The Block

The Block auction results 2018: Sara & Hayden clean up

It was the night we’d all been waiting for: auction night! And The Block didn’t disappoint with the usual anticipation and stop-starting! And who would have thought it, Hayden and Sara, who ruffled so many feathers, ended up winning, adding the $100k prize money to their already impressive $545k profit! Not to be sniffed at! They sure had the last laugh!

Winners Hayden and Sara / Image credit: Nine

So, here’s how it all panned out…

First up were KERRIE & SPENCE. Emotions were high with Kerrie in tears before things even started on the auction couch! Their reserve was $2,435,000. $2.4m was the strong starting bid from buyer’s advocate Nicole Jacobs. Then it became a bidding war between her and fellow buyer’s advocate Greville Pabst. Then Frank Valentic joined in on the action. Things slowed down and sped up and suddenly they were sitting on a profit above the reserve of $415k. Wow. Frank eventually won for his client at $2.85m. Kerrie and Spence were clearly delighted and in total shock.

Second up were HAYDEN & SARA, certainly not clear viewers’ favourites this year! But like Scotty said, they sure made The Block more interesting with all that drama. Sara chose the auctions as the ideal time to announce her pregnancy and even did a gender reveal on TV! It’s a boy! Their reserve was $2,475,000. Bidding started at $2.5m but was quick to slow. It looked like they were only going to take home $25k! But you know how these things work! When it got to $200k above reserve, Sara was happy enough, but it eventually shot up to $3m and $525k profit. And then kept going!  $3,020,000 and $545k. Sara couldn’t contain her extreme excitement! Wow. Theirs was the only apartment to crack the three mill mark.

Image credit: Nine

Next up JESS & NORM with a reserve of $2,650,000. And it really looked like it was going nowhere (I know, I know, I should know how it works by now, right?!). It was a slow bidding war between Greville and Frank. At the end it was going up just a few grand at a time until Greville won at $2,859,000 and $209k winnings for the couple. They were so genuinely delighted. How can you not love these two?!

Then came BIANCA & CARLA with a reserve of $2,690,000 and things were going super quickly! No messing around from their auctioneer, Damien Cooley! Ooh, it was nail-biting stuff with Damien refusing to take anything less than $3m after bidding hit $2,900,000. But he then took $2,925,000 and ended up at  $2,991,000 to Greville and a profit of $301k for the girls. Going fourth didn’t do them too badly after all!

You couldn’t help but feel nervous for last up, HANS & COURTNEY. You could see they were too, with Courtney in tears. And to cut a long story short, it went to Greville (again!) for $2,770,000 and $410k profit. And the buyers were sisters Rose and Yvette who originally owned the hotel too. Nice touch to end on!

What did you think of the results? We’ll have auction commentary from Greville Pabst, who cleaned up for his clients, later today!

All our Block coverage.


(The all new) Reno Rumble: week 1 room reveals

There was a lot of last minute panic, there were tears and of course bitching, but the results of last night’s first Reno Rumble reveals were nothing short of impressive for two teams of amateurs. Two entire homes in Melbourne were transformed in just one week. Wow. And the fact they were for deserving couples definitely added to the enjoyment of the show. One belonged to cancer survivor Sarah and the other to her best friend, Maddy, who raised huge amounts of money to find her treatment. Sarah is now in remission.

It was refreshing to see the teams renovating real, modest homes rather than exclusive apartments. New judges Colin and Justin delivering their verdicts in person was both entertaining and actually useful. Where they didn’t like what had been done they said why and could suggest what they should have done instead. I’m sure this can only lead to the contestants, and the viewing public, learning more from this newly tweaked show. Reno Rumble’s been renovated and I like it!

There was drama and inter-team bitching of course, but we don’t have time to repeat all that when there are so many rooms to look at!

So here’s what the teams did and how they scored, plus our picks of what to buy.

