
The Block auction results 2021

For those just after the important stuff from last night’s 2021 Block auctions, here we go:

1st: Mitch and Mark

2nd: Josh and Luke

3rd: Tanya and Vito

4th: Kirsty and Jesse

5th: Ronnie and Georgia

Image via 9now

So yes, probably not what many expected and just goes to show, as ever, that it doesn’t really matter who the favourites are or how they behaved on the show, anything can happen on auction night and it did! Not to take away from Mitch and Mark though, who my money was on to win (them or Kirsty and Jesse anyway!). They deserved it.

Last night’s (always!) much-anticipated auction episode kicked off with Josh and Luke dropping Tanya right in it over the cheating scandal (all as guilty as each other really but it was her who took that photo of the production schedule and then pretended she’d been sent it by a tradie). Off to a gripping start!

Then came the reserves ($3.5m for everyone except Kirsty and Jesse who got $4.2m!). Everyone felt deflated and Ronnie and Georgia (in tears) changed their strategy, which would have put Kirsty and Jesse first and themselves second. After more consideration and discussion with their agent, in light of the high reserves, Ronnie and Georgia decided to pitch themselves first. Sadly, it ended up putting them at a disadvantage and they came last.

Pic via Ronnie & Georgia’s Instagram

The contestants got together and discussed walking away over the too-high reserves as a point of principal. Meanwhile Scotty spoke to the powers that be and he and Shelley revealed the reserves were going to be reduced by $100k each. Ronnie and Georgia stuck with their second plan to put their house first at auction, followed by houses 2, 3, 4 and 5 in that order.

Here’s what went down…

House 1: Ronnie and Georgia: $3.4m reserve

Bids opened at $3m and ended at $3,696,000; a profit of $296k for the couple. This gave them a very surprising last place.

House 2: Mitch and Mark: $3.4m reserve

It was bought by Block regular Danny Wallis, an IT entrepreneur (and his extremely annoying bidding, I might add!) for $4,044,444 giving them a profit of $644,444 and first place (plus a bonus $100k for winning). I loved watching their emotion and utter shock as the bids went up and up and how they felt bad to have beaten their friends Ronnie and Georgia. BLESS! Well done boys!

Image via 9now

House 3: Tanya and Vito: $3.4m reserve

With their $3.4m reserve, they sold (also to Danny Wallis) for $3.8m. A profit of 400k and beating Ronnie and Georgia who were, until then, in second place. I’ve got to say, I was surprised! This put them third overall.

House 4: Josh and Luke: $3.4m reserve

Bidding started at $3.2m and kept going! It went for $3,930,000 to Frank Valentic’s client, giving them a $530k profit, second place overall and many tears, Again, BLESS! Got to give it to them, for all their bad attitude towards the judges at times, they pulled off a serious result for rookies! Nobody saw that coming!

House 5: Kirsty and Jesse: $4.1 reserve

Bidding started at $3m (Danny Wallis) and was at $3.7m in less than a minute! And Danny got it in the end for $4,401,523, a profit of $301k for the couple. It was a hard watch and the bids were slow. But they were grateful and happy nonetheless!

Scotty declared Ronnie and Georgia the unsung heroes of the night for going first and giving everyone else the best chance to make money. There’s no doubt they would have made a lot more had they not gone first and it seem a little unfair, but that’s the nature of the game and they took it with good grace!

Until next year, folks!

All our Block coverage

Home Office Shopping The Block

The Block 2021 garage (and more) reveals and some harsh words!

Garages with full-wall murals and fancy doors, storage, home offices and wine storage! There was so much revealed last night on The Block, it’s no wonder even the most diligent contestants couldn’t finish it all perfectly! There were some amazing reveals and some very harsh words from the judges for those who just didn’t get it together (I’m looking at you, Josh and Luke!)! “There’s two words for this and one of them is cluster,” may just go down in history as my favourite judge’s comment ever (thanks Darren!).

Onto the judging….

Ronnie & Georgia

Score: 27/30: first

Another week of praise for Ronnie and Georgia, who came first, and deservedly so.

Accessed by the Colourbond tilt door and past the Grafico mural of the Le Mans where Ford beat Ferrari, to a well-stocked and stacked storage area, Ronnie and Georgia’s garage combined style and functionality.

From there, the judges went through the stylish and perfectly placed mudroom with storage for shoes, coats and schoolbags, to a powder room (to be judged next week) and a study/guest room/home office overlooking the pool. “Trust Ronnie and Georgia to bring supreme elegance to a mudroom,” said Neale.

Inside however it was the sculptural curved staircase that caused the biggest wow, leading down to a beautifully fitted out wine room complete with seating around a butcher’s block table and another powder room. “Simply perfect!” Shaynna said. “Damn! Look at that!” said Darren. “That’s such a tight space and it’s so architecturally beautiful,” said Shaynna. “It feels exactly like the perfect staircase for this house. I love it!” Darren added.

The judges said the bedroom-slash-office was absolutely wonderful and what a beautiful place to sit and work. Darren said a fourth bedroom was huge for the real estate brochure as it was essentially a bonus room.

