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The great first impression you can even DIY with ModularWalls

Sponsored by ModularWalls

There’s a lot of talk about kerb appeal with good reason. Never underestimate the difference an impressive front facade can make to your home. And with ModularWalls’ EstateWall you can erect a beautiful front fence in a few easy steps which will look a whole lot more expensive than the reality!

EstateWall customised with tiles and lighting

With their largest posts yet, ModularWalls’ EstateWall solution is for those looking to make a sophisticated statement that’s sturdy and won’t cost a bomb. This alternative to a masonry wall can even be installed yourself over a few days for those who are a bit handy!

It’s perfect for front wall, entry walls, premium boundary walls, feature walls and security perimeters. And to give you an idea of the many ways you can use it, we’ve rounded up three case studies for you here:

Coastal barn dream

Lauren Cecil loved the way the product gave a grand entrance to her driveway (above). “I also had the opportunity to play around with it and make it more personal by adding tiles and rendering the walls to make it more our own.”


Lauren talks more about why she chose EstateWall in this short video:

Hamptons Farm Estate

Interior designer Natalee Bowen, of Indah Island, used EstateWall for the boundary of her impressive Hamptons style farm estate in WA. “On driving up to the estate, one of the first things you see is this incredible EstateWall. It just encompasses the whole design of the landscape and gives it that huge, beautiful designer resort feel,” she says.

A DIY front wall

The owner of this Melbourne home, Darren, says: “We looked at a few different wall systems and liked EstateWall the best — as well as the fact that it looked easy enough to do ourselves, it emulated a rendered brick wall with the thickness but was super easy to DIY.”

More about EstateWall from ModularWalls

Australian designed and made, EstateWall offers privacy, security, and noise-reducing capabilities. But if, like us, you’re just as interested in the aesthetics and creating something a little personalised to you and your home, you’ll love the ability to put your own stamp on it too. Let’s face it, it’s not that often you can customise your fence, especially when it’s something modular and easy to install, rather than a more expensive custom solution.

Your only limit is your imagination in some respects! You can add tiles, render, slats, or lighting (from your choice of third party suppliers) and even colour match to the paint of your home’s exterior. ModularWalls themselves also sell a selection of letterboxes and gates.

EstateWall can either be professionally installed or delivered for DIY installation, with installation guides and a customer hotline for any installation questions. 

Could be just the thing for the upcoming long weekend…

For more information

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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