Art Interviews

Ali McNabney-Stevens, art without the snobbery

If you watched Offspring or The Block, you may have coveted Ali McNabney-Stevens’ colourful artwork, which has been in a few magazines recently. Behind the scenes, this very humble Melbourne artist and mum is just delighted to be doing what she loves day in, day out. 


A fellow Pom, she moved here in 2001 after marrying an Australian. “After 5 years in London, he missed the sunshine and we decided to come for 2 years and that was 12 years ago!” There’s no doubt her surroundings have affected her work, with Melbourne’s bustling art scene and cultural diversity a constant inspiration. “Right from the get-go the artistic side of me was fueled. I am a very happy person here and I like to think that my art is happy. It gives me great pleasure in producing it and I guess I hope in turn that it gives others pleasure to hang it on their walls.”


The starting points for her paintings come from all around her. “I think my work comes out of an ongoing dialogue between abstractism, landscapes, flowers, everyday objects and is also informed by my passion for literature. I really do believe that everything you do feeds into the art funnel and once you start the art, it just comes out somehow. Sometimes a beautifully written line in a book can conjure an image in my mind, or simple glassware on my shelf can be enough. More often than not, it is the visual imagery in my mind of a landscape that is so close to my heart, which seems to come to the fore.


Abstract fields of colour leap onto the canvas without me even having to think too hard about what it is I am doing. At art school, there always seemed to be an intellectual snobbery about much of design and contemporary art, which often left me feeling on the periphery. The cry from the tutors would often be “but will it be understood?” For heaven’s sake, one doesn’t have to understand something to wear it or put it on their wall. You just need to love it, want it (buy it!) then enjoy it!”

Her mantra when finishing a work is: “Do I like it? Do I think it works? Do I feel it’s right and does it resonate with me?” If the answers are yes then she’s satisfied. What’s more, Ali definitely subscribes to the Interiors Addict slogan of ‘style without the snobbery’ and having recently produced limited edition prints of 4 of her works, they’re now available at a much more affordable price point.


It is so important for everyone to have some art, which is where price point and affordability are key,” she says, although you can never beat owning the original. “For me, the canvas has a heartbeat. You can see the brush strokes, you can see where something has been reworked, accidents become interesting and if an original artwork really does capture you, then perhaps it is nice to see something new or different each time you look at it.

But the prints were borne out of a need to satisfy demand. My originals take me a long time to produce, so a wait list of 18 months is not ideal for someone wanting instant color on their walls.” She did her research before committing to prints though, choosing one of Melbourne’s top printers, Karl Stamer, as the man for the job. “I am so thrilled with the finished result,” she adds. “I use top quality archival paper and the overall result is breathtakingly good. They are still a boutique offering and people have loved them so far.”

The 4 prints now available to buy
The 4 prints now available to buy

Like many other artists (including Emma Cleine of Lumiere Art + Co who I interviewed recently), it was taking on stylist Julia Green as her mentor and manager that saw awareness of work (and the PR, popularity and sales that followed) grow to the point where she could finally become a full-time artist. “I lived in Hong Kong in my late 20s and it gave me this belief that you can do anything you want. It was a life changer for me. However, after moving countries for the millionth time, the birth of children and getting married, I think life’s practicalities can get in the way and you forget that belief that you had. Julia has reminded me of that belief. She is the client-facing part of this team which leaves me to get on with my studio work. Seeing my work on Offspring and The Block was surreal. Truly!”

Her use of vibrant colour is relatively new, believe it or not. “At art college I was more conservative. Once I got to Melbourne, I went to various art classes and life drawing classes and it seemed to appear. I think overall, colour just makes people feel good. It’s emotive, and it makes me so happy when I’m sent photos of my work in clients’ homes, with comments suggesting they look at it every day and feel happy. Doesn’t get any better than that.

I also find that the color combinations I play with are endless. I am loving exploring the depths of blues and greens at the moment on inky backgrounds. They look iridescent, it’s quite magical.”

