Interviews The Block

Darren Palmer chats about The Block season starting on Sunday

With the hotly anticipated new season of The Block due to kick off this Sunday, we spoke to judge Darren Palmer and tried (unsuccessfully if we’re honest!) to get some secrets out of him! That said, he assures us we have a lot to look forward to watching and hinted it’s one of the best series yet. I am so excited, I can’t wait! The Block is just what cold nights in on the couch with a blanket have been calling for!

Darren, pictured with fellow judges Neale and Shaynna and host Scotty Cam, loves going to work at The Block

“I love working on The Block and returning every season to the familiar faces behind the scenes as well as my fellow judges,” Darren says. “The working environment is brilliant and it’s always exciting, making filming every season something I really look forward to. That said, some seasons have been harder or more challenging in terms of having an uneven balance of skills and good results to judge but this season is constantly surprising and uplifting and seeing what the contestants have been able to do with these dream houses has made this season a standout favourite of mine.”

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen houses, rather than apartments, on the show, so that in itself is something that will bring changes. “The houses make it easier to film, give us much more to see and give us some great opportunities to judge things that apartments might prohibit in terms of scale, detail or amenity,” Darren says. “I think people at home across the country that live in houses will see opportunities in their own homes they might not have recognised and you definitely have that luxury, aspirational side of The Block loud and clear on this season. These are true, long-term, dream houses.”

If you haven’t kept up with the spoilers, this year, The Block have upped and moved four heritage weatherboards (literally cut them in half and put them on trucks!), ripe for demolition, and plonked them in Melbourne’s Elsternwick (a site that cost a rumoured $10 million) to give them a new lease on life, 9km from the CBD. “It’s great that they’ve saved these old beauties, isn’t it? I loved walking into the first week with that visible scar running down the centre of the buildings. The houses start off as pretty ramshackle, but it only improves from there.”

Darren loves that the homes in season 13 are being restored and reinvigorated in a new location with modern amenities. “It’s a really neat take on fusing the old and the new.”

What constantly surprises viewers, or what you may not realise, is that the judges rarely get to meet the contestants until it’s all over. “I didn’t get to meet any of the contestants this season,” Darren shares. “We rarely do, save for perhaps a challenge once a season, but this season the most contact I’ve had with any of them is to wave hello to a tired contestant on a Sunday morning.” So there you go!

Darren has a reputation for swapping between Mr Nice Guy and Bad Cop from season to season. “My judging really depends on the approach of the contestants and how well they interpret the brief. If they listen, take on advice and understand what they’re delivering to the market and create high quality interiors that suit the area, I’m full of praise and good vibes.”

The chemistry between Darren and fellow judges Neale Whitaker and Shaynna Blaze shines through on screen, although they certainly don’t always agree. “I love those guys. They are two of the most hard working and talented humans. We make each other laugh. We have a great friendship that has spanned many years and we respect each other.

“They relentlessly mock me behind the scenes and that seems to bring them joy. I have a thick skin so I’m ok with it! They’re genuinely funny and warm people and I’m very blessed to be able to work with good friends.”

While you might think the interior designer lives out of a suitcase, he reveals he usually goes between home in Sydney and his Block commitments in Melbourne on the same day, traveling light. Nevertheless, he’s a busy guy, so he works hard to keep healthy and happy. “My tips are eat super clean, lots and lots of vegetables, and have a really low sugar intake (most of the time). I do whatever I can to relax and unwind when I’m not working.

“I train at the gym, more now than I have for the last few years, but I’m getting back to peak health and fitness slowly but surely. I’m very diligent at looking after myself and prioritise time with my family and to keep myself well maintained rather than saying yes to everything that comes my way. It’s important to create the balance you need to thrive and I feel I’m doing a fairly good job of that at the moment.”

He has lots more happening at the moment too, including his own homewares range for Myer, launching very soon. “I’m bursting with excitement about seeing my logo and name on swing tags on the most beautiful product I’ve been working on for a good while now. I haven’t been able to talk about it, but now that it will be in all Myer stores across the country, I could not be happier.

The Block season 13 site

“I’m working on a few projects of my own and I have plenty of brilliant and interesting corporate relationships like writing for Domain, the ambassadorships with Audi, Hafele and Carpet Court as well as some interesting short term alliances. I’ll be doing another Yourtown Christmas prize home later in the year and will have a few shoots and things to keep me occupied. As always, watch this space!”

