Bedrooms Expert Tips Kids Rooms

How to: make a children’s teepee for under $30!

Am I the only adult out there to be so excited by teepees? Seriously, where were these when I was a kid?! These days, going by Pinterest and Instagram, teepees are a staple for any nursery or kids room. So it was only a matter of time before we had a DIY go at Interiors Addict!


Step 1: Pick up Supplies


  • 4x dowel rods (120cm each)
  • Tablecloth/ fabric (120cm x 365cm)
  • Rope (1 metre)


  • Drill + 6.5mm drill bit
  • Sandpaper
  • Needle
  • Cotton

If you are wanting to make a teepee on the cheap and avoid shelling out on fabric, I raided my grandmother’s linen closet and found a plethora of options. You can really use anything; bed sheets, quilt covers, curtains, the options are endless. In my case, I opted for a lace table cloth number which worked perfectly and eliminated me needing to learn how to sew. I do like a little boho vibe, so lace it was!

Step 2: Drill rope holes

Sand down dowel rods and any rough edges with a piece of sandpaper. Make a small mark on each dowel around 10cm from the top and mark with an x. Carefully drill one hole in each dowel. If you aren’t confident with power tools, ask someone to help you.


Step 3: Framing

Thread the rope through all the holes (it’s easier if you wrap some sticky tape around the end of the rope to help it fit through the holes). Once the rope is threaded through, tie a knot firmly then wrap the rope around a few more times. Establish equal spacing between the dowels to make your teepee even on all sides. Once you have equal spacing, wrap the rope around a few more times and tie a secure knot.



Step 4: Sewing!

Drape the fabric around the outside of the structure. Once you’re happy with how it sits, begin sewing. I wrapped the fabric around each pole and sewed up the inside of the pole through the holes already in the lace so you can’t see any of the stitching. Sew up the inside of all four posts to ensure the fabric is secure.

Step 5: Style away

Set up your teepee wherever you chose and get styling! Our friends at Cotton On Kids were kind enough to lend us some of my favourite products from their latest range to help out.



If DIY isn’t your thing and you’re after a teepee Etsy has your back with a heap of choices.

–Kathryn Bamford is our girl on the ground in Melbourne; you can follow her DIY & design adventures on Instagram @thedesignrookie.

By Kathryn Bamford

Long time contributor Kathryn Bamford is a Sydney-based interior designer and co-owner of The Wholefoods Refillery. Follow her adventures on Instagram at @kathryn_bamford

6 replies on “How to: make a children’s teepee for under $30!”

I agree, where were the teepees when I was a kid!? I did drape a sheet over the clothes line out the back when I was young though… this DIY looks so cute and simple. 🙂

Nina xo |

I used some bamboo cut from a friend’s back yard (that they were pulling out) instead of the dowel rods – even cheaper option and looks fab!

This is a really great idea for my daughter when she comes to stay with me. The look on her face will be so happy when she see’s what dad’s made for her. I’ll have to get the rods from a hardware store. Thanks so much for a really terrific idea.

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