BLUE TEAM: Maddy and David’s home

Exterior and hallway: team effort

Reno Rumble S2

Reno Rumble S2

While Colin and Justin loved the exposed brickwork they thought the painted finish on the MDF barn-style doors let it down.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 7

Scott and Nadia’s master bedroom 

Our pick: White quilt cover set

Reno Rumble S2

Colin was expecting something more masterful and labelled it less of a reno rumble and more of a reno mumble. He added that it lacked a layer of luxury. Justin said the small floor floor area and high ceilings felt disproportionate, certainly not helped by hanging a tall, thin mirror vertically above the bed!

The hydraulic pop-up TV they were so proud of didn’t go down well either! Colin said it sounded great in theory but in practice it was a rickety old thing! Justin was a little kinder, saying  overall it was a really lovely room.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 7

Lisa and John’s guest bedroom

Our pick: Quilted cushion

Reno Rumble S2

Justin said they’d been really clever with the built-in storage either side of bed and it was a good mix of closed and open storage. Colin said the bed was well dressed but the lack of a rug took away from the feeling of luxury.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7

Scott and Nadia’s bathroom

Reno Rumble S2

Justin really like the brickwork and the long subway tile but neither of them were fans of the “weird modesty wall” around toilet. “It’s not a huge room and it’s working working against the space,” Justin said.

Colin loved how the skylights flooded the room with natural light and the double, wall-mounted vanity. The frameless shower felt modern and larger, but he hated the way they’d created “the largest cistern concealer in Australia!” which was unnecessary!

SCORES: Justin: 6, Colin: 5.

Reno Rumble S2

Sarah and Renee’s kitchen/dining 

Our pick: Black marble serving board


Colin said the kitchen was miraculous and the standard of work in a short period of time was amazing.

Justin said it would be hard not to like it but wished the fridge had been integrated.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7.



Judged separately, Justin said the girls really let the side down with dining and the too-small table.

SCORES: Colin: 5, Justin: 4.

Lisa and John’s living room

Our pick: Electric skylight

Reno Rumble S2

They both loved the light and the integrated TV. Justin said the rug was much too small (an “Elastoplast on the belly of a whale” to be specific!).

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7.

The blue team’s final overall house score was 88, coming last. As the lowest scoring pair on the lowest scoring team, Sarah and Renee escaped being sent home this week when Scotty revealed there would be no elimination. There definitely will be next week though!

RED TEAM: Sarah and Gavin’s home

Exterior and hallway: team effort



Colin said what had been the creepy house on the street had been totally turned around and had its fortunes changed. Justin said it now felt as if it had a bit of architectural presence.

In the hallway, Justin loved all the light and Colin said it had a new house feel but they had kept some traditional touches.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 8.

Hayley and Jim’s master bedroom 

Our pick: Antique fob mirror, get the look: geometric art print


Justin said it was a real sanctuary and Colin said while the colour scheme was gentle, the bed felt a bit teenage and the windows could have done with something more. It was only half good.

SCORES: Colin:5, Justin: 5.

Leanne and Dane’s guest room

Get the look: Tibetan wool cushion, marble side table


Justin much preferred it to the master bedroom before with its layers and quirky, mismatched bedsides. Colin loved how the timber warmed it up and the texture on the bed. Justin said the chandelier light was like something out of Game of Thrones, was far too high and should be over a dining table!

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin 6.

Steve and Holly’s study

Our pick: Floating timber shelf


Justin said they played it far too safe and it felt like a pale painted room with some office furniture. He needed to see more drama and layers. Colin said: “must try harder.”

SCORES: Justin: 4, Colin: 5.

Holly and Steve’s bathroom


This one went down well! Justin said it had been a massive amount of work, was really well appointed, gorgeous and joyous. He couldn’t believe the same couple were responsible for the boring study! Colin said everything felt really considered and it had a layer of design and sophistication as well as a  sense of tranquility.


SCORES: Colin: 8, Justin: 8.

Leanne and Dane’s kitchen

Our pick: Ledlux ribbon lights


Justin said it was well planned but there should have been three pendant lights, not two. Colin said it was really well executed and felt cavernous.

SCORES: Justin: 7, Colin: 8.

Hayley and Jim’s living/dining

Let the look: Coffee table


Justin had issues with the visible TV wall-mounting bracket and cables which could have been hidden, but overall, they both liked the space.

