
Isn’t it time you got all that artwork framed?

Decorate your home without the need of a hammer or drill and without damaging your walls with 3M Command Picture Hanging Strips, which hold up to 7kg. Visit for decorating inspiration and the chance to win some great prizes.


There are certain jobs we all struggle to get around to: sorting out the spare bedroom, organising the laundry cupboard and, in my case, getting artwork framed.

I finally framed this precious Megan Hess illustration of me as a bride to be

The cluster of cardboard tubes in the corner of my home office has been getting out of hand lately. And it struck me that it’s all kinds of wrong to purchase beautiful things for your walls and then leave them rolled up where you, and nobody else, can enjoy them. So I got tough with myself and promised myself I would get at least 3 things framed this month. This has at least made a dent in the collection (I swear those cardboard tubes are breeding!)

Let’s face it, professional framing is pricey. It’s absolutely worth it for an original, precious piece, but I’m talking about prints here, so I didn’t necessarily need to spend that much. That said, you don’t want to put something lovely in an off-the-shelf frame that almost fits and ruin the overall look. While those IKEA RIbba frames are good for a lot of things, not everything fits them and you might want a different colour or style of frame.

I think I’ve found a happy medium with Frame Shop. It’s not the best looking website you’ve ever seen but don’t let that put you off! The prices are really reasonable. You can order frames and matts of your choice (from loads of options) to your custom requirements and they’re delivered to your door by courier. So you don’t even need to leave the house and find a picture framer. I know you’re all busy! I was really happy with the quality, and I should stress they don’t even know I’m writing about them!

The finished result is almost as good as professional framing at a fraction of the cost

I got these babies up on the wall the same day using 3M Command’s genius Picture Hanging Strips (the large ones can hold up to 7kgs) giving me an extra smug feeling of “I finally got that job done” last weekend! I do think the commitment of bashing nails into walls puts us off hanging our art too, perhaps until we find the perfect spot. That’s no longer an excuse either, as you can remove these strips without a trace if you change your mind or it doesn’t look right.

So, is it just me or do you also have all sorts of things in tubes which you haven’t got around to, or think you can’t afford to, get framed?

Off you go, no more excuses!

This post is part of a Nuffnang native advertising series.

Decorate your home without the need of a hammer or drill and without damaging your walls with 3M Command Picture Hanging Strips, which hold up to 7kg. Visit for decorating inspiration and the chance to win some great prizes.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

7 replies on “Isn’t it time you got all that artwork framed?”

Thanks Jen, very timely post for me. I have some gorgeous French tropical prints I was going to put in white ‘Ribba’ frames, and they inform me the size I want is discontinued!! Great! I’ll have a look at Frame Shop now. The only problem Ive found with those command hooks is that they sometimes pull the paint and plaster off the walls and the whole lot lands on the floor!

The picture hanging STRIPS (rather than hooks) are designed specifically for frames so I think you might have more success with them, especially as, if you use 2 or 4, the weight is distributed. Good luck!

I use Target frames a lot when I need reasonably priced framing for clients. They have some lovely options with double mats. Another trick is that most local framing shops will cut just the mat for you at a really reasonable price – it means you can buy a generic frame but have a more interesting mat cut for it. x

Oooh, this has made me feel guilty about all my cardboard tube stash. Now I’m motivated to go and do something about it!

Thanks for the hot tip on the frame shop online! I had a look at them a while back but wasn’t sure about the quality, so didn’t end up ordering. Wish I did now as my latest prints have cost a bomb to have framed!

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