Expert Tips Interiors Addict

Alana Lowes’ top tips to save money when moving

Did you know that we’re now officially in ‘moving season’? Typically, about two-thirds of all moves in Australia occur between October and March and with rising costs of living there’s expected to be even more people moving houses over this summer. Luckily, if you’re one of the many planning a move soon, moving ambassador Alana Lowes has shared her top tips to save money when doing so.

Alana Loves

1. Time is money

Removalists usually charge between $60 and $90 per half-hour so if there is something you can do to save the removalists’ time, it will also save you money. You can save hundreds by disassembling beds yourself, bundling loose items together to save multiple trips, bringing items to the front of the house or out to the truck, having things clearly labelled so removalists know exactly where everything should go, leaving a clear space for removalists to park, opting for a morning move when removalists are likely to have more energy, and even offering them a cool drink and turning the aircon on so they stay refreshed.

2. Slash bills

Take advantage of a move to implement some simple cost-cutting hacks such as lowering the temperature of your hot water for instant savings on your electricity or gas bill, installing ceiling fans which are more economical than air conditioning, and changing to energy efficient light bulbs (the NSW Government even has an initiative that can help with this).

3. Go secondhand

Sell or donate unwanted goods so nothing unnecessary is going in the removalist truck and you might even make some money to help with the move. You can also opt for secondhand items in your new home – it’s better for the environment and your hip pocket.

4. Be savvy

The removalist industry has moved with the times so it’s easy to get quotes and compare prices on platforms like Muval, which can also help you save hundreds or even thousands on small moves by finding spare space in bigger trucks or tapping into discounted last-minute space in freight travelling interstate.

If you’re looking to save money whilst moving visit Muval


Why I wish I’d known about mobile self storage last year!

Sponsored by Super Easy Storage

Last year was not exactly relaxed; moving not once but twice (we had six weeks between homes, waiting for settlement), then when we finally bought a house and moved in, the renos started. There’s nothing like ripping out your kitchen and all your floors to make life interesting!

Something I really wish I’d known about last year was mobile self storage! This service, offered by Super Easy Storage, allows you to rent small (or large) self-storage modules for as little as $19 per week, and store them where you want. So, rather than do what we did when we sold our apartment, which was pay removalists to pack up and take everything to my in laws’ empty double garage and then unpack it, then do the same again six weeks later when we settled on the new house, we could have packed the modules at our leisure (rather than all on one hectic day), store them at their warehouse (you can store them on your property if that’s option but obviously we didn’t officially own ours at that stage), and then brought them to the new place, again at our leisure, later.

Not only does this often work out cheaper, but your belongings are safe and dry (and if you can store them on your own property you save there too). What happened with us is that when we removed everything from the in laws’ garage six weeks later, a lot of things had been hit by the dreaded mould and had to be thrown out.

Good to know for next time, eh?! I’m hoping you can all save yourselves time and money by me telling you about this!

The other time this would have been amazing, was when we did all our floors late last year. The thing about doing floors is you have to get everything off the floors and out of the way, and because we had a lot of levelling that needed doing, and a lot of wet cement around, we couldn’t really move things from one room to the next (which wouldn’t have been much fun either!). So, we had to pile everything up in the carpeted rooms we weren’t touching, and when I say piled, I mean poor Seb’s playroom was unusable, so we had pretty much no clear rooms in which to relax during the four-day process. It was so stressful!

Four days where we had to move pretty much everything for new floors to be laid!

We couldn’t fit everything in the rooms that weren’t being touched either, so ended up with our huge modular sofa and dining table on the patio outside, just praying that the roof over them wouldn’t spring a leak (and yes of course it rained). Everything was okay but I had a few sleepless nights there!

But what else could I do though, I thought?! Well, as it turns out, I could have packed everything into some Super Easy Storage modules and had them sitting in the front yard. Now they tell me!

