Interiors Addict

The August 7 Vignettes winners

Oh, what a wonderful eighth round of 7 Vignettes it was! and I’m delighted to announce the overall winner and 10 runners up, as judged by Alexandra Kentmann from Freedom.

Four of winner Sarah's vignettes
Four of winner Sarah’s vignettes

The first prize, of a chevron Freedom chair, goes to professional organiser Sarah Shanahan, from Adelaide. Alexandra said: “I have a real weakness for colour, bright hits of colour woo me every time. Plus Sarah’s shots have a real authenticity which I find appealing. Plus the vignette including her children’s works; well that gave me a cute attack, and pretty well sealed the deal.”

The 10 runners up, who each get a custom phone case from Casetagram and custom fridge magnets from Stickygram to personalise with their Insta photos, are:

kateoliver – “Downright awesome.”

kylaflanagan – “I loved her shots so much, and wanted to pop through her photos into her world.”

suecollecutt – “A fun, nostalgic trip.”

rachaelhonner_hipbrown – “I loved studying each picture.”

xo_photos – “A 13 year old with a great eye.”

anneliesemac – “Beautiful images that told stories.”

designminx– “I loved her use of wattle, and yellow!”

mozsas – “Visually so inspiring.”

siennastar123 – “A little stylist on the rise.”

featherhorse_ – “Bursts of yellow, inside greenery, simple and not overstyled is winning for me.”



I was delighted to see two kids among the runners up! I love how 7 Vignettes attracts all kinds of people and especially when mums and their daughters share the experience! Congratulations to all the winners! Jen x

Please email me for prize details if you’re one of the winners.

7 vignettes

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

6 replies on “The August 7 Vignettes winners”

THANKYOU Jen and Freedom Australia for my magnificent surprise, I am absolutely thrilled!!!!! This months vignettes were fun, challenging and my favourite so far. I am absolutely in awe of all the other vignetters , and their talents! What an absolute honour!xxx

Congrats to Sarah – fabulous vignettes. How funny are those wire glasses and eyes on the kid’s puppet!?

This was my first stab at 7 Vignettes and my first week on Instagram. And I loved it. “Met” some lovely people and had my fill of lovely images. Thank you Jen!

See you all at the 7 Vignettes event!

Thankyou Jen and Alexandra! Love the creative challenge of #7vignettes; such a great platform to style/ play. So grateful for the behind the scene’s organising you must do and also to lovely 7V folk you meet along the way! Congrats to lovely Sarah; v excited for her! Rach xxoo

Congratulations to Sarah Shanahan – what a beautiful series of images! Thanks Jen for a great list of themes – I loved browsing through the gallery and seeing everyone’s creative take on the subjects. I would also like to a say a big thank you to Alexandra Kentmann from Freedom for your lovely comment about my photos – it is very encouraging and very much appreciated!

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