Competitions Design Interviews

Online platform Designbx proves its impact on interiors

Leading online interior design platform Designbx has been named a finalist in the 2018 NSW Telstra Business Awards in the ‘Emerging and Energising’ category. An industry disruptor, this very impressive hat tip recognises the impact that the company has had on the interior design industry.

Designbx client project
Designbx client project

Designbx was launched in 2016 by businesswomen Kerena Berry, Kylie Pratt and Emily Carding, connecting homeowners and small business with interior designers who compete to style their homes. Created to be affordable, flexible and fun, the egalitarian platform was designed to put interior design within everyone’s reach.

“We’ve built a 100 per cent online marketplace where you can collaborate with amazing designers and choose from a huge catalogue of furniture and homewares to create amazing spaces. From our online style quiz all the way through to our personal shopper service, we’ve made it an incredibly intuitive process to ensure every Australian can have access to professional design,” says co-founder Kerena Berry.

“By migrating all the best features of professional design to an online platform, Designbx brings design packages well within the budget of most Australians and our industry discounts mean our clients can save thousands on furniture and homewares,” says Kerena of the platform that also offers 60 day post-project support.

Designbx client project
Designbx client project

As for the company’s recent Telstra win, it’s certainly no mean feat – to be a finalist, Designbx had to be in the top 25 of 5,000 applications in New South Wales. “Although entering the awards took a lot of time, I would highly recommend it to any other business owner to have a go. No matter the outcome, we viewed entering the awards as a way of being able to stop and reflect upon what we’d achieved. When you’re building a new business, you seldom get a chance to do that so this kind of forced us but in a good way. We were able to reflect on our successes and celebrate our achievements, and this was an inspiring process. It made us so proud,” says Kerena.

The Designbx team at the recent Telstra awards
The Designbx team at the recent Telstra awards

“An aspect of the business the judges singled out was our commitment to innovation and customer experience improvements, as we reinvest 25 per cent of gross profit into product development. We are continuing to grow our partnerships with designers, manufacturers and other suppliers to grow our product catalogue of 50,000 products, to continue to offer clients a diverse range of bespoke and mainstream products. Our client base is continuing to expand geographically, with incredible projects being delivered by designers in all states of Australia.”

Designbx client project
Designbx client project

The company has a charitable focus too. “For every home that we transform, it allows us to give back to the community. We are currently committed to the Pledge 1% movement, and support organisations such as Bear Cottage who tirelessly provide respite to families facing terminal illness. We have a strong vision to expand this year on year, and it’s a very big personal driver for all three of us,” says Kerena.

Check out some Designbx transformations | Darren Palmer’s new online interior design course


New easy online 3D bathroom planner lets you design yourself

Whether you’re designing a brand new bathroom or planning a renovation, it’s now easier than ever thanks to the 3D Bathroom Planner recently launched by Reece.

Reece 3D Planner - Bring your bathroom plans to life

This innovative online planning tool is already helping home owners become their own designer and bring bathroom ideas to life in just a few clicks. You to select and swap products to create the perfect look for your bathroom space.

Reece marketing manager Belinda Geels said that making the bathroom design experience as easy and visual as possible was key to its development. As well as allowing users to select from the entire range of Reece bathroom products and preview how they’ll look, the 3D Bathroom Planner also lets you choose fittings, lighting and tiles to complete the look.