Down the spiral staircase, Darren was pleased to see the acoustic issues in the cinema room had been fixed. Shaynna loved the herringbone brick floor. “I’m in Provence!” Darren was wowed by the appliances and Shaynna loved the extra power room.

The judges said it wasn’t perfect but time was against them and they were sure any issues would be rectified later. Neale said: “They set the bar very high every week. The other contestants must hate them!”

Mark & Mitch

Score: 23/30: third

With its custom pink mural and yellow car, Mitch and Mark’s garage was colourful but, as Neale said, take those two things away and there’s not much left.

But it leads to one of The Block’s biggest surprises, a hidden study/office fitted into “stolen space” above, the perfect work-from-home space with ample space for two, plus storage, a big selling point in post-Covid times.

Darren said it set their house apart from Ronnie and Georgia’s. Neale said it had proper storage and was a proper work from home space. Although there were finishing issues, Darren said he understood why.

Into the basement the judges were surprised again, this time to see the space next to the existing day spa steam-room had been transformed into a combined TV room and wine cellar with its own kitchenette.

Neale said he felt like he was in a very cramped bedsit. Shaynna said the wine storage felt like it was shoved into corner. Darren said the best thing was the kitchen joinery. Shaynna felt the layout was odd. Neale said it was a panic room where they’d try to cram everything into the last space. “Mitch and Mark are going to be bitterley disappointed with our comments but we have to be honest,” Neale added.

Tanya & Vito

Score: 19.5/30: fourth

From the teal green horizontal garage door with portholes matching the heritage façade to the polished concrete floor and huge storage area, this is a room where functionality is clearly king. Coming at the cost of a fourth bedroom, the judges did wonder if the storage might be a mistake. Darren said they had damaged the value of their real estate.

Downstairs they found the games room outside the home cinema, complete with a wine fridge, classic arcade amusements and a statue welcoming visitors in. “It’s fun, it’s quirky and it’s in keeping with the house,” Darren said.

He really like the wine bar joinery and the integrated wine storage. “It shines a light on how much better this solution is to what Mitch and Mark showed us.”

Shaynna noticed the stairs and the rooms were very loud and echoey and a rug would help soften it. Neale said it could easily be remodelled by the buyer into a sophisticated adult space. He wasn’t sure if it added to the value as a games room and the way it was presented was very polarising.

Josh & Luke

Score: 8/30: last

The polished floor, mural featuring race tracks of the world and a door-within-a-door all combined to welcome the judges into Josh and Luke’s garage, a single car space with a storage space, complete with a plumbing stack from the master bedroom that was moved!

Inside, there was less to see, with the build still underway and the only visible change a plaster render the judges were all horrified by! The rooms were a complete tip and the judges were not impressed one bit.

“This is saying to me we don’t give a flying **** for what you guys have to say,” said an angry Neale. “This is inexcusable, it’s a pigsty,” added Darren.

The study/bedroom didn’t thrill them either, and they said it felt cramped, and the basement despite its great wine storage and kitchenette, was unfinished again and full of problems.

“What is this space, what is it for?” Darren asked. “A doctor’s waiting room?” asked Shaynna. The terribly planned en suite was an absolute disaster. “There’s two words for this and one of them is cluster,” said Darren. “That bathroom needs to go. It’s a waste of real estate. It’s a planning disaster.”

Shaynna asked why you’d have carpet in a wine area. And why there wasn’t a fridge? “Nothing functions, it’s kind of useless,” said Neale. Darren said it felt like defeat. “I sort of feel like we’re in this festering pit of negativity in here,” ended Shaynna.

Kirsty & Jesse

Score: 26.5/30: second

Thank goodness things were looking up at Kirsty and Jesse’s, starting with that gorgeous Hamptons style garage door! The large uncluttered garage with a storage area and fridge impressed the judges.

They found a lot to like in Kirsty and Jesse’s final spaces, especially when they moved upstairs to the study. A functional home office with well-planned lighting and great cabinetry. Darren said it suited the house.

It was the basement, however that won them over, from the bank of Gaggenau wine fridges to the recessed guitar display niches and kitchenette with seating outside the home cinema. “It’s a knockout!” Darren summed up. “A balance between opulence and value.” He said they’d spent only where they needed to.

Neale said there was no sign of them throwing in the towel. Shyanna said they had four bedrooms and an actual study. “It ticks a really important box from a real estate point of view.” Neale said he loved the basement vibe and it felt like a recoding studio.

SHOP THE LOOK: Grafico murals | 4dDoors garage doors

See all the rooms and more at The Block Shop

Bathrooms House Tours Laundry RENO ADDICT The Block

Block 2021 room reveals: “hell week”

Hallways, powder rooms and laundries. Hell week on The Block was a LOT.

Ronnie & Georgia: second

Score: 29/30

If anything was going to make a statement, it was Ronnie and Georgia’s gallery entrance hall, full of beautiful art including a Jai Vasicek original. “It just sings, doesn’t it!” Darren said as the judges walked down the sun-soaked (thanks to a string of Velux Skylights) corridor and into the living room. Next to impress was the steel-frame door separating the living area from the bedroom hall – again dripping with art – with a fully lined attic storage area above, followed by a laundry that ticked all the boxes.

