Art Designers

New loved up prints and stationery from Rachel Kennedy Designs

With its pretty, painterly feel, the new art print and stationery collection from Rachel Kennedy Designs draws on the most universal of muses – love.

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“Our latest collection centres around my favourite theme – love and all it encapsulates,” says Rachel of the range, which draws inspiration from famous love letters.

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Quotes are nabbed from Beethoven (‘ever thine, ever mine, ever ours’) and Elvis (‘can’t help falling in love with you’) for the whimsically romantic collection.

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Freehand typography, intricate details and watercolour effects appear alongside photography and on-trend foil stamping. The Japanese ‘shibori’ hand-dying technique also makes an appearance in the range that features unique wall prints (available framed and unframed), foil-stamped swing tags and gift wrap.

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“The design for each print develops organically as I go about my day. Inspiration often comes from the most menial things and I never really know how each piece will turn out. Often the design ends up totally different to when I start and I love that!” says Rachel.

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By Amy Collins-Walker

Amy is our regular feature writer, an experienced journalist and interior stylist living in Perth, Western Australia. Find out more about her styling work at

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