Juggling work with being mum to Molly, Louis and Charles (11, 9 and 5 respectively) is probably no different for Ali than most working mothers. “I guess I work hard as an artist between 9am and 3pm (and again after 9pm!) and then flip it to Mamma at 3.30pm. Outsourcing has been essential. I now have a bookkeeper who I refer to as my Fairy Godmother!”

Their family home was originally meant to be a stopgap, but not living in the pristine, finished house Ali dreams of, has turned out to be quite liberating. “I truly believe this house has allowed us to grow not only as a family, but as individuals. Nothing is precious about it. I love Grand Designs and Kevin McCloud and I heard him recently say that sometimes people change houses but sometimes, magically, houses can change people, and that is certainly true of me and my house. It’s allowed me to reinvent myself, be non-precious, grow as an artist and mother and focus all my attentions on what matters.” 

Ali is hoping to branch out into textiles before the year is out. You heard it here first. Watch this space!

The prints cost from $150 to $1020, depending on size, including GST. More information here.


If you’d like to win your choice of one of the 4 limited edition signed prints by Ali (worth $1020), simply comment (with your email so we can contact you) on this interview by midnight on Friday 13 September 2013 to be in with a chance. Winner will be announced next week.


Photography by Armelle Habib, styling by Julia Green.

Read Ali’s blog.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

301 replies on “Ali McNabney-Stevens, art without the snobbery”

I’ve spent the last 12 month or so trying to find the perfect piece of art for my living room. This work is absolutely beautiful…would be the perfect addition to my home!

Yes, yes and yes! I watch Offspring and The Block (religiously!) – and thought that Ali’s artworks were amazing. I have the latest issue of Inside Out Magazine – I was drawn to purchasing the magazine because of the beautiful artwork on the cover, not knowing Ali was the artist! I too used lean more towards the neutral side (funny, as I am a Florist) but within the last few years I have felt a need to surround myself with colour – a home with colour just resonates with happiness, and adds another dimension to an interior. I am drawn to Ali’s Peonies No.4 artwork. I get great joy from creating a floral piece using peonies in their short Australian season, to be able to enjoy them year round through Ali’s artwork would be an absolute pleasure and honour.
[email protected]

I haven’t had a chance to read the magazine yet, just a quick flick through. Beautiful work by both artists 🙂

Ali’s paintings are so vibrant, so full of life. I adore her use of colour and ability to make a print come to life. I can imagine her work lifting the spirit of any home.

Judging by all the comments already Ali’s art’s pretty popular! I love the pop of colour it creates.

Love love loveee Ali’s artworks! I’ve been looking for a long time for a perfect artwork for my house and would really love one of her colourful work.

I love Ali’s mantra – “You just need to love it”. Such a wonderful message to take away from this article. The vibrant colours in Ali’s works would bring delight to any home. I would love to own one of these stunning works by such a talented artist. Thanks for sharing Jen.

[email protected]

What beautiful art and I so agree with Ali, you do need real art in your home. I love the vibrancy of her colour and the movement in her canvases. Just gorgeous, thank Jen, you’ve done it again. @jomitchellxx

Ali your work is simply amazing and the colours you use scream happiness, love and laughter. Thanks Jen for finding all these amazing artists and sharing them with the rest of us!
Enjaye [email protected]

I absolutely love the color combinations and textures used in Ali’s work!!! They would look fantastic in my bedroom, just beautiful 😀 I have just enrolled in interior design and it is great to hear such a fantastic success story 😀

[email protected]

I love the vibrancy of Ali’s work, and one of her prints would be absolutely divine in my new lounge.

Thanks for sharing Jen, I have major envy of most offspring sets, particularly Nina’s house, and am glad to discover Ali’s work and the added bonus that she offers prints! A far more realistic addition to my wishlist. Love your work ladies!

The prints are fabulous and a great idea – I wouldn’t be patient enough to wait 18 months! Gorgeous colours in this artwork would bring summer in faster to anyone’s home. [email protected]

Ali’s artwork is incredible and certainly evokes an emotion of joy and happiness with her use of shape and colour. I absolutely adore white/neutral spaces adorned with pops of vivid colours in the form of artworks. I would love to add one of her works to my home! [email protected]

Gorgeous art and an inspiring story. What a great message to remember that you should create work that you love and trust your instincts! Lovely interview Jen.