SCORES: Justin: 6, Colin: 8.

The red team’s overall house score was 91, coming first. As the captains of the winning team, Dane and Leanne have immunity next week. Considering their popularity (or not) with their team mates, this should be interesting!


So, what did you all make of the new format and judges? Please share your comments below!

Get a closer look at both teams’ kitchens in our video tour this afternoon.


New Reno Rumble judges Colin and Justin spill the beans!

There’s a lot of twists coming in tonight’s Reno Rumble which we’re sure the producers are hoping will turn it into less of a Block spinoff and more of a show in its own right. There are two major changes this season. First, the homes are being made over for real families who, for a variety of reasons, really need and deserve a helping hand in the reno stakes (there’s nothing I love more than a proper human interest angle, pass the tissues already!), and second, Darren Palmer and Romy Alwill have been replaced by Scottish design duo (and one time Block guest judges), Colin and Justin. We chatted to them about what we can expect.


While Colin (McAllister) and Justin (Ryan) may be new faces to many Aussies, to a Pom like me they’re big names in interiors. The funny Scots are known for not mincing their words and have enjoyed huge success as hosts of a variety of home makeover shows in the UK, Canada and America. So where does Australia come into it? They appeared on the UK version of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! in 2009, filmed in Australia, and got a local agent, who started opening doors for them here. After appearing as guest judges on a Block challenge last year, the producers asked them back to judge Reno Rumble.

“A really critical difference this year is that we deliver our judging face-to-face with the contestants for the first time,” says Colin. “Before, the teams didn’t get a chance to answer back. We are very much fans of saying it like it is!” There will always be an element of drama when one couple stands to walk away with a $100,000 prize, as the boys (who are a couple) rightly point out.

It’s not just about that though, as Justin adds. “As soon as you have the judges having a dialogue with the contestants, the viewers, many of whom want to learn from the show and get tips, are going to get a lot more from it. We have design backgrounds and can justify what we’re saying. But we very much want to critique rather than criticise.”


Despite the fact they’re fighting each other for the big prize, Colin and Justin say the contestants are a great bunch who have the best interests of the people whose homes they’re renovating at heart. “We feel like proud mums at sports day,” Colin says. “We are genuinely invested in this process as judges and we think that will show on screen. This show is going to genuinely change lives for people who have had a really rough time.”

Justin says the producers have chosen the homeowners very carefully. “These people have faced tragedy and loss and illness and it is so fantastic to see people working together to better their lives. It’s great to be involved in a show doing something like that. You forget it’s a competition in the best possible way.”

While the pair had already met host Scott Cam on The Block, they hadn’t met Shelley Craft before and said she went out of her way to make sure they were comfortable on set and was refreshingly down to earth compared to many of the people they meet in TV across the globe.

And having spent so much time in Australia, the experienced renovators, who live between Scotland and Canada, are tempted to buy here too.  And their top tip for a drink in Sydney? The Baxter Inn in the CBD (you heard it here first).

Reno Rumble starts tonight on Channel 9 at 7.30pm. Tune in tomorrow for all the latest. As with our Block coverage, we’ll have all the reveals for you each week.

Designers House Rules RENO ADDICT

House Rules 2015 sneak peek video

Hoorah for another home show about to start! I have to admit I only got into House Rules at the end of the last series. I’d decided I just didn’t have enough TV time left to watch it as well as The Block, and Grand Designs and Selling Houses Australia… and all the others!

But I actually really love the concept and think it’s a fresh take on the reality renovation genre. I mean, what better prize in this day and age than having your mortgage paid off?! And I love the emotions involved because the contestants own homes are the ones being made over. It adds a whole extra element to reveal time!

House Rules judge and Reno Addict resident expert, architect Joe Snell
House Rules judge and Reno Addict resident expert, architect Joe Snell. Photo by Jacqui Turk

[contextly_sidebar id=”dYJg2Wj3UkrijqRFzB4tyMIlWTuQssGE”]I’m also a big fan of host Johanna Griggs. she’s just so down to earth and real! I think I’d like to have a coffee and a chat with Joh! And then there’s architect Joe Snell, one of the resident experts on our sister site, Reno Addict. He is so super passionate about good design, it’s contagious, and it’s great to see his TV career taking off.

