Design Expert Tips Interviews Styling

Julia Green’s new coffee table book is a gorgeous celebration of colour

Part travel compendium, part colour celebration, Vivid: Style in Colour is a gorgeous new interiors coffee table book compiled by interior stylist and colour queen Julia Green alongside her long-time collaborator, the photographer Armelle Habib. 

“The fear of colour and using it is palpable. I speak to people every day that are scared of colour and don’t know where to start. So, after 11 years of styling and writing about colourful interiors, it was time to put it all together and create a ‘bible’ that would hopefully instil people with colour confidence,” says Julia, who embarked on the project with Armelle during Melbourne’s gruelling first COVID-19 lockdown.

The book includes eight chapters divided by colour – orange, red, blue, green, pink, yellow, neutrals and black – and it’s filled with plenty of gorgeous interiors and practical advice alongside travel vignettes that illustrate how different palettes are interwoven in our lives. And with international travel off the cards for a while yet, it’s a wonderful escape for those suffering with wanderlust.

“Armelle, my collaborator, and I have both travelled extensively and really wanted to share some of our favourite images. It’s like armchair travel which is more pertinent now than ever before,” says Julia. 

Gathered over a decade, from all corners of the globe, Armelle’s beautiful travel photographs showcase how colour is used around the world. There’s the blues and greens of Sicily, that reference the Mediterranean, and the bold bright shades that are an antidote to the desert surrounds in Morocco. “Colour is a universal language, but each country uses it differently, so it was fascinating to see the colours emerge, and understand why,” says Julia.

Brimming with inspiration and practical advice there’s short essays on colour in styling and design as well as an exploration of the science of colour and colour psychology. There’s also information about using colour to connect or divide spaces, layering colour for depth and texture as well as building your confidence around embracing the colour spectrum.

“There is a lot to say about the psychology of colour but in the end, colour is emotive – it is energy made visible. I like to think that each colour represents an emotion and to ensure the colours selected match the mood you want for a space,” says Julia.

The book also features interviews with leading colour proponents including Martyn Thomson (Sydney), Jessica Bettenay (Melbourne), Marielle Ienna (Palermo), Los Enamorados (Ibiza) and the fabulous LRNCE from Marrakech. “It made sense to capture some of our favourite designers from across the globe that are colour confident and give the images some rigour with words and advice on how to break it down for people to use in their own homes,” says Julia.

And as for Julia’s favourite colours, she explains that it’s like choosing a favourite child. “If I had to narrow it down  I’d select green for the ‘life’ it represents and the energy it brings to a room,” says Julia who is a massive fan of pink too, in all its many iterations. “I love its versatility and find it is a colour that works back with so many others as a companion. Both bright and soft versions bring different things to the table, but I am up for them all.”

Julia’s top five colour tips

  • Only surround yourself with what you love and don’t listen to others – it’s your space.
  • Start slowly with colour. You can easily build on it but it’s always harder to edit.
  • Use old fashioned magazine cut outs, Pinterest or even social media to collect images you love and look for colour patterns within them. Often the answers are within your own instincts.
  • Seek professional advice for bigger decisions, if you need reassurance before outlaying large sums of money.
  • Pantone has an excellent app that will show you companion colours if you are unsure of what to use when pairing them up.

Photography: Armelle Habib

Buy the book online

Designers Homewares Styling

Modern Retro Home by Mr Jason Grant: how to mix old and new

When stylist Mr Jason Grant started working on his third book, he wasn’t sure what the finished product would be. While he knew the book had to be informative and of course beautiful, it wasn’t until he and photographer Lauren Bamford started shooting houses that he found its theme.

“The working title of book three wasn’t Modern Retro Home,” explains Jason. “But this best summed up the type of houses I gravitated towards. For the book we shot houses of many creative friends and colleagues, that really showcased contemporary Australian homes that mix old and new, modern and retro.”

Mr Jason Grant

It’s a style close to his heart: “I have always been a fan of mixing old with new for layered interiors that evolve over time.” The book is a culmination of the tips and tricks Jason has learnt from 10-plus years of styling. “This book is super hard working with lots of information on every page,” says Jason. “You can open it at any page for a how-to. Each image I deconstruct and explain why this room worked and what the idea is behind it.”

A go-to guide for any budget, Modern Retro Home takes you inside the abodes of those who effortlessly blend modern furniture with vintage pieces — think geometric patterns, neon colours and such items as record players and old-fashioned radios.