Great story on this wonderful colourist. I love Ali’s work and she is doing amazingly well. Her paintings are instantly recognizable and she paints pictures of beauty. Seeing her work so often of late has inspired me to get back into painting!

I love the idea that houses can change people.

I would also add that good houses (with character) change you to be the people you want to be.

I am in the middle of reinvention because of my house, and the master plan for renovations and I find myself personally changing with it.

Gorgeous art Ali. They certainly put me in a dream like state!


I love colour, but tend to lean very neutral when decorating, but can really visualise my pop of colour being one of Ali’s work of arts! They really draw me in. They seem to scream ‘happy’, which is what I want my house to surround me with.
[email protected]

LOVE. I have been on the search for the right art, at the right price. How I would LOVE to win one of these beautiful prints. And i am sure that hubby and my 4 kids will fall in love too. Ali: amazing work. Jen: thanks for the opportunity xx

What an amazing interview with an amazing, inspirational artist. Lovely to see her work in Inside Out and with Kip & Co, another company I am drawn to for their use of vibrant colours. I would love one of Ali’s pieces for my home, especially knowing the full story behind the work now.

Thanks Jen!


What a talented woman Ali is! Seems so down to earth and in touch with her work too. I’m just beginning my art collection (a humble one!) and this would be a wonderful and colourful addition to my unit. Would be such an honour to own a piece of Ali’s work.
[email protected]

Great Interview. I have hoped to one day own one of Ali’s Originals, she is one of my favourite artists at the moment. I would love the chance to win one of the prints they look amazing and would fit in my house perfectly!

[email protected]

It would be truly lovely to win one of Ali’s beautiful prints. Someone’s going to be very lucky…

I have recently moved to Melbourne & have been searching for art that will brighten my walls & is quintessentially Melbourne. I’ve found it & would love to own it! Beautiful work Ali!

Such vibrant, energetic and refreshing pieces of work. The art reflects the essences of Ali’s life. The distinctive nature of the pieces incomparable and it would be incredible to own one.
[email protected]

Happy, uplifting, soft outlines making it easy on the eye. Oh how I would LOVE to have Ali’s work on my wall. But what else resonated with me was her comment about Art School and “intellectual snobbery” – we are so lucky Ali believed in herself and pursued her passion. Now we have gorgeous works to appreciate. Thank you Ali. And thank you Interiors Addict for sharing.

I’m a huge fan of Ali’s beautiful paintings and to be able to bring a room to life with one of her works would be an absolute dream come true. Thanks Jen 🙂

Gorgeous work, love her use of feminine colours pinks & purples – really pops out on the lovely grey wall!

What a beautiful story! I absolutely love your work Ali, it’s so vibrant, fresh and uplifting. When I first saw your art on The Block I thought I would love her work all over my house,, then seeing it on Offspring made me want it even more! Great to hear prints are available which are more affordable 🙂
Thanks for sharing this Ali and Interiors Addict x

I like Ali believe that Art should be available to everyone that it brings joy to. For years I have scouted the globe for artist unknown or up and coming to buy affordable works of art for clients. I am so pleased to see that a talented and passionate artist is painting to bring joy to people who love to be surrounded by Art purely for pleasure, emotion and sheer happiness that I know art work brings. I would be honoured and excited to display and enjoys one of Ali’s works in my home.
Thanks Jen for introducing me to these vibrant Art works.xx

Thank you so much for this article! I have a fairly new home and want to add warmth and character with some art to cover the very white walls. It just all seems so expensive and there is this perception to be valuable art it needs to cost the equivalent of a small car. Ali has made it seem so uncomplicated with her view that you just need to like it. Her art and attitude are refreshing and encouraging.

Stunning use of colours! Would look amazing down my blank canvas entrance as a feature. Thanks for the introduction!