Mark & Mitch: third

Score: 26.5/30

A glass floor in the hall to bring light downstairs, beautiful artwork above, and a hallway that smoothly and effectively separates the living and sleeping areas of the house, this was a well-planned and well-executed space that was definitely something for the judges to love – especially when they realised it led to a full-size pantry, something they’d searched for but failed to find back in kitchen week! Next surprise was the versatile, fully equipped laundry with garage access offering an impromptu mudroom and more storage, to complete the home. It all added up, Neale said, to a “pretty damn good” way to tie things together.

Tanya & Vito: 4th

Score: 25/30

With a huge aluminium and glass door to separate the living room from the hallway while still bringing light to a small, but functional office and an art-lined corridor with its own powder room this was the ideal way, the judges said, to separate the home’s spaces. A switchboard cover on display brought them down, as did a polarising mirror that might be a bit too much for some, but into the laundry and Shaynna at least was smiling again at the ample storage. 

Josh & Luke: last

Score: 18.5/30

“This is a mess, it’s a bloody mess!” said Neale.

“This is the embodiment of hell week, ” Darren said.

The powder room was so claustrophobic, Shaynna just wanted to get out.

But the laundry was finished! “This is like a breath of fresh air,” Shaynna said. “This whole laundry makes sense,” said Darren. In fact they said it was one of the best planned spaces they’d delivered.

Good on the boys, they took the judges’ constructive criticism very well.

Kirsty & Jesse: first

Score: 29.5/30

Poor Kirsty finding out her Nan died this week was so heartbreaking and it was lovely that other contestants chipped in to help them finish.

“This couple astounds me,” Neale says.

“They’ve made it perfectly contemporary Hamptons. It feels homely from the second you walk in the door,” Darren adds.

They were gobsmacked by the huge powder room (make that bathroom) with its shower and double vanity. Neale said but was phenomenal and Darren said it was glorious. “There is no trace of panic or chaos,” said Neale.

They loved the beautiful laundry which Neale called yummy! Shaynna kept asking how on earth they achieved it?! “It’s 100% focus on functionality but without any sacrifice.”

“Holy moly this is a mother of a house,” Darren said.

Another well-deserved win if you ask us!

Shop the looks, room by room, at The Block Shop.

Photography: David Cook Photography

Living Room Shopping The Block

The Block 2021: Living and dining reveals

It was a close one last night with Tanya and Vito’s quirky sunken lounge and Ronnie and Georgia’s broad appeal grey, white and gold room tying first place. But only after Ronnie and Georgia played their gnome point to prevent their sworn enemies from winning!

It often feels like these living/dining spaces should be quite straightforward and all about furniture choices, but in reality the open plan and often vast spaces can be hard work to get right from a layout perspective. And it was certainly a mixed bag last night.

Read on for what the judges had to say, the scores and how to shop the look.

Ronnie & Georgia: joint first (after playing their gnome)

Score: 28.5/30
Spent: $47,001

“Now everything makes sense!” said Darren. The judges loved all the textures. Neale said it was classic, contemporary and luxury. Darren said it delivered, delivered and delivered! He was completely in love with the dining chairs and the way they played with the artwork. The styling was perfect and the steel framed door gave a nice acoustic barrier. Darren said they’d made it broad appeal without being generic.

Flipping the usual flow, with lounge and dining rooms before the kitchen somehow just worked for the judges, creating a dining and living area where each room supports the other and all pull towards the central space. A perfectly placed television and fireplace, bar area adjacent to the dining area with lowered ceiling for intimacy and all taking advantage of the soaring roofline of the living area combined for an area that felt spacious but still an intimate enough to be used every day.

Shop the look: Slab coffee table | Natadora Morocco Speckle sofa | Cohen dining chairs

Mark & Mitch: fourth place

Score: 24.5/30
Spent: $37,691

With striking rows of skylights flooding the huge living and dining area with natural light, this is the wow factor the judges were looking for. “What an incredible ceiling!” said Shaynna.

“It’s one of those spaces that you walk in and look up and see the light and the tree, and then when you start analysing the way the space has been used, you sort of think ‘why would you do that?’” Neale said, quickly bringing down the mood! Darren loved the table and vase in the entrance foyer but felt there was a lot of dead space around it. “There are so many things to love about it but a lot of it is wrong.”

The beautifully styled dining table got top marks: “It looks like a party about to begin!” Neale said. But he said it all felt unfinished. It was like a series of vignettes but wasn’t meshing together as a home. Darren said the TV was too high because it was above the fireplace. “I feel like I’m sitting in a waiting room. I don’t feel comfortable,” said Neale.

Shaynna said she knew Mitch and Mark gave it their all but that the space felt like two separate houses. “I’m glad I’m not in the room when Scotty gives our feedback. But they need to hear it because buyers will feel it.”