Organised into chapters according to each room of the house, the images are captioned by Jason with information on how the room is styled and why it worked. There are also plenty of styling tips on how to choose the right colour, shape, pattern and texture, focal points, scale and lighting.

Despite its adventure into the past, don’t expect to find tired-looking rooms in this book! Get your hands on Modern Retro Home ($49.99) now.

For stockists | Our fave designers

House Rules

frankie magazine’s SPACES volume 3 interiors book sneak peek

frankie’s house-loving interiors book, SPACES, is back with Volume Three, promising to be as busting with good stuff as ever.


Released last week, it features homes and homes-away-from-home from all around Australia – from inner-city Melbourne to sunny Alice Springs. They’ve also made a hop, skip and a jump across the Tasman to visit some spaces in New Zealand, and meet the creative Kiwis who live in them.


What makes these places special is the time, care and imagination taken to piece them together – whether they’re an eclectic share house, a travelling van, a tiny flat, or a rural gem.


Buy online for $24.95.

Take a look at the videos below for a peek at some of the creative folk and places you’ll discover inside the pages of SPACES.

spaces (volume three) by frankie magazine. on sale now! from frankie magazine on Vimeo.

Designers Homewares Styling

Stylist Tim Neve’s book takes clichés out of coastal interiors

Believing coastal decorating had become extremely cliché, stylist Tim Neve decided to take matters into his own hands, writing the new interiors book, Sandcastles.

“When you hear the phrase coastal decorating, I don’t blame you if you shudder,” says Tim. “For too long, faux starfish and mass-produced Gone Fishin’ signs have reigned supreme and muddied the waters of what should be the clearest, most authentic inspiration in home styling.”


Beautifully designed, Sandcastles sees Tim explore many versions of coastal style: from the elegant, salt-bleached driftwood neutrals of Beachcomber and the retro zing of Endless Summer to the rich velvets and vintage collections of Bohemian and the lush tropical foliage of Islander.

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As an avid collector of vintage wares, Tim uses statement pieces and salvaged objects to achieve timeless interiors. Drawing on inspiration from his surroundings, Sandcastles encourages you to do the same. Interwoven throughout, Tim has also provided a wealth of practical advice, moodboards, colour palettes, stylist’s tips and insider secrets.


Newcastle-based Tim is the creative force behind Australian Coastal Home magazine and has spent most of the past decade working in styling and writing features for magazines including Real Living, Home Ideas, Country Home Ideas and Modern Home.

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Sandcastles is published by Murdoch Books and retails for $49.99. Available for purchase online.

Interiors Addict

Adore Home mag gets printed!

We love online here (obviously!) but as someone who spent the majority of their journalism career working on printed newspapers and magazines, I have a definite soft spot for paper and ink and always will! Loni Parker, from online interiors mag Adore Home has printed a special annual version and you can get your hands on it (literally!) from today (if you didn’t already pre-order)!

The printed Adore annual
The printed Adore annual

The annual is graphic designer Loni’s second crowdfunded project (through Pozible) after her coffee table book last year.

Find it in newsagents across the country and select homewares stores, as well as the Adore online shop.

Designers Expert Tips Styling

7 Vignettes inspiration from Greg Natale as his book launches

Greg Natale’s wonderful book, The Tailored Interior, launches today, and we couldn’t be more excited! I’m a long time fan of Greg’s and he was one of the first interior designers I interviewed for this blog more than three years ago. I have come to know Greg and his award-winning work well so I was very honoured last year, when he asked if I’d help him with his first (of many, I’m sure) book. As a writer and an interiors addict, it was a bit of a dream come true, and to finally see this book in all its hard cover glory is such a thrill (it just wasn’t the same in Word doc and PDF format)! It’s out today and call me biased, but I thoroughly recommend you buy a copy!


It’s a given that this book is full of stunning imagery (by renowned interiors photographer, Anson Smart) but what’s really exciting is that almost all of it has never been published or seen anywhere before. I know keeping this work, which he is extremely proud of, under wraps, was a big challenge for Greg, but I think he made the right call. I expect people will be surprised and impressed by the way in which Greg’s work has evolved. While it’s still clearly his style, it really has moved on and I think it’s exciting and a real treat for readers.

It’s not just pretty pictures either, although we all love them! Having worked on the words with Greg, I learned so much, which I am now constantly applying to my own home! Whether it’s contrast, scale, colour and pattern, cohesion or even just the starting point that has you baffled, you can learn from Greg’s easy to follow advice, tips and tricks. There’s also a great directory of places to shop, both here in Australia, overseas and online. The foreword is by the fabulous Jonathan Adler.