I’m such a big fan of Ali’s! Love her use of colour so so much & would love one of her beautiful pieces in my home. Fingers crossed Xxxx

I’ve been searching for a surprise to cheer up my very stressed out better half and these are perfect! What a stunning range. Thank you Interiors Addict for sending on my way to win boyfriend of the year.

I already have a peonies print on its way to me (hopefully arriving any day now – cant wait!!), but would love one of the others too! After spending a ton if time searching for something for my first very own(ed) flat, I knew I had found the right artist with Ali. Thanks so much Ali for creating something so gorgeous!!

[email protected]
Love, love love. My living room wall has been bare for 7 years, waiting for the right adornment and Ali, this is it!
Another wonderful Australian artist we can be so proud of!
Cheers to you!

Such lovely works of art. They are charming, inviting and warm. I adore the fabulous colours of her works……and her fab outfit of colourful layers. Thank you Jen for the great article and introduction to Ali’s work. As ‘homes can change people’, her artwork would definitely change my home and me. [email protected]

LOVE Ali’s work! And my lounge room would love her work even more – I have a wall waiting for a POP of colour and one of Ali’s pieces would be perfection!

We are beginning our renovation in December and Ali’s work sums us up. I am a cake shop owner with an art background…looking for a piece that we can all connect with and Ali’s does this. After all beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Lovely, cheery work. I appreciate when artists creat prints of their work as for most of us it is a real luxury. Well done on her success!

Such amazing work! Love the colours used in her work and would absolutely love one hanging on my wall xx

What a great interview! I went to art school to and completely relate to what Ali said about trying to create meaning just to satisfy tutors. Ali your works vibrant and inspiring! That’s what people want to be surrounded by! Congrats on the success! x

Her paintings are pretty special not just because of the colours and shapes but the feelings behind the canvas really pop and makes you feel so grateful for her creativity

Ali is very inspiring and is such a success! She is recognised and loved for her work. We love her style and individuality of her art.

What colourful and vibrant works of art … a fabulous adornmentfor any wall!
Would simply love to own one.

Its always so wonderful meeting the artist behind the art and seeing why their artwork is so beautiful….it really does reflect the soul.

Love Ali’s work. So nice to see a beautiful look at the everyday. What an inspiration that we should all add to our day.

Ali’s work would add life to any room and home

Beautiful Colours, beautiful brush-strokes. I would defintately be proud to display this in my home as a real focal point

How gorgeous is the artwork featured in the photo with Ali! Had to chuckle though… I met my Pom in 2001 and love painting abstract canvases too. Would be priveledged to have this art hung on my wall.

I just love this artwork, the vibrant colour brings such life to the paininting. It would be the best center piece for any room!

The appeal of Ali’s art is that it first touches me on a visceral level, and then as I ponder it understanding grows.. Art becomes much more personal when we attach our own perceptions to an art form.

I totally agree with lots of what Ali says – you don’t have to ‘understand’ a piece of art to buy it. If it triggers an emotion in you, that’s enough. Hang it on your wall, and it will sing to you every day! I’d love to have one of Ali’s pieces sing to me:) [email protected]

They are just beautiful. I have been encouraging my sister to get a piece for her new house… maybe the prints will be the answer.

Ohhh my goodness, i just burst with excitement at the thought of possinly winning one of Ali’s AMAZING works!!!! Super dooper stupendous fan right here, would love to be able to put one of her pieces in my new home!! 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity Jen! x
[email protected]

Ali’s work is spectacular, I adore colour and would love to have one of these prints in my home. I can imagine looking at it every morning, what a perfect way to start!

Ali’s artwork is refreshing and upbeat.
They are vibrant, strong but yet sweet!
Yellow, pink, green and blues,
Are my favourite hues,
And would make my living room complete!

The colours in these prints make me want to dance! They would brighten up my white space like nothing else and I would adore having one of these artworks in my hot little hands.
Heather x
[email protected]

We are leaving a much loved home and I’d love to have one of Ali’s uplifting and energetic artworks to take with us to our new home.