There are so many situations where these self storage modules could make life easier and save you money. Renos in particular can be a real nightmare to live through, so if you can just get things out of the way while messy work is happening, while still keeping them safe and dry on your property, happy days! And all for an affordable price.

I love that mobile storage removes the travel time of getting your things to a warehouse, which is often out of town and not convenient or close by. It’s also a much more efficient process and I love that. Saving time and money (especially time!) and making life easier, especially when you have a toddler running around, is the best. Moving house and renovating are right upon there in the stress stakes so anything that minimises this is a Godsend.

Super Easy Storage (formerly known as Super Cheap Storage) either let you keep the modules on your own property (if that is possible) or they’ll come and collect them for you and take them to their warehouse. It’s just one less thing to worry about. And when it comes to packing and unpacking the modules, you can choose to do it yourself or pay them to do that too. You really can tailor the experience to your needs and budget. There’s also no lock in contract, you just use what you need for as long as you need it.

To give you an idea, one of their large 10m3 units (one of the largest on the market) will comfortably fit the contents of a studio apartment, including appliances. And they’re made of industrial materials so if you’re storing on site, they’ll be secure and dry and you’ll be the only one with a key. To work out how many or what size modules you might need, you can use their handy online calculator.

When else could you use them?

  • To declutter your home when you stage it for sale
  • If you’re renting your home out unfurnished while you move overseas for work temporarily
  • To store family heirlooms you don’t have space for in your current home but would love to keep hold of for when you have a bigger home later

They’re just a few of my ideas!

Find out more about Super Easy Storage’s flexible and affordable services.


Competitions Expert Tips

How to move house like a pro + win $2000 to spend with Grace

GRACE Australia provide these top tips to help minimise stress and disruption during your next relocation.

Make a list and check it twice

Make a list of things to do on moving day and gather supplies such as boxes, bubble wrap, sticky tape and a permanent marker a few weeks in advance. Make a list and running sheet of all the tasks to complete on the day.

Declutter and donate

Create a STAY and GO list, and purge items that aren’t wanted. GRACE’s ‘Move house, make a Difference’ cartons will collect and deliver unwanted items direclty to St Vincent de Paul Society so you don’t have to!

Involve the children

If you have children, spend time explaining the changes and get them excited about the move. Bonding time will help capture the memories and an opportunity to talk about the next home and all the exciting sights to see.

Storage solutions 

Consider self-storage options so you don’t have to rush the move. This will help you to move in progressively.

Don’t forget your furry friends

The four-legged members of the family also need more attention when it comes to relocating. Before you move, speak to your veterinarian about what’s best for your pet when it comes to both moving and settling in to their new home.

Overnight bag
Pack an overnight bag for each member of the family with the essentials which means that you don’t have to unpack and sort through moving boxes on the day. Your first night survival pack should include the toilet paper, pyjamas, toiletries and phone chargers. Not to mention coffee and breakfast supplies!

Spring clean 
Allow enough time to clean or book a cleaner. A removalist company will be able to remove any packaging materials following the delivery of your household goods. GRACE offers a valet cleaning service, so you don’t have to source and book a cleaner during this busy time.

Rely on the professionals for the rest
Did you know it takes an average of two-to-five days to pack up the average four-bedroom family home? Consider using a professional removalist to pack and transport your household goods so you don’t have to take time off work.

When it comes to relocating your family, GRACE is the name you can trust. From preparing and transporting the pets to packing, transporting and cleaning your house, they cover all bases. For more information on their comprehensive removal services, visit the GRACE website.

Win a $2,000 GRACE voucher! Got a move in the New Year? For your chance to win $2,000 to spend with GRACE, simply complete the form by 5pm AEST on Friday 22 December 2017.

Terms and conditions:

  • $2,000 credit applies to moves with moving and packing services (ex GST) in our Australian service areas.
  • Applies to moving and packing services for private household moves only.
  • Insurance, valet, and other ancillary services are excluded from this offer.
  • Offer valid until 30 September 2018, and is subject to availability.