To celebrate the book launch today (published by Hardie Grant and available in all good book shops), Greg has exclusively shared with us these seven images (above) from the book featuring styled vignettes, which he hopes will give you some inspiration for this month’s Instagram challenge, which also starts today. Thanks, Greg!

Some places you can buy The Tailored Interior online now: Angus & Robertson, Book Depository and Booktopia.

Designers Interviews The Block

Interview: Darren Palmer on his new book, Easy Luxury

Darren Palmer’s first book is out on Monday. I got my hands on a preview copy of Easy Luxury and let me tell you, I am seriously impressed. I asked Darren about the story and inspiration behind the book and how on earth he managed to juggle writing it with being a judge on The Block, a dad and an interior designer! Keeping it real as ever, he reveals how he lost it when he got his hands on the first copy, how some of his best ideas came to him in the shower and how his hectic diary looks a little like a game of Tetris…


The title seems a good place to start. Does luxury have to mean expensive? “No way! It has nothing to do with spending a lot of money. Luxury to me is about having something that fits me perfectly — something that suits me better than anything else would because it’s been created in response to my particular needs and desires,” he says. “The other luxuries for me are choice and time. Time with family, time to unwind and time to see new and inspiring things. Money does buy you more choices but you need to understand how to filter those choices so that the things you choose work for you.”

Jennifer Hawkins' home, from Easy Luxury
Jennifer Hawkins’ home, from Easy Luxury

Darren has spent the last couple of years contributing to magazines like GQ and Grand Designs Australia and words have always come quite easily to him. “I started to feel like I had a good tone and something of worth to say. As my experience has grown, so too has my desire to share some of my knowledge. I started checking with publishers early last year and was grateful to have Murdoch pick up the book.”

I believe he has achieved his desire to write a comprehensive book that demystifies the design process, explaining things in easy terms that everyone can understand, while also sharing some advanced ideas and concepts. “I don’t use jargon or over-complicate things and there is no single correct answer given to design and decoration challenges in the book. I wanted to deliver foundations and fundamentals to anyone who would like to understand why good design is good, so they can create beautiful and functional spaces for themselves, to suit their own lives and families.”


Understanding these principles can help everyone have the luxury of good design. “When you understand the principles behind great design, you can interpret how it can fit and assist you in the creation of your perfect home. Living in a beautiful space has an effect on your mental and physical wellbeing, and your sense of prosperity increases when you consider your own home as a prosperous space. It’s not based on how much you spend, it’s based on how considered and appropriate and consistent your result it. How well it suits you and what the finished result looks like is the focus and Easy Luxury gives as much straightforward information as I could contain in one book.”


Darren, who has big plans to renovate his own Sydney home if he ever gets the time, says the book came easily as he was simply talking from experience. “The words weren’t always there, and they don’t always come in the most convenient places. I had bursts of creativity in the shower, on the plane or sitting at home with my laptop on my lap with no other distractions. But I also found when I’d earmarked time to write I didn’t have much to say! It’s a funny thing but it was very enjoyable writing the book. I probably rewrote it four times in the process, changing the structure and organising things in response to conversations with Murdoch and the brilliant editorial team working with me. But proudly, every word in the book is my own and I loved almost every minute of producing it.”

When it came to getting his hands on the first hard copy from his manager, he was way too excited to play it cool: “I was beside myself. I was trying to keep a lid on it but pretty much had to leave and take it to my car and just let the excitement out. It’s an amazing feeling. I immediately called a few people who would get my excitement but not one of them answered! So I was sat in my car on my own looking like a kid in a candy store. Must’ve been quite some sight!”

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Being as busy as he is calls for some serious organisation and Darren’s diary is colour-coded and separated into different calendars. “I tend to just organise and slot in time for everything like a Tetris game. The diary looks like a Rubik’s Cube from day to day with so many things layered on top of each other but it works and I’m really grateful to be working on what I love.”

So, after a couple of crazy years and impressive success, what’s next for Mr Palmer? “You called it years ago. I recall you mentioning in our first interview you thought I was the next big thing! (Well yes, and I was right! Jen). I don’t feel that’s the case but it is a really amazing place to be, to have a lot of the things that I’d always desired and been working really hard towards finally come to fruition. It’s funny though as the more I work and the more things I’m able to tick off the list, the more things get added to that list. It’s harder to stop and celebrate those victories as the next thing is underway and takes a lot of energy and focus but it’s a really brilliant place to be.