Colour, its just divine. Love love love!!
I have no art on my walls yet, waiting for the right piece to come to me, this might be it!

Brilliant. I love to see a mum being able to balance her creative and work life with family. Fabulous colours.

What a great story about someone following their passion. Love the colours she combines and the life she gets into her work.

I am so hopeful and excited at the thought of an Ali McNabey-Stevens in my house! Sending positive vibes.

what an inspiration to those of us seeking our inner creativeness!! And what better way to inject happiness than with gorgeous, bright pops of colour on the wall! today i am dusting off the art diary and paints 🙂 Thank you for the motivation and inspiration!

I love Ali’s work!!! So Beautiful 🙂 Would love to win one of these prints to put on my bedroom wall, how lovely to wake up to every morning! Would brighten up my day instantly x

[email protected]

Thanks for such an inspiring interview. I too am a mother and work in the Design industry. Since becoming a mum I feel I need some great inspiration to get me back into the Interior design frame of mind. Ali manages to create such vibrant, fresh graphics whilst caring for her three children and the up keep of her home. After reading and seeing this article I’m feeling motivated to get involved. I love Ali’s works of art and would use it in my home as constant motivation to be a good mum and a good designer.
Thanks x

I love these paintings. Good to see so many other people do to! It’s way to easy to be scared of adding such vibrant colour to your living space – but doesn’t it make you happy when you do!

Wow! What lovely pieces. Her happy demeanor is definitely reflected in her gloriously colourful artwork. I love art and I couldn’t agree more with her thoughts about art snobery! Sometimes you just like what you like! I could look at these images all day! sigh.
Thanks for sharing them with us!

I admire Ali and her stunning work so much. It is vibrant, warm and engaging. I find myself lost in the colours and so happy to sit and stare. More intriguing I admire her ability to follow her dreams and combine it with being a Mum. [email protected]

My partner and I are currently planning to move into our first home together and I am looking for the perfect piece of art to replace the Real Madrid framed jersey that is currently sitting above the bedhead…please help!
Ali’s work is fab and would make the perfect addition to our bedroom. x

Great article Jen!

I’ve been following Ali for a while now and absolutely adore who work. I am currently redecorating our home and would love to make one of Ali’s creations the focal point of the living room. Fingers crossed 🙂
Have a great day.
[email protected]

I love that Ali has evolved her craft to meet her customer’s wants and needs, and that she’s creating work that she feels, instead of simply following what she was taught. Art doesn’t need to be overthought – it’s an expression of emotion and creativity.
[email protected]

Wow, so much goodness and creativity comes from Melbourne. I love, love, love her work. I hope I am one of the lucky winners. If not, I will be in touch anyway as I would love one of these to adorn our walls of our new duplex.

Love Ali’s work, it is so uplifting…who wouldn’t want to wake and see it everyday? It just makes you smile and to read the post and learn that it comes from someone so grounded who genuinely loves what they do makes it all the more appealing. Thanks for making the search for great art a little easier! Can’t wait to read the 2013 affordable art post too. Fingers crossed.

Absolutely love the colours, as they invoke the feeling of summer and lightness, peace and space. The perfect complement to a white Queensland house. Wishing, hoping that my email comes up as winner!! [email protected]

What an inspiration!
As a lover of Ali’s beautiful pieces and a working mother myself I felt completely inspired, not only to fill my walls with these lovely artworks but to finally take those art classes I’ve been dreaming of. Thank you Ali for sharing with us your wonderful talent!

Dear Ali, we just moved to Perth from the Netherlands. Your stunning art reminds me of Holland, greens for the grass, blues for the sky, pinks and yellows for the flowers.. But they also show me the beauty Australia has to offer, bright blue skies and a gorgeous blue sea and a lot of happiness as my children love the outdoor living here. Love the idea of fabrics, the possibilities are endless, good luck!

I have been admiring Ali’s artwork for months! Absolutley love the colour, will brighten any room. Thanks for the great interview.

This art is so beautiful and happy! I absolutely love all of Ali’s paintings – they bring a smile to my face!