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Your guide to getting the best energy deal when moving house

There’s nothing like moving to a new home. Fresh surroundings, new décor, new neighbours, removalist trucks, endless cleaning, boxes upon boxes … come to think of it, moving can be kind of stressful.

Moving House iSelect

And by kind of stressful, I mean really stressful. And by really stressful I mean wide awake making to-do lists at 3am but then snapping at the local lollypop lady come 8am kind-of-stressful. Ok, maybe you’ll handle it better than I did, but we can all agree that when it comes to moving there is too much to do and not much time to do it. And unfortunately that means that some things will invariably be forgotten – like sorting out energy for your new home.

Energy isn’t naturally the first thing you think about when moving home and understandably it usually isn’t given much attention, if any. But there are few things worse when moving than realising you forgot to get energy connected and that you will be stuck for a few days without lighting, hot water or heating.

Getting your energy sorted before you move could save unnecessary stress and potentially thousands of dollars in the long-term.

When moving home, just follow this step-by-step checklist to get your energy sorted:

Step 1: Tie up loose ends

Make sure you cancel your existing energy contracts before you move out. You don’t want to get charged for energy you aren’t using. It seems obvious but you’d be surprised how many people forget.

Most providers will require about three to four business days’ notice to close an account. But remember to keep gas and electricity connected until you have finished all the cleaning. Trust me, you don’t want to get stuck trying to clean your old home without hot water or electricity.

Step 2: Connect the new home

Before the big move, take the time to shop around for the best energy deal for your new home. It might sound boring, but no one said you can’t eat ice cream while you’re doing it!

Energy charges can vary from suburb to suburb and state to state and just because you had the cheapest deal in your old home, it doesn’t mean that the same provider will be the best value option for your new one.

Instead of wasting what seems like an eternity speaking to each provider and obtaining individual quotes, speak to an energy comparison expert and find the best plan. One call is always better than ten calls… unless of course you have a love for elevator hold music.

Many people don’t realise that that energy comparison services do more than just compare. Services like iSelect can sign you up to a new energy plan or provider and even arrange connection for you. If you’d prefer to manage the switch yourself, you’ll need to contact your new provider to arrange connection. They’ll normally need three to four days’ notice although many providers offer same day connection if you have left it to the last minute!

Make sure there are no access issues – such as locked gates – blocking access to your meter as this can delay the connection process. Arranging a new connection will also be much easier if you have the meter numbers for the new property handy – your real estate agent should be able to provide these to you in advance.

Step 3: The days before the move

Turn off your fridge and freezer the day before you move to allow it to defrost and wait 24 hours before you turn them back on after the move so the gas settles. And that means you have no choice but to order take-away, guilt-free!

On the day of the big move, turn off the electricity off at the main switch but don’t touch the gas. You’ll also need to turn off the hot water system. It’s also worth taking readings of your gas and electricity meters by taking a quick photo on your phone. This could come in handy if there are any disagreements over billing after you’ve moved out and also, taking photo evidence makes you feel like you’re on the set of CSI Miami.

Step 4: You’ve arrived

When you arrive at your new home, it’s a good idea to take meter readings and photos at the new property. That way you’ll be covered if the previous owners failed to close their account.

It’s also worth considering lowering the thermostat on your on your new water heater to 60-to-65 degrees rather than wasting energy heating it any higher.

If you’re moving in winter, set the heater’s thermostat to 20 degrees or less. Every extra degree increases costs by 10 per cent. In the summer, set the air-conditioning to 24 degrees or warmer for a similar result.

Once you’ve done all this; take a breath, get into your PJs, open another tub of ice cream and start making some memories in your new home.

–Laura Crowden works for leading online comparison site iSelect. When she isn’t providing advice on how to find the right energy plan or health insurance policy, Laura can be found tackling home renovations (to varying degrees of success) or eating ice cream. She loves getting a good deal, sparkly things, her cat and G&Ts.