“There’s so many wonderful opportunities that are in front of me and I’m truly grateful for all of the things that have so far come to pass. It’s more important for me now to spend time with the people I love and prioritise the most important as well as beneficial things in my life. I’m learning I can’t do everything so I need to choose wisely and keep my feet on the ground. My family won’t ever let it be any other way though so I’m a very lucky man.”

All photography of Darren’s work shot by Felix Forest, from the book Easy Luxury, published by Murdoch. Available in all good book stores from Monday 1 September.

I’ll be writing a proper review of Easy Luxury when I’ve had more of a chance to read it.

Interiors Addict

Meet Jason Grant and I when West Elm opens in Chatswood

I am so, so excited! Not only are West Elm, Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids and Williams Sonoma opening their second Sydney stores (on “my” side of the bridge!) in just over a week, but I’ll also be there helping stylist Mr Jason Grant celebrate the launch of his second book, Holiday at Home. We’d love you to come and join us for a book signing and I’ll be doing a Q&A with Jason too. Did I mention there’ll be ice cream? More on that later…

Stylist and author Jason Grant
Stylist and author Jason Grant

As part of its global expansion, America’s Williams-Sonoma Inc is opening stores for all four brands in Chatswood Chase on Thursday 28 August. Williams-Sonoma and Pottery Barn will be located on level one of the shopping centre, with Pottery Barn Kids and West Elm located on level two. The four stores will occupy a combined retail space of 1,716 square metres and employ more than 100 full-time, part-time and casual staff.


“We are excited to continue our global expansion in Australia at Chatswood Chase Shopping Centre,” said Laura Alber, President and Chief Executive Officer. “We look forward to sharing our exceptional home furnishings along with unique in-store experiences and outstanding customer service with customers on Sydney’s North Shore who want to decorate, entertain and live well.”

I can’t believe it’s been more than a year since Williams-Sonoma, Inc. opened its first Australian stores in Bondi Junction in May 2013. A Melbourne West Elm store followed in Chapel Street, South Yarra in September 2013. A further four stores for Williams-Sonoma, Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids and West Elm will open in Chadstone Shopping Centre, Melbourne later this year. Watch this space for more details on that opening!


While the Chatswood Chase stores open a week tomorrow on Thursday 28 August, there’ll be plenty of special events taking part over the first weekend of trading, Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 August:

Mr Jason Grant book signing and interview

Holiday at Home, out in September, published by Hardie Grant
Holiday at Home, out in September, published by Hardie Grant

Come and meet well-known stylist and blogger Mr Jason Grant when he unveils his second coffee table book Holiday at Home. I will be interviewing him about the book and would love to see you there! There’ll also be a chance to buy the book and get it signed by Jason. All are welcome to this free event.

When: 12pm to 2pm on Saturday 30 August.

Where: West Elm store on level two, Chatswood Chase.

Gelato Messina collaboration

In celebration of the Chatswood Chase store openings, Williams-Sonoma, Inc. has collaborated with Gelato Messina to create a limited edition gelato collection. The ‘Welcome Home’ collection features four bespoke creations designed to match the individual personalities of each iconic brand:

Williams-Sonoma Choc-Chuck Cone  Reminiscent of Williams-Sonoma founder Chuck-Williams’ favourite flavour, this handmade waffle cone is filled with creamy Madagascan vanilla gelato then dipped in berry callebaut and 70% cacao chocolate.

West Elm NY Ice Cream Sandwich  Brooklyn-inspired Fair Trade espresso coffee gelato sandwiched between chewy white chocolate and macadamia cookies

Pottery Barn Welcome Home Gelato  Warming and comforting, this lightly spiced apple gelato is fused with an almond crunch and butterscotch swirl

Pottery Barn Kids Fairy Bread Popsicles  Velvety bread and butter gelato is coated in white chocolate ganache then dipped in hundreds and thousands

The individually handcrafted gelatos will be offered to customers as a gift with purchase (while stocks last) on Saturday 30 August, distributed from the Williams-Sonoma Gelato Cart outside the Williams-Sonoma store on level one.

Golden ticket giveaway

A Golden Ticket will be hidden in a shopping bag at each of the new Chatswood Chase stores. Simply be one of the first 200 people to make a purchase in any store for your chance to find one. Golden Ticket winners will receive a $100 gift voucher to spend at Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, West Elm or Williams-Sonoma. One of these Golden Tickets will also grant access to a cooking class for two at the Williams-Sonoma Sydney Cooking School in Bondi Junction.

