
Isn’t it time you got all that artwork framed?

Decorate your home without the need of a hammer or drill and without damaging your walls with 3M Command Picture Hanging Strips, which hold up to 7kg. Visit for decorating inspiration and the chance to win some great prizes.


There are certain jobs we all struggle to get around to: sorting out the spare bedroom, organising the laundry cupboard and, in my case, getting artwork framed.

I finally framed this precious Megan Hess illustration of me as a bride to be

The cluster of cardboard tubesĀ in the corner of my home office has been getting out of hand lately. And it struck me that it’s all kinds of wrong to purchase beautiful things for your walls and then leave them rolled up where you, and nobody else, can enjoy them. So I got tough with myself and promised myself I would get at least 3 things framed this month. This has at least made a dent in the collection (I swear those cardboard tubes are breeding!)