Everything time I see Ali’s name pop up I’m so intrigued to see the piece of work that is attached to the post! She is so amazing. Love her art, her attitude and her mantra! She definitely captures ‘a brightness’ in her works. Great article too! [email protected]

Thank you Jen for once again sharing precious finds with us all in this interview with Ali. I prefer art to be uplifting and a tireless talking point, something that is loved year in, year out without becoming tiresome or passe. I have pieces that I can stare at day in, day out, year in, year out and still love and am inspired by them, just like walking through a garden daily, appreciating each new growth on every plant. Ali’s work fills my category in every way, for as a designer who in not afraid to use colour, a home is meant to be pleasurable, where one and one’s family and friends can find peace and joy and not restlessness and angst. I also appreciate Ali’s comment that her home changed her to appreciate and enjoy that which she has as she found the inner beauty of its nature. Kudos!

Beautiful article and amazing pieces. Loving her passion for art and especially colour, but I particularly love how she prioritises her family. Very inspiring story and art!

I’ve been looking for the perfect piece of art for almost four years, but I can never make a decision or find something that feels right. The minute I saw this post I fell in love with Ali’s work. So much colour, vibrancy and energy…Ali’s work is amazing! I can’t think of anything better to hang in my home!

One word – Love!!!
Thanks Jen for the art posts, they’re definitely satisfying my craving for all things art!

I just adore Ali’s work. It’s so vibrant and would light up any room. Her work be such a talking point in my Dining Room! It would be such a conversation starter!!!

For years the only glorious artwork I have had around my house is from my two girls (which I love and cherish!) and have really never got around to purchasing our first ‘real’ piece of artwork. I have been waiting for something that reflects me and my husband (of course!) and our lifestyle. We love colour!! and our bedroom has an aqua blue wall waiting for that perfect piece to hang proudly. I love Ali’s work….so fingers crossed!! : )

When I first wanted to start painting I was so lost, I had always thought of myself as a creative person but also a very structured and often unable to let loose so my paintings weren’t exactly turning out how I wanted them too. I sent Ali a message on Facebook and she replied with some amazing advice that got me going! Thanks to Ali I was able to create some paintings I love. Saying that though, they are not a print signed by Ali!

What a beautiful interview girls!
I feel so encouraged this morning by reading this blog post – I snuck in a quick sneaky read while I’m at work 😉
The constant balance of being a mum/working/pursuing dreams is one we all juggle at different times and it’s lovely to hear a true tale from time to time of someone who is blessed to have found their ‘happy spot’ for all three!
Thank you. xxx

My wife Rebecca just loves Ali’s work – she has shown me her website numerous times during the airing of The Block and Offspring, and she also showed me this competition – I can see her comment towards the top of the page. She understands that artwork isn’t in our budget in the near future, and I would love to win this for her. I know that she would be so very appreciative (that’s probably an understatement!).

[email protected]

Ali’s work is so cheerful and colourful. I would love to add one of Ali’s pieces to my home.

As a creative sole and a new mother it’s easy to get bogged down with the day-to-day hustle and bustle.
Ali has shown me being a successful creative and an awesome mum can be done. This article has inspired me to start embracing my creativity again.
Her works are divine, uplifting and positive… just AMAZING!!!

[email protected]

I have coveted Ali’s work for a while now and picture her artwork on the walls of my (imaginary) dream house!!

I’m an abstract addict and fell in love with Ali’s paintings on The Block. To have one of Ali’s prints in my life would make my house sing.

I’m an emerging designer, so I’m inspired by her journey and also her involvement with the legendary Julia Green. I hope to achieve such success one day.

Ali, I was an Offspring fanatic and I always loved and noticed the artwork in Nina’s bedroom. Its so nice to know who the artist is now. Your style is very vibrant and energetic and I love the composition of your prints. I love hearing stories about people following their dreams!

I’m not a huge fan of most art, I generally like to hang pictures of family and friends on my walls, but your art work makes me feel completely differently! I feel happy looking at it. I would love a piece in my home.