Room makeover competition

To celebrate the opening of the new stores in Chatswood Chase, one lucky shopper will win $2,000 to spend at Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, West Elm and Williams-Sonoma. For your chance to win, head online. Competition ends on 30 September 2014.


House Tours

Frankie magazine reveal second interiors book

If you love this blog and you love Frankie magazine, get excited, because they’re about to publish volume two of their interiors book, Spaces, full of more all-Aussie homes belonging to local creative types. It’s been four years since the first book, which of course sits in my own extensive collection! Volume two is available for pre-order now and you can learn more by watching this short video.

You can expect lived in homes and work spaces which are decidedly not fancy! “With a focus on resourcefulness and individual style, Spaces celebrates the importance of home to a creative bunch of Australians.”

Pre-order for $24.95 for delivery at the beginning of next month.

frankie spaces

Interiors Addict

The Adore Home book is almost here!

I’ve been looking forward to this and can’t wait to get my hands on a copy: Loni Parker’s crowdfunded interiors book full of colourful Aussie homes. It’s looking great! Smart move on the gorgeous gold cover too, which will nicely decorate your coffee table when it’s not providing a great read and visual feast!

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If you were part of the crowdfunding movement and pre-ordered, your book will be arriving next month. If you didn’t, don’t worry, you can buy one now! Adore: A Book of Colourful Interiors is a beautiful hard cover book and has been a labour of love for Adore Home online magazine editor Loni.

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The book is divided into 10 chapters according to room type, with plenty of inspiration and eye candy to get your inner designer excited! Adore breaks down why a room works and offers styling tips and colour theory facts you can file away for future DIY projects.

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There’s even chapters on creative walls and entertaining, to help you get the most out of your space. At the end of each chapter, a panel of home owners and interior designers share their helpful hints and words of wisdom on a whole gamut of decorating topics.

Well done, Loni! I know how hard you’ve worked on this project and it has paid off!

Order yours online for $55 including shipping in Australia.

Email [email protected] with wholesale enquiries.


Exclusive: Sydney interior designer Greg Natale is working on his first book

I’m very excited to share with you that Sydney interior designer Greg Natale has a publishing contract for his first book, due out at the end of this year. I’m probably even more excited to share that I’m helping him write it.

greg natale

The book, which I can’t reveal the name of, will of course be of the beautiful coffee table variety. Almost all the work featured in it has never been published or seen before and I feel extremely privileged to have had a preview of some of the most stunning homes. Call me biased, but Mr Natale has taken things up a level and then some! And I already thought the work I’d seen before was amazing. Just you wait! I’m telling you, all your Christmas gifts are taken care of this year!

Interiors Addict

Mr Jason Grant’s book, A Place Called Home

Tomorrow I’m off to the Sydney launch of stylist Jason Grant’s first book, A Place Called Home, so it’s about time I reviewed it for you!

Mr Jason Grant A Place Called Home cover

If you know MJG, or follow him on social media, you’ll know this is a project that has taken over his life for a good year. Luckily he is DELIGHTED with how it turned out and I can see why. It feels like if Jason was a book, this would be it.

It’s light on words and heavy on beautiful images by photographer James Geer. And let’s face it, who has time to actually read their coffee table books anyway?! I actually devoured this book in one enjoyable afternoon, but it’s the sort of book you’ll want to dip back in and out of on rainy afternoons, especially as its many photos of the beach and Bondi will bring back memories of summer.

Mr Jason Grant A Place Called Home 3

Jason is a well known freelance interior stylist and was previously style director of Real Living, who he still works for, alongside almost every other Australian homes magazine. He was also one of the very first people I interviewed for Interiors Addict! Jason has his own paint ranges for Murobond and recently styled Freedom’s new winter collection for its catalogue and advertising.

Interiors Addict

Adore Home mag’s Loni Parker crowd funds coffee table book

I’m a big fan of Adore Home magazine and its creator, Loni Parker. Like me, she quit her day job last year to follow her passion and has since also launched Lovely Wedding magazine. I’m not sure where she finds the time, but still!

Now Loni wants to publish a printed coffee table book full of the best homes from the mag and those that haven’t been seen before. But she needs to raise $35,000. You can pledge your support via crowdfunding site Pozible. A $50 pledge will get you a copy of the book when it’s published (including shipping) or a $10 pledge will get you a ticket to one of three launch parties.

adore home book

It’s sure to be a fantastic end product, which is why I just pre-ordered my copy with a $50 pledge. You can do the same here.

All the best, Loni!