
“There’s not a day when I don’t just want to make things.” An interview with Rachel Castle

You probably already know Rachel Castle’s sellout pokadot pillow cases, velvet round cushions and colourful artwork. If you’ve seen the saying Put The Love In The Coconut around the place, you’ve seen her happy creations for her label CASTLE.

Rachel Castle of CASTLE
Rachel Castle of CASTLE

I’m delighted to finally interview Rachel for Interiors Addict but it’s taken a while because her life, by her own admission, is a little hectic, like most creatives I’d say. Also, her work is so popular that she can’t make enough of it (“I get really cranky customers writing ‘BUT EVERYTHING’S SOLDDDD,’ which is great, but I often feel so bad I’m not making things quick enough!”).

Whether she’s inspired or frustrated though, there’s never a day when Rachel doesn’t want to just make things. “Inspiration is a funny old thing. It comes in the night time when it’s a complete shag to get out of bed and write it down, why is that?! I think the thing for me is to keep it real, to say what I want to say rather than what I think others might like/not like me to say. Having said that I keep the language well and truly nice, unlike in real life!”

Limited edition teatowels, designed to be framed, are an affordable $59
Limited edition teatowels, designed to be framed, are an affordable $59

While her work is always vibrant and colourful, that isn’t a conscious decision. “I just know when something looks right to me. With inspiration I think there is an equal part frustration. I am just as frustrated as I am inspired at times, which I think keeps me busy and making things constantly. Sometimes it works, others it doesn’t. That’s just life and I think being aware of this keeps me moving.” Fashion also influences Rachel hugely and she turns to fashion magazines when her brain “feels dull”.