Hope you enjoy the series preview video above.

We look forward to bringing you more about the Channel 7 show, due to start again soon, in the coming weeks.

Are you a House Rules fan? Which is your favourite reality TV show?

The Block

New woman on The Block: buyer’s advocate Nicole Jacobs

Meet Nicole Jacobs, the professional buyer’s advocate with over 15 years’ real estate experience who we first got to meet on last night’s episode of The Block Triple Threat.


This season, a buyer’s jury consisting of Nicole, Greville Pabst and Frank Valentic will provide strategic recommendations from a buyer’s perspective regarding layout, finishes and market expectations.

“Our role on the show this season is vital for contestants,” says Nicole. “Throughout the 12 weeks, we are there to review each room from a commercial perspective and provide insight into market expectations in high-end South Yarra.” Nicole’s job is to look beyond the styling and décor choices deliberated over by judges Shaynna Blaze, Neale Whitaker and Darren Palmer. “If you take the furniture out, what are you left with? Hopefully a well laid out apartment finished to such a high standard that you could place any furniture in it and it will look amazing,” Nicole says.

The buyers advocates’ first judging session last night was interesting, with their views very different to those of the ‘real’ judges, particularly on the subject of Ayden and Jess’s separate toilet, which they raved about!

What Nicole thought of the bathrooms last night:

  • Charlotte and Josh: Liked the tiles. Not enough lighting for female buyers to do makeup. Finish really good. On track for a South Yarra buyer.
  • Tim and Anastasia: Floor tiles look rushed and not lined up. Quality of fixtures and fittings below par.
  • Ayden and Jess: Underfloor heating.  Separate toilet a very clever move, makes it like 1.5 bathrooms and opens up their market, setting them apart from the other apartments.
  • Dee and Darren: Feels high-end and luxury. Could have separated the toilet from the main bathroom.

[contextly_sidebar id=”PdF9EbnIu4K3yuLRwX0tqpd0IfmqBSis”]Channel Nine have been strategic in selecting buyers advocates who are specialists within their niche, so each brings a broad representation of investors to the auction. Nicole captures the higher end of the market and represents clients who often have very discreet transactions. “We have had a lot of fun throughout the series, but we found out early on that we all look for different attributes and as a consequence, we don’t always agree. One thing we do all agree on though is that the completed apartments are definitely not out of place in the South Yarra market.”

Her company, Jacobs Buyers Advocates in Brighton, has already taken VIP clients through The Block at 27 Darling Street and they’ve all provided positive feedback for contestants. “Our clients are predominantly owner occupiers, however the position, along with strong depreciation schedules and rental yields, have attracted many of our local (and international) investors.”

–Last night’s episode also saw the fellow contestants and buyers advocates rate the bathrooms with Dee and Darren coming out on top with 49 points and winning $5,000. Ayden and Jess came second, Charlotte and Josh third and Tim and Anastasia last.


Applications for The Block are open: filming starts April 2015

Is it your time?!

It’s that time again! Are you up for it? The Block Triple Threat is due to start again in the New Year but applications are already open for the series after, which will start filming for Nine in April 2015. You have some time to um and ah about it, but the deadline is mid-February.

The producers are looking for enthusiastic, motivated, hardworking teams of two. They’re not yet able to confirm where the series will be filmed which makes it a little more of a gamble!

Guidelines and requirements

  • Couples must be aged between 18-65, energetic and with a sense of humour.
  • First round couples will be reduced to final participants in the first week of filming.
  • Successful couples must be available for a 10-12 week shoot period from April 2015.
  • Exact dates to be confirmed closer to filming.
  • Location of The Block is to be confirmed.
  • You will NOT be able to work during the shoot period.
  • Previous home renovation experience is an asset, but not required from both partners.
  • Long term couples, family teams and enduring friendships need only apply.
  • Submissions accepted from Australia wide.
  • Successful participants will be paid a nominal weekly fee during filming of The Block to cover basic living costs and expenses.
  • You must complete all elements of the application, including video, or your application will not be reviewed.
  • Applications can only be made online. Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted or processed.
  • McGregor Casting will carefully review applications for consideration of inclusion in The Block. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by March 2015.
  • Due to the volume of applications, only successful applicants will be notified.

