
Ex Country Road stylist starts online homewares store Sage and Clare

Phoebe Bell threw in her job as a stylist for Country Road to pursue her dream of an online homewares store with an emphasis on the handmade, bohemian and artisanal.

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I already want half the things she’s selling, and when they’re as beautifully styled and photographed as this, it’s very easy to buy into the look! The store is only a week old, so my advice is to get in quick before everyone wants one of everything!

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With a small stash of savings and partner Chris’s support, Phoebe headed for India, where she designed and collected homewares and accessories to start Sage and Clare.

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I came home, turned my humble home into a studio and spent a year photographing and styling all the products, while building the website on the side,” she says. “Web building and photography have been steep learning curves and I’m still learning every day! My aim is to inspire people with homewares and accessories that celebrate uniqueness and craftsmanship, with most of our items being handmade or one-off pieces.”

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Phoebe Bell
Phoebe Bell

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It’s not just a few cushions and rugs (although there are plenty of them, thank goodness!), there’s everything from furniture and upcycled accessories to mirrors, art and bed linen. Outside of homewareas, you’ll also find bath robes, bags and jewellery. It’s a lovely place for an online window shop!

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What’s in a name? Well, Phoebe’s twin sister Jemma’s middle name is Sage and hers is Clare. “She is not directly involved but I liked the idea of naming the business after both of us,” says Phoebe. “Chris and I own the business and Jemma, who lives in London, has done the branding for us.”

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Shop Sage and Clare online.

Photography and styling by Phoebe Bell.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

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