He’s now been bidding and unsuccessfully at that, for the last three apartments, so the question is, how desperate is he for the last one? Unfortunately for my dear twins, a lot! He’s going hard at it, and the profit margin between Steve and Chantelle and the twins is shrinking fast. They’re ten grand off the girls. First call. Come on, sell! Second call. Ad break.

Expletives may have been heard. The longest ad break of my life and we’re back.

Steve and Chantelle's winning living and dining
Steve and Chantelle’s winning living and dining

A tiresome recap and then it’s down to the ten grand margin again. I’m praying it will sell, but alas it’s not meant to be. They pass the girls. Steve and Chantelle are in shock (I’m not surprised, even they must appreciate this is the biggest plot twist ever) and their apartment is sold for $2,470,000. A profit of $636,000 plus the $100,000 for winning and they go home with a tidy $736,000. Goodness gracious.

I don’t want to be a naysayer but I’m saying it anyway, being last was the victory move here. I think infamous Frank and all the other bidders were so desperate to get one of the apartments that they went a little crazy on the last one and for Steve and Chantelle, that meant winning. Congratulations to them and now, I need a cuppa and a lie down after reliving it!


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