
Paint trends 2021: Haymes Paint announces tranquil new palettes

Haymes Paint has launched its Volume 14 colour library, with new shades designed to reflect the shifting home trends in the wake of this tumultuous year.

Calm Mind palette

Embrace is inspired by the concept of embracing the ever-changing and unexpected challenges of the current world, and finding solace within the home space through colour. The movement is characterised by tones that elicit comfort and reassurance, aimed to create nurturing environments as a respite from the – often overwhelming – uncertainty that has defined our lives recently.

Calm Mind: Shell Pink

Comprising of three unique colour palettes: Grounded, Calm Mind and Happy Home, the range features hues that have been crafted to reflect the natural world, and produce a calm and joyful interior; attitudes that are expected to be a staple of the paint trends predicted for 2021.

Colour and concept manager, Wendy Rennie, says: “This year’s colour release has been interesting to put together as the world and climate we live in has changed dramatically.

Grounded: Arboretum

“The current focus on wellbeing is more important than ever and using colour as a way of connecting us to emotions and improving the environments we are in will help people to make an impact where it counts most, showing us that home truly is where the heart is.”


The grounded palette draws inspiration from the earthy tones of the natural world, offering an escape from the speed and stress of our everyday lives. Its rich colours range from deep tones of ink blue to warm sandy neutrals and olive greens, emulating the calming force of the ocean, the earth and forest.

Grounded: Rubicon

These colours promote the creation of spaces within our home that reinforce this important connection to nature, and the sense of serenity and “groundedness” that will act as central tenets of 2021 interior design trends.

Calm Mind

Despite what is going on in the world around us, by looking inwards we can attempt to recapture our innate sense of calm and peace. The focus of this palette is to restore balance and inspire harmony, through emulating a “spa retreat” feel within the home. Soothing tones of creamy green and blue blend with muddied peach, pink and rusts to create a tranquil fusion of colour that nutures the mind and soul.

Calm Mind palette

The new normal is to look for ways to promote self-care and relieve stress within environments you can control, and the Calm Mind palette was created to highlight just this; the power that the intentional choice of colour can have in creating a tranquil living space.

Happy Home

The Happy Home palette encapsulates a relaxed approach to interiors by introducing an uplifting array of tones and hues created to promote joy. Bold blues, rusty reds and pops of bright yellow bring a sense of fun and hope back into our homes.

Happy Home palette

The palette inspires interiors that are characertised by quirky styling, bold colour blocking and smack of zesty exuberance. This theme is all about youthful design elements and injecting energy into spaces to reinvigorate the senses.

Imagery styled by Ruth Welsby with photography by Martina Gemmola.

For more on these 2021 palettes


Paint colour trends 2021: Wattyl forecast organic, reassuring tones

This year, the way in which the home functions has fundamentally altered, as it has played a more meaningful role than ever in our daily lives. Wattyl have reflected this in their newly-released 2021 colour forecast, which takes the form of four unique palettes, spanning a wide array of shades.

These predictions highlight the way in which curved or rounded shapes, soft textures and considered colour palettes have become the go-to options for creating a sense of calmness and serenity while also proving useful in establishing different areas within an open living space.

The richer, darker hues of the Shadowy Darks palette – Dark Dream, Black Hole, Deep Forest and Seductress – are luxurious and cocooning and create a mood of timeworn comfort, especially when teamed with textured wall panels such as Easycraft’s Ascot Vogue dado panel, velvets, corduroy and dark timbers. Shape and texture become the heroes!

Uplifting Lights, a collection of four beautifully dusted pastels – Snow Rose, Light Aqua, Cave and China Mauve – add a warmth and tactility to minimalist spaces and lend themselves to soft curves in furniture and detailing that are balanced with the geometric chevron profile on the main wall. 

The tonal equality between hues such as Wattyl Snow Rose and Light Aqua inspire a balance between body and mind – the perfect combination for bedrooms.

Nourishing Earth Tones will be even more important in a post-Covid-19-world, their warm, nourishing plant-based colours helping us to reconnect with nature and the outdoors. Terracotta tones such as Wattyl Brandy Snap are given extra depth and visual interest when applied to a textured wall lining  and mirrored in furnishing textiles such as leather, linen and wool. 

Other beautifully organic, earthy hues within the palette are Moccacino, Run Forest, Denim and Honey Honey. 

Humble Whites – and minimalism in general – continue to reign supreme in many homes but the look is warming; becoming less pristine in both detail and styling.  Personality and emotion are introduced to this palette by virtue of authenticity, craft and history – attributes we crave in a post-Covid-19 world.  Materials such as timber, vegetable-dyed textiles and hand-made ceramics are key to the mix and create a mindful ambience, one of simplicity and purity.  

Humble whites such as Wattyl Lushious White, Confetti Shower and Ice Volcano sit quietly – and comfortably – next to timber lined walls that imbue the space with a sense of authenticity and earthiness.

Paint can be such a wonderful way to transform a living space, and the use of curves, texture, and colour can be utilised in order to fundamentally shape an interior that is calming, nurturing and multi-functional.

For more on these 2021 colour palettes