His own home needs a lot of time and money spent on it, but has amazing potential. “It’s a slow but steady process. I do what I can that doesn’t cost much or that I can DIY, working with my favourite suppliers as much as possible. My house is a sort of pre-reno fix-up. I’ve painted walls and ceilings and laid floors, tizzed up [that’s a technical term!] a few rooms here and there and styled my lovely Myer range throughout, but there’s a lot left to do and a lot I want to do with the house. It has huge potential but the real reno is going to have to be done in stages and will take a lot of time and money. I’m patient though and I can see clearly what the house will become, which is good, but it also makes me very eager to see it in reality.”

Of course, you can rely on us to bring you all The Block room reveal details, pictures and gossip as the series progresses. We can’t wait!

Block latest.

Bathrooms Interviews The Block

Interview: Ebony and Luke on life after The Block elimination

I don’t think we were the only ones who fell for The Block’s first brother and sister duo Ebony and Luke with their down to earth attitude, sense of fun and that brave pink wall choice. So it was a shame to see them eliminated last week after a bathroom nightmare. But Ebony Haythornthwaite, who happens to be an Interiors Addict fan, says she doesn’t regret a thing.

Luke and Ebony
Luke and Ebony

Like thousands of others, Ebony and big brother Luke had always watched The Block and wondered if they could do it. This was before Luke was a qualified carpenter and long before Ebony had made a decision to study interior design. “Two years ago, after continuous encouragement from friends and family, we applied,” says Ebony. “We got to the interview process, but sadly, we missed out. So we tried again in 2014 and we were successful!”

Although the bathroom, for which they got eliminated, was a bit of a disaster from start to finish, Ebony says she doesn’t regret going on the show. “You brush that off because it’s about the experience, not just the result. And the experience was phenomenal. I don’t think anyone can fully understand unless they’ve been in the same situation. The Block is obviously physically exhausting; however it is more of a mental challenge than anything else. Getting your head around the constant cameras, the lack of food and sleep, plus the pressure of room reveals and looming deadlines; it is all pretty intense. I wish that the audience got to see all of the laughs and jokes which went on with the teams. We honestly all got on so well.”

The pair’s second room, the living/dining, was well received by the judges and viewers, despite the somewhat controversial peachy-pink wall colour choice. “I am so proud of what Luke and I achieved,” Ebony says. “We knew that everyone would either love it or hate it, but we took the risk. Plus, it gave us a chance for the judges to see our style.”

The pair’s popular living/dining room

Their bathroom however: not so good! “Unfortunately there are times when nothing goes according to plan; this was one of those times! Luke and I struggled to nail down our trades at the beginning, then we had difficulties with our products being delivered and we had to change pivotal fittings due to restrictions that we weren’t aware of. But more importantly, in the wee hours of the morning of reveal, we realised that we had been supplied with incorrect products. But the only way to deal with it was to see what we could purchase quickly and try to at least finish. This meant buying a cheap vanity unit from Mitre 10. Let’s just say it didn’t quite go with the large tap I had purchased for the original vanity.”

THAT tap and vanity combo!

[contextly_sidebar id=”Ec8teCdm0f0gKWvt511mu96erKGKmTMP”]Ebony describes the other contestants as hilarious and genuine which bodes well for the rest of the series. They certainly don’t seen a particularly bitchy crowd but who knows what will happen this week when more people are thrown into the mix! “They enjoy a laugh and more importantly, all have the ability to laugh at themselves,” Ebony said. “I thoroughly enjoyed meeting them.” The only judge she got to meet was Neale Whitaker, and not under ideal circumstances. “It was prior to the living and dining room judging. I was taking the only two minutes spare you get on The Block and brushing my teeth. Unfortunately, it was behind a sofa in the parking lot. Neale saw me and thought it was hilarious. I was mortified! Neale Whitaker had just seen me brushing my teeth behind a dirty old sofa!”

Yet if the opportunity came up, Ebony would be involved in The Block again. “Now I know a little more about the mental strength it takes to deal with the pressure, but it would still definitely be challenging.” As fleeting as their 15 minutes of fame was, Ebony is pleased it highlighted hers and Luke’s skills in a positive light. He’s gone back to his job as a carpenter for Landscapes WA in Perth and since being on the show, she’s moved from her hometown of Busselton to the WA capital and started working for herself (you can find her business on Facebook).