Shop the look: Bailey dining chairs | Brighton pendant light

Tanya & Vito: joint first place

Score: 29.5/30
Spent: $49,618

Perfectly matched to the overall 1950s feel of this home was Tanya and Vito’s sunken lounge – and the judges fell in love – and into the couches – immediately. “Fun, playful, cool and retro!” gushed Darren, jumping in to see how the living area fit perfectly between the original front feature window with full length sheers and newly installed double-sided fireplace. “There’s nothing more conducive to people being together,” Neale added. “It’s just been so well thought through.”

Next over was the generous dining area, just perfect for a family dinner. And over it all, the “work of art” of five round Velux skylights. “You guys have nailed it!” Shaynna said. “I absolutely would not change a thing. I am pretty much in heaven.

“It’s so bright, light and white and happy. Quirky and saleable are usually mutually exclusive but you guys have pulled it off.”

Shop the look: Frameless gas fireplace | Benjamin Ripple Oval Dining Table | Harold dining chair

Josh & Luke: last place

Score: 22.5/30
Spent: $37,367

If it’s space the judges were after, they’d come to the right place, with Josh and Luke’s huge dining and living area.

“They’ve chosen an a amazing table and an amazing artwork,” said Darren, who also said he had imagined they’d lay the space out completely differently. Shaynna said the table was so beautiful but they hadn’t made the best of it and it made her sad for Christian Cole, who was an artisan. “Even the chairs don’t complement it,” she added. And the living room rug was way too small.

“They have a huge task in front of them and it sometimes overwhelms them,” said Darren. Shaynna agreed.

The judges then ran through exactly what they needed to do to save the space, including flipping the living and dining areas. “Get this space right and it certainly will reward you on auction day.”

Shop the look: Christian Cole American oak dining table | Scribe lounge chair

Kirsty & Jesse: third place

Score: 29/30
Spent: $47,864

“Honey I’m home,” said Neale. “It’s just so warm and welcoming.” Darren said it wasn’t a huge lounge room but the gigantic sofa made it feel generous. Shaynna said it felt like the perfect cosy, homely, family space. “I love the way it all works together,” said Neale. “It’s like a little symphony in white.”

Darren loved the dining area and its own private area with a view to the outside. “This is a really proper dining space.”

Neale said Kirsty and Jesse had got better and better with each passing week.

Shaynna loved the blue striped wallpaper nook, even though their trades had said it looked “too Greek”!.

Shop the look: Paxton Pompadour reclaimed elm dining table | Watercolour stripes wallpaper | Noosa modular sofa

Bedrooms RENO ADDICT Shopping The Block

The Block 2021 room reveals: guest bedroom and re-do’s

A nice bit of variety on The Block last night with guest bedrooms, kids bedrooms and the re-do rooms. Here are the scores, the judges’ comments and where to buy what you saw.

Ronnie & Georgia: 1st place

Score: 29/30
Spent: $24,680

From the traditional yet contemporary wallpaper to contrasting yet matching bedhead and cushions, Ronnie and Georgia threw a curveball at the judges with their bedroom this week, but it was one they loved. Declaring this her favourite colour palette of The Block so far, Shaynna thought this was a room with its own style, but still a complement to the rest of the house. Even the challenge artwork seemed to fit, said Neale!

Neale and Darren thought the bedsides were perhaps too low or the bedside lamps too small, but Shaynna disagreed.

Moving to the re-do room – a larger walk-in wardrobe – they were blown away by the transformation. More spacious, better fittings, this was a room that completes the master wing.

The re-do walk-in robe

Shop the look: Bjorn tall arch mirror

Mark & Mitch: 3rd place

Score: 28/30
Spent: $22,461

Whimsical, playful, cute and fun, the judges said and that’s just what Mitch and Mark wanted to hear for their children’s bedroom. With bunkbeds, pistachio-green wardrobes and beautifully styled to lure in a young buyer. Neale noted this is a kids room right now, but one that could be easily converted to an older child’s room or even an office easily. And that’s smart planning.

Shaynna said the roofline was too much with all the skylights as well as the large window. Darren liked it though. They loved the wardrobe and thought the styling was magic.

So too was the re-do bedroom, now a smart addition to the home with its own feel and colour scheme. Neale said it has a bit more pizazz back.

Shop the look: Framed parrot art

Tanya & Vito: 4th place

Score: 27/30
Spent: $15,220

A built-in bunk, generous wardrobe and ample storage space, a desk and funky styling make this an ideal kids bedroom, perfect to show Tanya and Vito’s house could easily become their home. Neale’s big concern was how easily the room could be converted for an older child or another purpose – the built-in fixtures might make things tricky – but all agreed it’s a great value add for the home.

Shaynna said she found it a bit cold and the edges needed softening.

Re-do bathroom sans brown tiles

So too was the re-do room, now without its polarising brown tiles. Thank God! said all three judges. It’s still a room with personality, but one that won’t divide the market. Darren said it now definitely adds value to the house.

Shop the look: White pop-up desk

Josh & Luke: last place

Score: 20/30
Spent: $17,248

From the highs of the master wing to the lows of this bedroom, Josh and Luke’s rollercoaster Block ride continues with the judges declaring this space a mismatch of style with a colour palette that’s too cold. Some fresh styling was needed, the judges agreed, to bring it into line with the rest of the home.

