Architecture Design Expert Tips

House facades 2018: expert advice on getting it right

The face of your home, the façade, is generated by a mix of colours, materials and textures and sets the scene for your interior selections to follow. But nailing the perfect entrance is a hard act to pull off – particularly when you’re building a brand new home. With so many design choices to make, the decision can become quite overwhelming.

To help guide your decision-making process, we chatted to Henley Design colour consultant Cassandra Lynch about her favourite contemporary facades and her tips on how to create a beautiful street presence.

Be on the lookout for your favourite façade features

When you’re driving down a street and you’re looking for an address, you might just miss the finer details of what makes the home beautiful from the outside. To create your ideal facade, it’s important to find the right balance of style and impact.

“Be on the lookout for images online or get inspiration from classic drive-bys and start handpicking the looks you love so you have some insights into your style before you’re making selections,” says Cassandra. “Pay attention to the materials used, bricks, render, timber or steel, and also take into account the texture of the materials, and colours.”

When it comes to colour, less is more

Selecting the perfect colour scheme is often a balancing act, and with facades, the formula can be a matter of less is best according to Cassandra.

“Grey, black, brick and Colorbond cladding are some of the most popular façade inclusions, as well as James Hardie fibre cement sheets, with texture and timber also featuring as highlights,” she adds.

“Monochromatic colour schemes using a combination of dark grey bricks and contrasting white/light grey renders and matt finish Colorbond roof in either Monument or Surfmist and Aluminum black windows are the colour combinations which people are currently loving,” says Cassandra.

“On the opposite end, we also have the neutral colour scheme which is becoming increasingly popular,” says Cassandra. “Consider using much lighter creamier/beige bricks and complementing them with white and grey renders and light natural stained timber accents.”

Cassandra’s top tips in façade selection

  • Choose a façade to complement the area your house is being built. For example, choose a neutral coastal façade if building near the beach. Utilising cement cladding over natural timbers if you live near the coast is a great idea as the salty sea air will ruin any timber and will be a pain to maintain in the longterm.
  • Take inspiration from your design style. If you are drawn to more traditional or Victorian style furniture with antique furniture, perhaps go for a more traditional façade with decorative mouldings. If you love modern architecture, straight lines and monochromatic colours, choose a modern façade.
  • If building in a new estate, always check the developers design guidelines before falling in love with any specific colours or finishes.

The expert team at Henley Design can guide you through the array of exterior choices. Henley also has a handy visualiser tool to help make the selection process easier. Head on over to the Henley Design page for more inspiration and to make an appointment with the Henley Design experts. 

The top 5 exterior trends for 2018

Outdoor & Exteriors The Block

The Block series 13 front facade and garden reveals

I never used to take much interest in exteriors because I lived in apartments and well, that’s all out of your control. But now we own our first house (and she’s not the most beautiful red brick number, bless her) transforming her inside and out has become the goal. I hope to share plans for our house exterior with you in the not too distant future but for now, let’s concentrate on The Block’s exterior reveals. These houses had character and good bones in spades to start off with (unlike mine), but boy, did the contestants make them all even better with their overhauls!

Jason and Sarah: 2nd place with 28

The judging started well! “Isn’t it just the sweetest little dream house you’ve ever seen?” asked Darren! He thought it was a master stroke to make the effort to restore the original front doors and paint them in a contrasting black. Agreed!

Shaynna loved the combination of the bluestone, timber and beautiful original door and windows as well as the choice of plants.

Neale said it had an amazing sense of harmony. “Just beautiful. This is exactly what I was hoping it would be.”  He said they’d shown such respect for the age and heritage of the building with just enough of a contemporary twist. “It feels like it’s been here forever.”

Our pick: Black wall light

Hannah and Clint: last place with 23.5

Hannah’s longed for pink door was a winner with Shaynna: “The door! How beautiful! Oh, it’s so sweet!” She also loved the carriage light and thought it went very well with the door and the handle.

Darren liked that it was a different grey to next door and with the soft pink and dark timber, it made for a nice palette.

Neale said it was lovely but didn’t have the same level of finish as Jason and Sarah’s.

Darren said for a couple who had never renovated to deliver this whole house as their first project was quite remarkable. The judges said they should be commended for taking on a challenge and finishing a house that looks this good.

Our pick: Black wire chairs

Ronnie and Georgia: 4th place with 24.5

Well, they said they knew it would be polarising. I for one loved it. Although I’m not sure about the tiles. I love that they used tiles but they didn’t feel heritage enough to me.

Darren was a big fan: “Va va voom!”

Neale however, although accepting it was a statement and that he loved the exterior colour, was not keen on the tile. “It’s too much. It’s fighting with everything else.” Shaynna said they would soon look dirty and messy. Neale was surprised at the look they’d gone for considering their interior was largely very subtle. “I expected something more classic.”

Darren really liked the tiles and thought the pops of white relieved the darkness of the house.

Shaynna loved how the dark colour made the leadlight windows pop. Agreeing with Neale, she said while the interior was very feminine this was very masculine and didn’t necessarily suit. Neale added: “They’ve gone for wow factor and I understand it but I’m just not sure that it’s working.”

Darren said it would be polarising and if you didn’t love it, this house is not for you.

Our pick: Black occasional chairs

Sticks and Wombat: first place with 28.5

If there was one exterior that was true to its interior, it was Sticks and Wombat’s. I wasn’t sure about those timber posts at first but they grew on me.

Neale said if someone had asked me what their exterior was going to look like it, it would have been this. “They’ve used that beautiful Scandinavian brushstroke and this is perfect. This is all it needed to be.”

The blue-grey paint colour choice was one of Darren’s favourites, a “perfect heritage colour”.

Shaynna liked the maintenance-free front garden and Neale said while they’d not used a house name or a welcome mat, they didn’t need one: “It’s all like one big welcome mat!”

Our pick: Fence mount letterbox

Josh and Elyse: 3rd place with 26

Well, this one surprised me (and the judges!) this week. I must admit while I didn’t really like it, especially those concrete posts and the warm colour scheme, I admire them for trying to be authentic and different and I could see it would appeal to many.

Shaynna said it felt like nan’s home. “I absolutely adore the entry, the flowering and the hedging. But I don’t think it matches the house. They have a mix of old and new in there and out here is very old fashioned, but not in the boho way they’ve done. I’m honestly surprised because it doesn’t connect with the backyard or the entry.”

Neale agreed. “It’s definitely not the front garden I was expecting to find. I hate the pillars. So ugly. I know they’re authentic but sometimes history gives you permission to rewrite it.”

Darren on the other hand, loved the red brick and crazy pavers. “It’s really cosy, friendly and authentic.”

Our pick: Cement planters

Auction this week! Eek! Who do you think will win? Love to hear in the comments below!

All our Block coverage.