“I am really proud that we were the first brother/sister duo to be on The Block. I think it brought a totally different dynamic to the show. Experiencing this with Luke was really great. He’s my big brother who I’ve always looked up to since we were little. I guess I knew that if I went on the show with him, I’d be pushing myself every day. My biggest fear would be letting Luke down.”

Naw, bless! We wish Luke and Ebony every future success.

The Block

Episode one of The Block Triple Threat last night

The Block Triple Threat’s first episode certainly got off to an action-packed, edge-of-your-seat, shouting-at-the-TV start last night! Or was that just me shouting and sighing?! Love it!

It was our first chance to get to know the six new couples who will become three before we know it. I don’t feel like I want to get too attached but I’m already starting to form opinions and decide who I might grow to like and who might become annoying! Cousins Brooke and Aimee for example; they’re so clueless yet optimistic, it’s hugely entertaining. I’m still chuckling at the comment that their knowledge of tools was limited to having dated a lot of them! They’re fun but seem worryingly laid back and I’ll be surprised if they make ti though, but I’m prepared to be proven wrong!

WA brother and sister duo (The Block’s first) Luke and Ebony, a carpenter and an interior designer, are also really likeable as are down to earth Queensland couple Ayden and Jess (although it’s clear Jess is the one who will keep things on track!).

Ebony & Luke
Ebony & Luke

I’m not getting strong vibes about the other couples yet which makes me wonder if the editing is showing us more of those who will get through, but it’s such early days, who knows?

Ayden & Jess
Ayden & Jess

They’re not in the Block proper yet, but a rather grotty apartment block with teeny tiny rooms to makeover as their first challenges. Tonight, in episode two, we will see the six room reveals after each couple completes (we hope) their first in 24 hours and with a budget of $10,000. With the lack of progress seen in some of them last night, I don’t hold out much hope! And one couple will be eliminated before the night is out.

block triple threat

[contextly_sidebar id=”gQJOO8bx0FYEiIGnybh9pu5mmV3oAcsy”]New crew member Dan Reilly, previously of Dan and Dani, was introduced as Keith’s righthand man helper ‘foreboy’. Read our interview with Dan.

Once six become five tonight, the next challenge will be a living/dining area each in just 48 hours. Then five will become four and they’ll have 72 hours to complete a bathroom each (let’s hope they’re working a bit faster by this point, eh?). Clearly, the new couples don’t yet know anything about being joined by three previous couples Matt and Kim, Darren and Dee and Bec and George. The producers wouldn’t be smart if they didn’t drag that surprise (for them) out a little longer.

If you missed last night’s episode, you can watch/record the encore on Channel 9 at 1.30pm today.


Applications for The Block are open: filming starts April 2015

Is it your time?!

It’s that time again! Are you up for it? The Block Triple Threat is due to start again in the New Year but applications are already open for the series after, which will start filming for Nine in April 2015. You have some time to um and ah about it, but the deadline is mid-February.

The producers are looking for enthusiastic, motivated, hardworking teams of two. They’re not yet able to confirm where the series will be filmed which makes it a little more of a gamble!

Guidelines and requirements

  • Couples must be aged between 18-65, energetic and with a sense of humour.
  • First round couples will be reduced to final participants in the first week of filming.
  • Successful couples must be available for a 10-12 week shoot period from April 2015.
  • Exact dates to be confirmed closer to filming.
  • Location of The Block is to be confirmed.
  • You will NOT be able to work during the shoot period.
  • Previous home renovation experience is an asset, but not required from both partners.
  • Long term couples, family teams and enduring friendships need only apply.
  • Submissions accepted from Australia wide.
  • Successful participants will be paid a nominal weekly fee during filming of The Block to cover basic living costs and expenses.
  • You must complete all elements of the application, including video, or your application will not be reviewed.
  • Applications can only be made online. Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted or processed.
  • McGregor Casting will carefully review applications for consideration of inclusion in The Block. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted by March 2015.
  • Due to the volume of applications, only successful applicants will be notified.

Follow McGregor Casting on Facebook for any updates or announcements.

APPLY ONLINE. Applications close at 6pm on 15 February 2015.

Read all our Block latest here.