Let’s face it, nothing went with anything!

Then to the re-do bathroom. Once again the styling and colour palette weren’t what the judges were hoping for, with the floor to ceiling toilet screen the only obvious change… and not one they loved. Shaynna said it looked worse and Neale couldn’t really see what was different.

Re-do bathroom

Shop the look: Framed cockatoo artwork

Kirsty & Jesse: 2nd place

Score: 28.5/30
Spent: $19,855

A Hamptons style kids’ room, styled for a little girl right down to the Dolly Parton storybooks on the shelves, Kirsty and Jesse’s room had a definite style and a definite theme in mind. Not even an upside-down lampshade could dampen the judges’ enthusiasm with Shaynna loving the valance, Neale the Grafico wallpaper and all agreeing it’s a space that shows what a home this can be – while still able to be converted to other uses.

Also converted, was their opinion of the guest bedroom, with Kirsty and Jesse’s re-do bringing a new shade of blue, new bedding, new bedsides and more, winning them over.

Shop the look: Magazine rack

Which was YOUR favourite?

Photography: David Cook Photography

The Block

The Block 2021 room reveals: 4 cinemas & a steam room

I’m going to leave this week’s drama and cheating scandal at the door because if you watched The Block this week, I’m sure you’ve already had enough! Onto the media rooms!

First up, I have to admit I hate the idea of a whole room dedicated just to movies and/or TV. It seems such a waste! Add to that their reputation for dodgy recliners with cupholders and a lack of windows and they are just not my bag! But we’re not talking about my house (which will never have a media room). Mitch and Mark’s spa-like steam room was a little more up my street, but give me a luxury bathroom with a great tub any day.

So yeah, I didn’t love this week but it’s a competition so let’s dig into the rooms and the scores!

Ronnie & Georgia: joint second

Score: 28.5/30
Spent: $23,410

Ronnie and Georgia’s luxurious cinema room set a sky-high standard with its star-covered acoustic panel ceiling, comfortable lounge seating, velvet floor-to-ceiling curtains and hidden lolly cupboard for movie snacks. And behind the style the build impressed too, with a huge screen, state-of-the-art sound system, dimmable lighting married to strip LEDS and sound insulation throughout. It’s a space that even made Neale rethink his views on home cinemas.

Darren was happy to see regular, comfy lounges (I’m guessing he meant not ugly recliners), Shaynna loved the colour palette and Neale thought it was very luxurious. “It’s so desirable.” Darren did spot though that the sound insulation out didn’t exist and it sounded very noisy from outside the room!

Get the look: The cloud sofa

Mark & Mitch: joint second

Score: 28.5/30
Spent: $31,975

While the other contestants went for the cinematic experience in their basements, Mitch and Mark thought outside the box once again, offering up an underground space with a day-spa style steam room. Fully tiled and plumbed, with underfloor heating and what Neale called “perfect” lighting, the downstairs wet-room featured a full steam facility (complete with steam-proof speakers!); the perfect addition to a home with everything. Once again it was a room that had Neale envious.

Neale said he felt like he was up in the clouds. Darren said the feeling of light, bright and airy was clever considering they were underground with no windows!

Get the look: Pascal stool

Tanya & Vito: third

Score: 27/30
Spent: $32,106

It’s off to the movies for Tanya and Vito from the recessed cavity slider door to the banked seating – with luxurious electric recliners complete with side tables, perfect for taking in the huge-screen, ceiling to floor boucle curtains to block out distractions and even a snoozing couch at the back! Not as versatile a space as some others, Shaynna pointed out, but hard to fault as a cinema, which is exactly what they’d set out to achieve. Complete with blue LED strip lighting, the result is a space Darren pointed out is rare in this market and once again perfect in a post-COVID world.

Neale said it was taking luxury to a new level. Although the judges couldn’t ignore the terrible matte black ceiling paint job.

Get the look: Perry recliner chair

Josh & Luke: last

Score: 21 /30
Spent: $28,321

Forget the cinema, the boys went all out this week to create a multimedia space where movies might be one option, but certainly not the only one! Flanked by a snack and drinks station and that huge Iron Man sculpture (they spent thousands on that and, like Darren, I wouldn’t want that in my house!), the big screen faces a bank of recliners (my favourites!). With an emphasis here on fun, it’s the perfect place for gaming, watching sport with friends or just relaxing. Architecturally, it was the stepped ceiling that impressed the judges most.

I’d personally call it everything I hate about media rooms and more! Shaynna said the choices were dismal and lazy and didn’t work. Neale said it totally lacked finesse and was too like a bachelor pad. Darren hated the recliners and Neale said it showed their lack of experience and it was downmarket. Shaynna went one further and said cheap and nasty and even “it’s crap”! Tell it like it is, Shaynna!

Kirsty & Jesse: first

Score: 29 /30
Spent: $34,117

Recliners with cup holders, stepped seating, huge screen… even Darren had to admit this wasn’t just a home cinema, it was a cinema in a home! Filled with the latest technology and a few retro touches – the judges loved the classic movie posters and projector – the feel here was classic Hollywood, but with the potential to be a performance space as well, something they were sure singer Kirsty had thought of. And even better, when they checked the foreman’s report, there was only one line: “Nothing to report!”

