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You’ll never hit the wrong light switch again with this quick fix

When Carmen Stewart renovated her home, she was excited to have her family and friends over. However quickly, an annoying habit appeared: “I re-wired my house and had lovely new light switches installed, but the problem was, no one could find the right switches! This in turn created cycles of flicking light switches on and off and in no time at all it started to drive me a little crazy.”

light switch labels 1

As anyone with switch plates can attest, there’s no way of showing people which switch to use for which light or appliance. And all that electricity wasting, click-click-clicking and increased wear and tear on the switches and globes is doing no one any favours.


So after turning to the internet to buy some switch labels and surprisingly finding none available — either here or overseas, Carmen decided to take matters into her own hands. “There was plenty of information about making your own labels using a Dymo or similar, but I didn’t want to spoil all my new switch plates with ugly labels. So then came the epiphany —  I would make and sell my own labels that’d fit everywhere and look great on every light switch.”

light switch labels

Launching ABC Distributors, Carmen’s flagship product, Light Switch Labels, comes with 80 locations and 240 labels. Self-adhesive, designed to go above or below the switch, each label has non-intrusive text for easy reading and transparent backing that lends itself to any decor. Designed for longevity in mind, each light switch label can be repeatedly cleaned with a damp cloth without lifting or peeling. Quickly applied in seconds the labels can just as simply be removed. Light Switch Labels can also be custom-made for hotels, resorts, hospitals, age care facilities and office buildings.

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Your guide to getting the best energy deal when moving house

There’s nothing like moving to a new home. Fresh surroundings, new décor, new neighbours, removalist trucks, endless cleaning, boxes upon boxes … come to think of it, moving can be kind of stressful.

Moving House iSelect

And by kind of stressful, I mean really stressful. And by really stressful I mean wide awake making to-do lists at 3am but then snapping at the local lollypop lady come 8am kind-of-stressful. Ok, maybe you’ll handle it better than I did, but we can all agree that when it comes to moving there is too much to do and not much time to do it. And unfortunately that means that some things will invariably be forgotten – like sorting out energy for your new home.

Energy isn’t naturally the first thing you think about when moving home and understandably it usually isn’t given much attention, if any. But there are few things worse when moving than realising you forgot to get energy connected and that you will be stuck for a few days without lighting, hot water or heating.

Getting your energy sorted before you move could save unnecessary stress and potentially thousands of dollars in the long-term.

When moving home, just follow this step-by-step checklist to get your energy sorted:

Step 1: Tie up loose ends

Make sure you cancel your existing energy contracts before you move out. You don’t want to get charged for energy you aren’t using. It seems obvious but you’d be surprised how many people forget.

Most providers will require about three to four business days’ notice to close an account. But remember to keep gas and electricity connected until you have finished all the cleaning. Trust me, you don’t want to get stuck trying to clean your old home without hot water or electricity.

Step 2: Connect the new home

Before the big move, take the time to shop around for the best energy deal for your new home. It might sound boring, but no one said you can’t eat ice cream while you’re doing it!

Energy charges can vary from suburb to suburb and state to state and just because you had the cheapest deal in your old home, it doesn’t mean that the same provider will be the best value option for your new one.

Instead of wasting what seems like an eternity speaking to each provider and obtaining individual quotes, speak to an energy comparison expert and find the best plan. One call is always better than ten calls… unless of course you have a love for elevator hold music.

Many people don’t realise that that energy comparison services do more than just compare. Services like iSelect can sign you up to a new energy plan or provider and even arrange connection for you. If you’d prefer to manage the switch yourself, you’ll need to contact your new provider to arrange connection. They’ll normally need three to four days’ notice although many providers offer same day connection if you have left it to the last minute!

Make sure there are no access issues – such as locked gates – blocking access to your meter as this can delay the connection process. Arranging a new connection will also be much easier if you have the meter numbers for the new property handy – your real estate agent should be able to provide these to you in advance.

Step 3: The days before the move

Turn off your fridge and freezer the day before you move to allow it to defrost and wait 24 hours before you turn them back on after the move so the gas settles. And that means you have no choice but to order take-away, guilt-free!

On the day of the big move, turn off the electricity off at the main switch but don’t touch the gas. You’ll also need to turn off the hot water system. It’s also worth taking readings of your gas and electricity meters by taking a quick photo on your phone. This could come in handy if there are any disagreements over billing after you’ve moved out and also, taking photo evidence makes you feel like you’re on the set of CSI Miami.

Step 4: You’ve arrived

When you arrive at your new home, it’s a good idea to take meter readings and photos at the new property. That way you’ll be covered if the previous owners failed to close their account.

It’s also worth considering lowering the thermostat on your on your new water heater to 60-to-65 degrees rather than wasting energy heating it any higher.

If you’re moving in winter, set the heater’s thermostat to 20 degrees or less. Every extra degree increases costs by 10 per cent. In the summer, set the air-conditioning to 24 degrees or warmer for a similar result.

Once you’ve done all this; take a breath, get into your PJs, open another tub of ice cream and start making some memories in your new home.

–Laura Crowden works for leading online comparison site iSelect. When she isn’t providing advice on how to find the right energy plan or health insurance policy, Laura can be found tackling home renovations (to varying degrees of success) or eating ice cream. She loves getting a good deal, sparkly things, her cat and G&Ts.


Take the guesswork out of electrical home makeovers with Clipsal Wishlist

Take the stress out of creating your dream home with Clipsal by Schneider Electric’s new home electrical planning web tool.


From the comfort of your tablet, laptop or desktop computer, the new Clipsal Wishlist web tool helps you plan all the products you need for an electrical home makeover, including selecting individual solutions such as light switches, or electrical product packages designed for home safety, convenience, security, entertainment and energy efficiency.

Designed to make the planning process of a renovation or new build easy, the Clipsal Wishlist app allows you to use an existing room template, upload or draw house plans, select and place products throughout your home and track the budget of the products selected along the way. The plan can then be saved, shared and returned to at any time. To make things even simpler, the web tool is also linked to registered residential electricians in your local area, who can be contacted directly from the application to bring your dream plan to life.

Not only does the Clipsal Wishlist web tool help you take control of your own electrical needs, it also offers inspiration if the dream home vision doesn’t come with the flick of a switch. The Clipsal Wishlist web tool offers a gallery of home ideas, designs and templates that show which electrical plans and products work best with various interior design styles.

Whether you are renovating, building or planning your next bathroom, kitchen, bedroom or outdoor area, the Clipsal Wishlist web tool takes the guesswork out of planning and brings you one step closer to making your perfect home a reality.

For more information.