House Tours The Block

The Block Glasshouse en suite room reveals

Well, it was a night of mixed reviews and plenty of drama and whingeing, was it not?! But I’m very glad the boys took out the top prize and I think they deserved it. I can’t help but like these two; they’re so much fun and they seem to be genuinely nice guys. But I can’t not mention Dee’s super harsh bitching about Shaynna at the end of the episode. Definitely a step too far in my opinion. I’m a big fan of Dee and Darren’s style but the attitude I’ve been trying to ignore is bugging me now.  Anyway, back to the important stuff: the design!


Poor Carlene and Michael and their lack of a door! Thank goodness the judges could at least see they intended to have one! Darren said it was very glassy (yes glassy, not classy!) and fitting for the Block Glasshouse. Neale loved the joinery, sink and benchtop but found the room a bit cold. Shaynna said the pendants didn’t really work and they would have been better off with something in a timber finish. Darren, on the other hand, said he wouldn’t change anything and they’d done a really amazing job. And let’s just not talk about the dried flowers…

The Block in Melbourne

Get Carlene and Michael’s look: Jensen pendants, copper vase.


H2 Rm8 C&J Ensuite EA 22

This bathroom made Carlene and Michael’s missing door seem like nothing! Although it was full of great features, the judges couldn’t ignore the fact it was seriously unfinished (despite them carrying on working for 10 minutes after Scotty blew the whistle (naughty!). Shaynna loved the texture and shadows of the geometric tiles. I’m still undecided. I love the concept of 3D tiles but I wasn’t loving the scale of these. Brave choice though, good on them.

Everyone loved the exposed copper pipe leading to the shower and the fact that there was a bath. But as Neale said, you turn one way and it’s a bathroom by the contestants who got 30/30 for their main bathroom and you turn the other way and it’s a mess! Neale said they’d tried to do too much and incorporate too many ideas while Darren said he could see its potential and it was a real shame it hadn’t been finished in time. And just to put the boot in a little more, Shaynna and Neale both agreed the styling was really bad. Awkward!

Get Chris and Jenna’s look: Ando pendant in concrete, driftwood drum stool, emScents candle, VERE body products.


H3 Rm8 M&K Ensuite EA 02

It started off well with Max and Karstan’s reveal but very quickly seemed to turn sour. Shaynna said the room left her cold and felt a bit clinical. Neale said it was very hard. Mr Nice Guy Darren said it flowed very nicely from the en suite with its simple palette, while Neale said it felt dated. Darren made a big deal of the lighting and said the pair always make great choices in that department. He said it felt consistent with the rest of the apartment but didn’t appeal to him personally. I actually really liked its gloss and hotel feel. I also like a dark tiled bathroom. And not just because I think it will hide dust…

Get Max and Karstan’s look: Unika pendant, Tolo LED lights, Glasshouse Bora Bora candle.


H4 Rm8 S&S Ensuite EA 37

Well of COURSE they all loved the timber bath. “Oh my God, that’s awesome,” said Shaynna, who loved it so much she kicked off her heels and hopped in to try it out for size. Neale said the boys had absolutely nailed it and Darren said it was really really good. It was quite obvious the boys were going to win. Shaynna said it felt like a high end hotel suite and all the judges agreed this bathroom would become a key selling point for their apartment and something buyers would go crazy for. I absolutely loved this bathroom and think it totally deserved the win. I am a real bath lover and that timber tub is now on my dream house wish list!

H4 Rm8 S&S Ensuite EA 11

Get Shannon and Simon’s winning look: Lab pendants, Nord pendant, Octopus ornament, Sibella Court Gypsy book, Wood and Water timber bath.


H5 Rm8 D&D Ensuite EA 55

It may be small but Darren and Dee’s en suite looked pretty perfectly formed to me. Darren said it took your breath away but in a really gentle way. Neale said it was just beautiful. But Shaynna said there wasn’t enough storage (which did not go down well with Dee: understatement of the year!).

H5 Rm8 D&D Ensuite EA 62

Get Darren and Dee’s look: Constellation single pendant.

I’d love to know which was your favourite and what you thought of Chris and Jenna’s 3D tiles and the boys’ timber bath?


The Block Glasshouse trailer

The first trailer for the next series of The Block (The Block Glasshouse) is out and comes with a twist, of course: this series will see the contestants judge each other.

So, what does this mean for the judges? And can you imagine the drama?! Can’t wait!

Will you be watching?