Competitions Styling

6 reasons you won’t participate in 7 Vignettes. And why they’re nonsense!

I’ve been pondering this post for a really long time. I am completely in love with our 7 Vignettes community on Instagram and it gives me so much joy to see what people get out of the experience and how supportive everyone is of each other. I’m also blown away by the beautiful images but that almost comes second! It genuinely makes me feel sad and frustrated when I hear people saying they’re too intimidated to take part because the standard is so high, or that they don’t have time, or the right props. I wanted to debunk all these myths and encourage you to give it a go, just once, then come back and tell me you didn’t love it! Please read on for my roundup of the most common excuses and why they’re nonsense!

1. I don’t have enough cool stuff. Pft! Nonsense! Some of our best images contain seashells, hairy string, flowers from the garden, a corner of a textured rug, pieces of fruit, a cuppa or a chubby baby’s hand! It’s not about owning lots of designer homewares, it’s about how you put the stuff together, the natural light, the composition, even the Instagram filter. And sometimes (often) simple is best. As they say, it’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you do with it that counts!

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By @milburt
By @milburt

2. I’m intimidated by how good everyone else is. This is probably the biggest issue people have. I draw your attention to these recent comments…

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I totally get it though. We have some super talented participants. It blows me away every month! But the absolute BEST thing about the 7 Vignettes community — even better than the beautiful feed of images — is the sense of community and all the lovely encouraging and friendly words for each other’s efforts. Take part and get to know them. You might even make a few new friends. I can promise you I have never ever heard of an incidence of anyone telling someone else theirs wasn’t up to scratch! And think what you can learn from these clever and inspiring people! Any doubts are in your own head only.

3. I’m a newbie and have no chance of winning when up against everyone else who has been doing it for two years. Ask @mintandfizz about that. She won the December 2014 round on her very first attempt!


4. My home isn’t stylish enough. Again, 7 Vignettes isn’t about showcasing cool or expensive stuff or even your home. Interiors Addict’s motto is, after all, style without the snobbery! You don’t even have to show us any of your home if you don’t want to. Most people don’t. It’s less about interiors and more about creativity, fun and enjoyment.

5. I feel guilty taking part in something so self-indulgent when I should be hanging out with my kids. Enough with the mother guilt already (let’s face it, the overwhelming majority of participants are female, this is not me being sexist)! I’ve heard comments to this effect a few times and it really bothers me. Why not take a little time out for yourself to do something creative for a few minutes for seven days of the month? It doesn’t have to be every month. If you’re stuck in a job that you don’t love, this could be one of your only creative outlets. Your kids may want to join in too and be inspired by watching your creativity in action. This happens all the time and sometimes we get to see the little ones’ vignette attempts too (super cute)! We love seeing little hands in parents’ vignettes too. And we laugh when we hear the stories of husbands who just don’t get it. Share the outtakes and the funny stories with us. Most of all, keep it real!

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Vignette by school girl @indiakitty
Vignette by school girl @indiakitty

Screen Shot 2015-01-02 at 7.00.09 PMAnd, if you truly believe 7 Vignettes is too self-indulgent a pastime for a mother that’s fine, but please keep it to yourself and don’t make others feel guilty, okay? Thanks!

6. I just don’t have time. My biggest advice here is not to over think it. And I hear time and time again that the most spontaneous vignettes can be the best. You can even set yourself a timer to make it more fun and challenging! Don’t just take it from me though…

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So, I really hope that hearing from readers who may have felt you once upon a time and are now hooked on 7 Vignettes and loving it, will encourage you to have a go yourself! I dare you to come and join Instagram’s friendliest community! We even have events throughout the year where you can meet each other.

The next 7 Vignettes challenge starts on 1 February 2015. To be first to receive the themes list, make sure you sign up to our newsletter. For step by step instructions, go here and please ask any questions in the comments below.