Beautiful works – and beautiful to read a story about someone doing something they love. Inspiring!

Ali’s art makes me feel simply happy!! Unpretentious and joyous, who couldn’t do with more joy in their home. After reno budget blowout I am so sick of bare walls…… bring me some happy 🙂

Absolutely love the colours, they make for such a happy day! One of these beauties on my wall and I’d be working from home every day 🙂 Great post and thanks for the chance to win.
[email protected]

What stunning and uplifting artwork from a truly talented (and busy) lady. Your pieces are contemporary yet timeless (if you can be both;)). I loved reading about where your inspiration comes from – beauty comes from everywhere. I wish you every success and look forward to seeing more of your work in the future!
[email protected]

Now who wouldn’t want Ali’s artwork on their walls! I can defintitely say with reference to all of Ali’s pieces – ‘I love it’, ‘I want it (buy it!)’ and I would most certainly enjoy seeing your artwork on my walls! Any piece would make a gorgeous vibrant feature on my walls. Well done on making your art affordable in the way of good quality prints in order to meet your customer’s demands and make them happy too! [email protected]

If I could muster all my emotions & mix them with my dreams & desires, and project them onto canvas… I would end up with one of your incredibly inspiring artworks on my wall. I don’t know how you connect with an artwork, or a piece of music, or an item of clothing – but when you do, it’s incredibly comforting & exciting.
Thank you for expressing such relatable pieces in a way that only you can. You’re an amazing artist, and a true inspiration for working Mums!

Beautiful, beautiful art which obviously depicts Ali’s beautiful nature. Her art is on my wish list 🙂

Brave? Bold! Can’t go wrong with colour!
How do you pick a favourite? Love them all!!
Great article. I have 3 children about the same age & i want to start painting again. Ispirational – thank you. It’s lovely to find out about the artist, it helps you appreciate your print a little more…. 🙂

Absolutely stunning artwork, I would cherish any of these pieces, being a single parent with one child with Autism, and a severe back injury of my own, I couldn’t afford one of these stunning pieces, but to look at one of these every day would lift my spirits and show me that someone actually does care what I go thru… Even if I don’t win, I’m blessed for you to have seen these stunning paintings’!
Thank you for the opportunity :))

Such gorgeous graceful colours expressed in such a beautiful way!!! How could one of these paintings not look good anywhere – I looooovvvveee these paintings!!!

Love Love Love Ali’s work. The vibrancy of colour and choice of medium always amaze me. So talented!

Great interview Jen, as always, and what a great story. An inspiring woman is Ali, and now she has tapped into a market that certainly appreciates her work, but may not have the finances (or time) to purchase her canvases, bravo. I covet like crazy every one of her pieces, would be thrilled to win a gorgeous print – Spring on the walls.

Ali’s work does something to me. The colours are so stimulating and beautiful, It would make me skip around all day with a beaming smile on my face if I was lucky enough to win : )

I am a ‘mature aged’ interior design student and needed inspiration for an assignment designing a residential interior. Enter Ali and her lovely artwork. My design is orientated around her gorgeous colour schemes which would complement so many homes, including mine! Happy to hear she’s a fellow pom too!!

What vibrant, happy, spirited pieces! My little 5 year old girl is steadfastly determined to become an artist when she grows up. This would be such a fantastic inspiration for her (by a wonderful role model) and a daily reminder of the possibilities held in her hopes and dreams, a goal worth striving for!

These prints are stunning!! Peonies are my favourite and I adore the peonies print, it would look gorgeous against my pressed tin walls x

I have just discovered your lovely blog, and was excited to read about the article on Ali. I have researched her art work numbers of times, since seeing it featured on Offspring and The Block. What a coincidence! Her art is so vibrant, up-lifting and beautiful! Ali’s work inspires me to be at being creative in my home. I would be so pleased to win such a gorgeous piece of art work. It would be amazing.

Thank you for a great article featuring a fabulous atrist. Her work is beautiful – I’ll be keeping an eye out for her work in the future.

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