Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

How to make your outdoor space a must-have for buyers

Whether you have a balcony or a full backyard, a renovation that makes the most of your outdoor space can help to sell a property. An unloved outdoor space is rarely itself a deal breaker for a property sale but it can leave potential buyers with a bad impression. A well thought-out outdoor renovation, however, can completely transform how people see themselves in the space.

How to make your outdoor space a must-have for buyersImage source: Inside Out

First impressions – Start with the entryway to the property. If you have a front yard, make sure it is tidy and the path to the front door clear. A lick of paint won’t go astray if you have time to spruce up the fences, door frame and door. Consider whether older balustrades just need a coat of paint or need to be replaced altogether. Beware of wood rot, for example in the floor of your front porch; you need to replace affected areas. A nice-looking mailbox is inexpensive and makes a positive impression so if you have one that’s a bit drab, consider changing it. Apartment owners usually have a strata-appointed gardener maintain the outdoor areas. If there’s anything specific you want them to attend to, you can contact your strata manager to discuss what duties can be prioritised.

Cover up – Whether you have a balcony, deck or yard, a covered area shielded from the sun and protected from the rain is always a plus. If you have quite a big yard to work with, a covered area with an outdoor table and chairs as well as uncovered areas like a garden and lawn work well as different zones.

The entertainer – The biggest change I’ve seen in property over the past few years is a buyer preference for kitchens that flow into living and dining areas inside and out. Buyers like to see themselves entertaining there, and they are more likely to consider your property if you already have the access and amenities. If you have a closed-in kitchen, or if your outdoor area is difficult to access from your living/dining space, consider knocking down a wall. It might cost tens of thousands of dollars to open it up, but this change will add hundreds of thousands onto the sale price. The buyers that appreciate this arrangement tend to be families because it makes it more affordable to entertain at home, plus children can run around the backyard while parents supervise from inside the house.

Garden variety – Mature gardens are worth a lot of money so if you’re thinking of renovating the whole house, do the garden as soon as possible (preferably first!) so by the time you finish, the plants are somewhat established. Use plants to soften some of the harder structures like fences and deck edges and do your research to find plants that suit your locations climate. The larger and less established the yard, the more you’ll need professional help so if you can afford it, bring in a landscaper.

Nice-to- haves:

  • Level up: Level land is worth more than slopes so if you have a chance to buy some space by underpinning, it will make a huge difference.
  • Make a splash: A nice, clean swimming pool enhances a property so if you have the space and your location has the right climate, it’s worth installing, keeping or updating one. If you have a tiny backyard however, it’s best to have a generous entertainment space.
  • Take the heat: It’s amazing how many people forget they can still entertain outdoors in winter. You can’t ‘sell’ a portable outdoor heater, but you can extend the gas lines to the entertainment area and market that to buyers.

The key to a good outdoor area is to make it easy for potential buyers to see themselves in the space. In addition to basic sprucing like paint jobs and tidying up, think about how you can enhance potential buyers fantasies about living and enjoying themselves in your property.

Written by Mark Foy

Mark Foy is one of our resident experts and a director of Belle Property Surry Hills in Sydney.

Design DIY Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

7 ways to prepare your backyard for spring

With spring on the horizon, there is no better time to reawaken and rejuvenate the backyard in preparation for the warmer seasons ahead. Reviving the garden can be an enjoyable activity for the whole family. You can transform the outdoor space and inject a new lease of life over the course of a weekend, preparing the family’s favourite room for the upcoming barbecues and endless evenings of entertaining. Here’s seven tips for transforming your backyard in time for spring:

Jason Hodges, Adbri ambassador

1. Build a veggie patch

Spring is the season of new life and marks the perfect time to raise and grow little ones of your own, herbs and veggies that is! Building your own raised veggie garden is simple; allocate space which will receive enough sun, mark out your area and then install a raised garden wall using dry retaining wall blocks. Bring in quality soil and then plant your favourite produce. A veggie patch is a great way to make use of forgotten corners of the garden to grow your own groceries.

2. Create a zoned garden

Zones in the backyard can create defined areas for eating, cooking, lounging or whatever is required. Define zones using fencing, plants or materials such as pavers, grass or gravel to help each area stand out on its own. A zoned garden will appear bigger and each area will have its own purpose.

3. Add furniture and accessorise

Zoned outdoor space

Selecting the right furniture is imperative to achieving the desired look and feel and maximising the time spent in the backyard. Start by considering your lifestyle and how you anticipate the room will be used. Lounges and deep seaters are perfect for those who like to relax whereas dining settings are best for those who love long family meals. Include some decorative elements to add personality to the space.

4. Enhance the look of the lawn

Spruce up the driveway

Replacing old or damaged turf is a quick way to enhance the look of your home. Healthy turf will bring a bright, fresh appearance to your outdoor space and this simple project gives a great finishing touch. Aerate the lawn with a garden fork and remove any debris. Fertilise if required and sprinkle grass seed over any bare spots. For a more dramatic, neat finish, add garden edging.

5. Pressure clean paved areas

Transform old into new again in time for the entertaining season. Bring your driveway or any paved area back to life with a power wash. It’s quick and easy to do and will not only improve the appearance but with pressure cleaning you may also remove any oil or moss and restore the slip resistance of the surface.

6. Introduce a water feature

Adbri feature wall - pool

Adding a water feature to the outdoor room can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your space. There are some fantastic water feature options on the market today. Water features can also serve a functional purpose such as blocking out noise from traffic or neighbours and add a peaceful ambiance to the garden. A stone feature wall will add some texture and make a water feature pop, making the greatest impact.

7. Add creative lighting

With longer, warmer days around the corner, spring is the perfect time to start using the outdoor space into the evening. Lighting allows you to utilise the backyard all year round as well as after the sun goes down. With a huge variety of lighting options to choose from, you’re sure to find something to compliment the style of the backyard.

— Jason Hodges is Australia’s well-loved celebrity landscaper, most notably seen on the Channel Seven lifestyle TV show Better Homes and Gardens. Jason is also a brand ambassador for Australia’s leading masonry manufacturer Adbri Masonry.