Darren said the recliners with cupholders were allowed in this one because of the finesse and how well it had all been done. “Everything that I always thought I didn’t like, I really do.” Shaynna said the panelling was beautiful and she loved the old school movie poster styling. Darren said they needed to add some acoustic product though to stop the echoing.

Neale loved the vibe of it. “I feel like I’m in an old-fashioned picture house.”

Photography: David Cook Photography.

Bedrooms Shopping The Block

The Block 2021: master bedroom & walk-in robe reveals

This week didn’t see the faves as the obvious frontrunners. Ronnie and Georgia came fourth while Mitch and Mark came second. And Josh and Luke managed to pull first place out of the bag after last week’s somewhat disastrous ensuite! Tanya and Vito made more bold and quirky choices and Kirsty and Jesse didn’t quite get it right.

Ronnie & Georgia: Fourth

Score: 23.5/30
Spent: $24,500

“Enormous, Vast, Cathedral-like” and more – Ronnie and Georgia’s master bedroom certainly stopped the judges in their tracks and it’s easy to see why. With its soaring sloped ceiling leading up to Velux skylights, a massive floor to ceiling window, chic Laminex panelling, disguised television and more this was a statement room.

All agreed the walk-in robe could have been more generous, a fact Ronnie and Georgia might want to remember when it comes to make-over room time. Shaynna called it “teeny tiny” and “miniscule”. It was well styled though.

But overall, said Neale, with this room, the team stamped themselves as “the masters of sophisticated subtlety”.

Get the look: Alfa sideboard

Personally I think they were robbed! Yes, the wardrobe was too small but this room wasn’t fourth place at all!

Mitch & Mark: Second

Score: 26.5/30
Spent: $20,376

With its generous walk-in robe, balcony hinting at a secluded outdoor sanctuary and beautiful finish, Mitch and Mark’s master bedroom retreat showed the judges they’ve well and truly moved on in style and execution from their first Block!

A traditional, yet contemporary room, they decided, with features such as ceiling a standout, drawing the eye to perfectly place pendants over ample tables flanking a bed so beautifully styled Neale was left asking for tips. For Shaynna it was the artwork – matched to the bed – and colour palette that combined to scream luxe!

They were frothing over the wardrobe too. Neale said it was very well thought through and beautifully styled and Darren said it was Tardis-like.

Get the look: Jonathan Gemmell art print

Personally I hated the bedhead and although I loved the wardrobe, I couldn’t get overly excited about the bedroom and didn’t think it was a second place room.

Tanya & Vito: Third

Score: 24/30
Spent: $25,649

Light bright and colourful, Tanya and Vito’s master bedroom was the “Goldilocks room” for the judges this week – not too big and not too small, but just right. Bringing the Moroccan feel of the guest ensuite into the space, the pair created a haven away from the house but still connected.

Shaynna immediately fell for the bedhead, the side tables, the wallpaper and the artwork – including another Tanya original – with Darren warming to the quirky styling touches. While the wardrobe certainly had lots of space, Neale said it lacked the glamour and luxury and Shaynna wasn’t a fan.

Get the look: Tanya’s own artwork

Personally I love how this couple have committed to their quirky style. Wasn’t a fan of either wardrobe but the crazy bedhead and light combo did kinda work, didn’t it?!

Josh & Luke: First

Score: 27/30
Spent: $19,830

One of the most controversial choices of The Block so far, Josh and Luke were always heading for controversy when they flipped the original intent and placed their master suite where the double garage had been aimed, but did it work? Apparently, yes!

Spacious, light soaked, separated from the rest of the house with its own view to the courtyard, the judges finally saw why the twins had put themselves through so much. Architecturally clever enough to forgive the obvious styling flaws (fake flowers, guys? Really?), it’s fresh, sophisticated and puts the pair back in the game, Neale said. 

Shaynna loved the wardrobe! They all did. “This is a master bedroom in a multimillion dollar house,” said Darren. “Space is a luxury.”

Get the look: Drip Flowers artwork

Personally, I thought the wardrobe was way nicer than the bedroom which although spacious, I just found a bit bland! And as for that mirror over console combo? No thanks.

Kirsty & Jesse: Last

Score: 22.5/30
Spent: $24,920

With wide North-facing windows, a generous layout that draws focus to the beautifully styled bed, arches adding a softness and warm tones from the rich carpeting to the walls, the judges were immediately impressed by Kirsty and Jesse’s master bedroom.

A closer look however revealed a few problems – the artwork wasn’t exactly what Shaynna would have liked to see, the tallboy looked out of place and in general there seemed to be a clash between the contemporary and classic styles. Add in a beautiful, but undersized walk-in robe and the country couple were left wondering if the pluses the judges found would outweigh the negatives.

There was too much joinery squashed into the wardrobe space, although it was nicely styled and they liked the finishes. Darren said they needed to start again. The judges said the whole space needed to be re-planned.