24 DIY packing tips for moving house

By Clive Smith

Whether you’re moving to the next town over, or to an entirely new area, packing your own things and moving them yourself or via a shipping container can be the most cost-effective way to go.


DIY moving allows you to stay within budget and to have an environmentally-friendly move. Remember to use what you have. It’s likely you will need to buy some supplies, but everything you buy is one more thing you have to move.

So, here are 24 top-notch packing tips for your DIY move and to make your life that little bit easier.

Start early

  1. Start going through your belongings at least six weeks prior to your move date. Things you don’t use often, like seasonal decorations and out of season clothing, can be packed first.
  2. Schedule pickups or drop-offs to local charities, or post items that you don’t want on eBay, Gumtree or Etsy with enough time that you’re not scrambling.
  3. Leave everyday items until right before you move, and pack things you will need right away in an easy to access clear container.
  4. Don’t forget to change your address at least one week prior to moving.

Stay organised

  1. As you’re packing, label boxes with your name, the room it belongs in, and what’s inside. Each box can be moved to the room it belongs in at the new home, which will make the unpacking process easier.
  1. Using coloured packing tape can be an easy way to keep track of which boxes belong in which rooms. You can use colours or labels to let movers know whether a box is fragile or heavy.
  2. Keep track of all of your belongings by numbering the boxes. If, when you get to your new home, you are missing a number, you’ll know that it was lost in the move and you will be able to find it quickly.
  3. Keep track of what you need during the move with an overnight bag that stays with you.


Use what you have

  1. Before purchasing boxes, look for any suitcases, duffel bags, or large containers, like laundry baskets, you may have in your home. You’ll minimise the trash, and the cost, of your move.
  1. Clothing can be moved in the dresser drawers. Keep clothing in place with Press’n Seal or plastic wrap.
  2. Heavy duty trash bags can be used to pack hanging clothes, they’re hanging. Tie the hangers together with a string and stuff the clothes in the bag.

DIY tips for a safe move

  1. Remove the lids of gels and liquids in your kitchen, bedroom or bathroom, and cover the openings with plastic wrap before replacing the lids. This will keep them from spilling or leaking out during the move, even if the lids come loose.
  2. If you have powder cosmetics, place a cotton ball on top, inside the container, to keep powder intact.
  3. Pack heavy items on the bottom and lighter items on top.
  4. Put heavy items, like books, in smaller boxes to keep the box light. Put lighter items, like pillows, in larger bags or boxes for quick moving.

Protect fragile items

  1. If you have breakable items, they will need to be insulated in the boxes. Instead of using packing peanuts, try wrapping breakables in cloth you already have: Towels, clothing, bedding, etc. Clean socks fit well inside of glasses and stemware.
  2. If you don’t have enough, bubble wrap is a great solution, but newspaper is just as effective, usually less expensive, and can be recycled once you’re in your new home.
  3. Plates are less likely to break when they’re packed side to side, like in a dishwasher, instead of stacking them on top of each other.

Moving furniture & electronics

  1. Furniture is likely to be some of the heaviest things to move. If possible, take it apart prior to moving.
  2. Keep track of hardware, cords and cables by labeling it inside of individual plastic bags, or taping the hardware to a piece of paper.
  3. Take photos of the way electronics are plugged in before you take them apart. It’s easier to put back together with a photo to work from.

Prepare your new home

  1. If you are renting your new home, be sure to take photos before you move in. You’ll want a record of the condition of the home when you move in.
  2. Cleaning your new home before you move in will ensure that you can put everything away once the boxes arrive.
  3. If you’re planning to install shelving or paint, do so prior to moving your belongings into your new home.

You can also check out the Moving Interstate in Australia Checklist.

–Clive Smith is the Interstate Removals General Manager for Budget Self Pack Containers, Australia’s expert long-distance and interstate house removalists.