Follow McGregor Casting on Facebook for any updates or announcements.

APPLY ONLINE. Applications close at 6pm on 15 February 2015.

Read all our Block latest here.


The Block

Darren and Dee are back in The Block Triple Threat!

So, did you see the big news? We’re privy to a bit of Block gossip around these parts and I’ve been hearing things about returning contestants for months, but none of it quite added up. Then tonight it was revealed that controversial Darren and Dee from the last series are back, alongside Matt and Kim from Sky High and Bec and George from the 2013 main series. Interesting choices… I’m not at all surprised at the choice to bring back ‘the Double Ds’ for a bit of drama as let’s face it, it’s reality TV and everyone loves to hate (I’m not sure I’ve forgiven bad loser Dee for calling Shaynna a bogan, but still). Bec and George were very popular contestants and Matt and Kim, well, who could forget that Jackson Pollock-inspired “crime scene” room?!


Only one of the three couples will get to play against the new couples, who have yet to be announced, though. I wonder how they’ll pick? I smell a challenge…

The hate talk about Darren and Dee has already started on the official Block Facebook Page (gosh, it’s a nasty, nasty place and if I were a judge or contestant I would never look at what the general public have to say!) with many saying they’ll refuse to watch. I don’t buy it though. Like I said, people love to hate…

I’ll be watching, of course — I always do — and bringing you the latest each and every week. Good job my sidekick (and serious Block fan) Olivia Shead will be back from her travels soon to help me!

The next series, currently filming in Melbourne, is expected to start airing early in the New Year, Let’s hope it’s not too far away.


The Block Glasshouse trailer

The first trailer for the next series of The Block (The Block Glasshouse) is out and comes with a twist, of course: this series will see the contestants judge each other.

So, what does this mean for the judges? And can you imagine the drama?! Can’t wait!

Will you be watching?

The Block

The Block second chance re-do rooms

Alisa and Lysandra’s bedroom looked so much better second time around, impressing the judges. It was my favourite of the re-do rooms. Darren Palmer called it “a gazillion times better than before'” and Shaynna said their apartment was one of the most saleable homes she’d seen in a long time.

Couples Finished Room 8 in Melbourne

Love their look? Pick up the Emma Cleine Lumiere Art + Co print, bedside lamp, pendant light and more online from The Block Shop. I’m a big fan of that pendant ($335)!

The Block

Contestants transform a hotel into apartments in the Block Sky High, starting Sunday

Five couples, six floors and 80 rooms adds up to a rather larger than usual new series of The Block, starting this Sunday on Nine.

Couples from each state are competing as they transform a former Melbourne hotel. They each face the daunting challenge of converting a floor of the tired building into a high-end, house-sized apartment. It’s sure to be very different to the recent All Stars’ heritage homes in Bondi.

In just 10 weeks they must “demo and reno” more than 80 rooms and transform each floor of the hotel into a 220-square metre luxury apartment complete with 3 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, living and dining, plus a huge enclosed terrace. Can you imagine?!

The Block

The Block All Stars read Interiors Addict!

Well, Amity does anyway! Yesterday I was very excited to be invited to have a look around the partially renovated The Block All Star terraces in Bondi. What a treat! Four couples who didn’t win their series (but perhaps should have) are back for this special version of the show, which will be aired on Nine after Christmas.

I wish I could tell you more about what I saw inside!

I met all but one of the contestants yesterday, shook a lot of dusty hands and had a look inside their homes, four weeks in. They’ve completed two bedrooms and a bathroom and are onto their lounge rooms this week. Never have I seen such contrast between the untouched rooms in the run down heritage homes and the brand new restored and renovated. And I was really impressed with what I saw. The bathrooms in particular were really great and made me bemoan the fact I don’t have a bath even more than usual…