Get the look: Ashlee blanket box

Personally, I agree this room should have come last. The wall opposite the bed was all wrong, the wardrobe was tiny and although on first glance the whole bed setup was lovely, on closer inspection, like Neale said, there was a lot I didn’t love. Including the arches.

What did you think?

All our Block coverage

Photography: David Cook Photography.

Bathrooms RENO ADDICT The Block

The Block 2021 room reveals: guest en suite

Pretty damn good for week two, don’t we think? Mitch and Mark went from last place last week to win this week. Nice one! Although I must admit Ronnie and Georgia’s, which came second, was my favourite. Bathrooms are not easy rooms to get right, so it’s perhaps no surprise the two experienced faves couples came first and second?

How good was bringing the judges face to face with the contestants for the first time ever?! Awkward! But I loved it! More of this please! Super useful for them to get feedback “We don’t tell you this stuff to be mean,” says Darren. “We want you to do well,” said Neale.

FIRST: Mark & Mitch

Score: 28/30 | Spent: $20,833

“Beautiful!” Shaynna said when she walked into Mitch and Mark’s guest ensuite and from the vibrant feature tiles to the double vanity, aged brass tapware, matte finish bath and basins and more, her fellow judges agreed.

Even the layout impressed, with Darren noting it’s not a larger room than their competitors, but a better room, with more thought put into placement including the toilet tucked out of sight, the central door and the wall to wall strip drain. Throw in the fun touches like Mitch’s unique gold bath ducks and they were in love. “It’s a jewel!” Neale summed up.

“It’s punchy as hell,” said Darren. “This is a bathroom which is really making me smile because I feel that Mitch and Mark are back in the game and I’m seeing some of that old spark,” added Neale.

Get the look: Their own brand candle

SECOND: Ronnie & Georgia

Score: 26½/30 | Spent: $24,500

Mirroring the soaring ceilings of the bedroom it services, Ronnie and Georgia’s guest ensuite wowed the judges with its skylights and feature slab behind the bath.

The marble-effect slab behind the bath married into a very calming colour palette, Darren said, with the soft tones of the finger tiles and accent tiles working against the brass fittings to create the same amount of drama as its neighbouring room – but still pared back. Add in ample storage and it is, Shaynna said, a room that will last well into the future.

Shaynna would have preferred a matte rather than gloss bath and basin. And also thought that the mixer taps were too far away from the shower.

Set aside the little details and the execution made it very luxe, according to Neale. Darren said they’d got the lighting right.

Got to say, this was my personal favourite!

THIRD: Tanya & Vito

Score 24.5/30 | Spent: $35,237

Terrazo flooring? Check. Bold feature wall? Check. Exotic ceramic pendant? Double check! And it all added up to a functional bathroom just dripping with Tanya and Vito’s unique style and a definite Moroccan feel – and the judges were happy to have made the trip.

No toilet in the room was controversial, as were the lack of towel rails, but the benefit was a huge shower area and uncluttered walls that all combined to create a feeling of space. On pure ambiance, Neale said, this room delivers.

Shaynna thought they’d perhaps taken too much floorplan for this en suite though. And didn’t like the design or position of the black lights above the bath either. Neale said the plant was too spindly and Darren didn’t like the bath mat.

Get the look: Peach concrete basin

FOURTH: Kirsty & Jesse

Score: 24/30 | Spent: $19,022

Neat, compact and well appointed, Kirsty and Jesse’s guest ensuite skated the edge of being too small, the judges said, but managed to glide past any potential issues to win them over.

With space created by the skylights over the perfect vanity, blue sink and matching colour palette that married well into the existing bedroom outside, Shaynna said a few styling touches – and possibly some additional towel rails! – could bring what is already a functionally perfect space into a slick coastal chic bathroom.

The judges questioned the need for the nib wall and said it made the room feel even smaller. Shaynna said the brass shells were cute but they weren’t needed to tell people they were near the beach! Neale said despite the small size it felt very appropriate for the other rooms and the execution was to a high standard.

Get the look: Brass scallop wall clip | Powder blue concrete sink

LAST: Josh & Luke

Score 20.5/30 | Spent: $25,356

From the dark colour choices, Venetian plaster feature wall and ceiling to the massive shower screen, varied metals in fixtures and unusual chocolate and cheese styling on the bath board, this was a room that polarised the judges.

Too large? Too generic? Too dated? They all had criticisms, but even they all agree on one thing. As a Jack-and-Jill bathroom to service not only the guest room already in place but a future room planned on the other side, the size was enough that things would never feel cramped.

Darren wasn’t into the Venetian plaster ceiling and thought it was a waste of money. Shaynna agreed, saying it was beautifully done but not the place to spend money. Neale said it felt “incredibly dated” and cold. “I never want to see this grey-grey-grey palette again.” Shaynna didn’t like the “weird” shower niche that was smaller than a tile or the under vanity lighting highlighting the waste! And the styling was “atrocious”! “One wall does not make a room.”

Get the look: Timber bath caddy

NEXT WEEK: Master bedrooms, and it’s looks like it’s going to be good!

Bedrooms Shopping The Block

The Block room reveals 2021: guest bedroom

Firstly, let’s talk about what’s new with The Block judging this year: defect lists! What a great idea and something that has probably been lacking thus far. Keith and Dan do an inspection before the judges and make a report on any defects, which is then presented to the judges, just in case they were to miss something! Fair’s fair, I reckon! A great addition to the process!

Ronnie & Georgia’s winning guest bedroom

And what an episode it was, with the returning faves taking out both first (Ronnie & Georgia) and last (Mitch & Mark) place! Not to mention the twins staying in a luxury hotel the night before (which is against the rules) and then getting breathalysed and not being allowed to start until they sobered up. And then Luke got sick (nothing to do with the night before, of course!) but the boys still managed to pull off second place.

Poor Tanya and Vito (the sweetest people ever) had to sack their builder after Keith and Dan pointed out how much he had done wrong, leaving Tanya in tears (bless!). She’s such a soft touch she went into full mothering mode with hungover Luke!

Anyway, onto the rooms and the judging!

Ronnie & Georgia

Score 24.5/30: FIRST

Spend: $11,305 (the least of anyone)

With soaring ceilings and a playful style that manages to be (as Neale Whitaker said) neutral but still interesting, Block faves Ronnie and Georgia showed they were back to win with this stylish room. And win they did!

From the Velux skylights to the perfect layered bedding, this is a room that Darren Palmer called “aspirational classic contemporary”. He said it showed how much the pair have grown from the dark and moody palette that was their Elsternwick trademark. 

“So impressive!” says Shaynna. “It’s so considered, it’s frightening and talk about a massive amount of cabinetry.” Darren said: “There’s so much to love!”

Shop the look: Photographic prints | Arch side table

Mark & Mitch

Score 22.5/30: LAST

Spent: $13,823.20

Goodbye Palm Springs, hello contemporary modern said the judges to a guest bedroom that clearly says there is more to Mitch and Mark than their Oslo build showed. With its statement Grafico wall and soft colour choices, the pair created a guest sanctuary complete with study nook (or work space) perfect for a post-covid home, and a sun-drenched extra bedroom.

Shaynna said it was great to see them try a new style. Neale’s first impressions were that it was small, oppressive even. Shaynna said the desk was too shoved in. And she spotted that the door wasn’t fixed. Neale even said it was a little bland!

Shaynna loved the pelmet lighting, Darren loved the bed linen and the palette. Neale said he really liked the boys but he felt the room was too generic and he was surprised.

Shop the look: Mitch & Mark’s own brand candle | Tall glass rainbow vase

Tanya & Vito

Score 23/30 EQUAL THIRD

Spent: $14,199.98

Tanya’s unique and vibrant palette brought a sense of fun to the room, with wood panelling topped by a terrazzo shelf behind the beautifully styled bed, flowing sheers over the window, streaming sunlight from the Velux skylights and a hanging plant making this a soft space.

Darren liked the colour combos and the way the art worked with the bed linen without being too matchy-match. But the judges blasted their cheap-looking sheers, especially as Vito works in the window furnishings business!

And sadly so many of their (fired) builder’s defects were still not fixed. But Neale said there were lots of nice touches and Darren liked the way there was room to swing a cat!

Shop the look: Flower Fields canvas print | Crested cockatoo set

Josh & Luke

Score 24/30 SECOND

Spent: $20,722.80

With its dark colour palette accentuated by a beautifully styled bed against a soft-upholstered wall and bold glass-fronted cabinetry, Josh and Luke’s guest bedroom is, the judges decided, sexy, cool and very different. For Darren it was the big architectural decisions, such as the bi-fold doors that worked best, and he can’t wait to see what they’ll open out to when the rest of the house is built.

It was definitely one for the boys though. Darren said it was “waaaaaaay better” than last week and was impressed by the glam, glass-doored wardrobes. Neale said it was sexy. Shaynna however, said she hated the wardrobes and they were destined to end up looking a mess in reality! Got to love a bit of controversy!

Darren said there was so much he liked and Shaynna said the way they styled the bed (wonder if Mitch & Mark regret helping them!) was stunning. She said they stepped up five levels from last week (have to agree!).

Shop the look: Abstract watercolour canvas

Kirsty & Jesse

Score 23/30 EQUAL THIRD

Spent: $14,757.58

From the soft blue walls with wainscoting and accent architraves to the plantation shutters and highlight window, Kirsty and Jesse created a guest bedroom retreat with an obvious space for a generous en-suite to come. Throw in ample storage courtesy of the twin bedside tables and built-in cabinetry and the result is, to quote Darren: “coastal chic, a little bit plantation and a little bit country!”.

Shaynna said the Hamptons style would be very popular with buyers in the area. Neale said they’d chosen to be very discreet and similar to last week, and he didn’t want them to become a one-trick pony. He and Shaynna didn’t like that all you could see from bed was a window which was too high to see anything out of. That’ll be their expensive new highlight window. Eep.

The judges loved the spacious size of the room and the generous storage and said the execution was great but the styling needed to go up a notch.

Shop the look: Gold wardrobe mirror

Of course I’d love to know, WHAT DID YOU THINK?

Photography: David Cook Photography