
Why I wish I’d known about mobile self storage last year!

Sponsored by Super Easy Storage

Last year was not exactly relaxed; moving not once but twice (we had six weeks between homes, waiting for settlement), then when we finally bought a house and moved in, the renos started. There’s nothing like ripping out your kitchen and all your floors to make life interesting!

Something I really wish I’d known about last year was mobile self storage! This service, offered by Super Easy Storage, allows you to rent small (or large) self-storage modules for as little as $19 per week, and store them where you want. So, rather than do what we did when we sold our apartment, which was pay removalists to pack up and take everything to my in laws’ empty double garage and then unpack it, then do the same again six weeks later when we settled on the new house, we could have packed the modules at our leisure (rather than all on one hectic day), store them at their warehouse (you can store them on your property if that’s option but obviously we didn’t officially own ours at that stage), and then brought them to the new place, again at our leisure, later.

Not only does this often work out cheaper, but your belongings are safe and dry (and if you can store them on your own property you save there too). What happened with us is that when we removed everything from the in laws’ garage six weeks later, a lot of things had been hit by the dreaded mould and had to be thrown out.

Good to know for next time, eh?! I’m hoping you can all save yourselves time and money by me telling you about this!

The other time this would have been amazing, was when we did all our floors late last year. The thing about doing floors is you have to get everything off the floors and out of the way, and because we had a lot of levelling that needed doing, and a lot of wet cement around, we couldn’t really move things from one room to the next (which wouldn’t have been much fun either!). So, we had to pile everything up in the carpeted rooms we weren’t touching, and when I say piled, I mean poor Seb’s playroom was unusable, so we had pretty much no clear rooms in which to relax during the four-day process. It was so stressful!

Four days where we had to move pretty much everything for new floors to be laid!

We couldn’t fit everything in the rooms that weren’t being touched either, so ended up with our huge modular sofa and dining table on the patio outside, just praying that the roof over them wouldn’t spring a leak (and yes of course it rained). Everything was okay but I had a few sleepless nights there!

But what else could I do though, I thought?! Well, as it turns out, I could have packed everything into some Super Easy Storage modules and had them sitting in the front yard. Now they tell me!

There are so many situations where these self storage modules could make life easier and save you money. Renos in particular can be a real nightmare to live through, so if you can just get things out of the way while messy work is happening, while still keeping them safe and dry on your property, happy days! And all for an affordable price.

I love that mobile storage removes the travel time of getting your things to a warehouse, which is often out of town and not convenient or close by. It’s also a much more efficient process and I love that. Saving time and money (especially time!) and making life easier, especially when you have a toddler running around, is the best. Moving house and renovating are right upon there in the stress stakes so anything that minimises this is a Godsend.

Super Easy Storage (formerly known as Super Cheap Storage) either let you keep the modules on your own property (if that is possible) or they’ll come and collect them for you and take them to their warehouse. It’s just one less thing to worry about. And when it comes to packing and unpacking the modules, you can choose to do it yourself or pay them to do that too. You really can tailor the experience to your needs and budget. There’s also no lock in contract, you just use what you need for as long as you need it.

To give you an idea, one of their large 10m3 units (one of the largest on the market) will comfortably fit the contents of a studio apartment, including appliances. And they’re made of industrial materials so if you’re storing on site, they’ll be secure and dry and you’ll be the only one with a key. To work out how many or what size modules you might need, you can use their handy online calculator.

When else could you use them?

  • To declutter your home when you stage it for sale
  • If you’re renting your home out unfurnished while you move overseas for work temporarily
  • To store family heirlooms you don’t have space for in your current home but would love to keep hold of for when you have a bigger home later

They’re just a few of my ideas!

Find out more about Super Easy Storage’s flexible and affordable services.



Boom Gallery: former wool mill turned thriving creative hub

In the former industrial city of Geelong, one-hour southwest of Melbourne, business partners Ren Inei and Kate Jacoby have been tirelessly transforming an old wool mill into an art gallery.

Ren and Kate

A four-year job, the red brick warehouse is now Boom Gallery, a multidimensional creative mecca that could easily suit the streets of Melbourne’s Brunswick and Sydney’s Redfern.


With polished concrete floors, custom cabinetry and industrial light fittings, the space houses a gallery, retail showroom, cafe, shared studios, education space, function space and later this year, urban garden.


Supporting local artists and designers, Boom Gallery exhibits a diverse range of artists including Jeff Raglus, Ellie Malin, Jiri Tibor Noval and Glen Smith. With local buyers enjoying Boom Gallery’s accessible pricing and relaxed atmosphere; it is akin to city galleries in its quality and passion, but distinctly laid-back — a luxury afforded by the slower pace.



Around the globe, creatives are transforming small towns to critical acclaim, and in Geelong, Boom Gallery is a key player. Watch this space!

For more information.

Designers Furniture Interviews

A peek inside Incy Interiors’ converted mill workspace

Here at Interiors Addict we are big fans of Incy Interiors. Their furniture is nothing other than beautiful, so we knew their new workspace wouldn’t be any different. We were right!

Located in an old flour mill in Bathurst, founder Kristy Withers actually stumbled upon the space two years ago, when she used it for a photoshoot. “When we did the shoot, it was a big open space in need of lots of love. It was dirty, freezing and had no internal walls, but it completely made up for the sub-zero temperature and dirt with its rustic charm.”


Jump forward a couple of years and with the Incy Interiors team having to be out of their old office pronto, Kristy couldn’t think of any better space to call home work! “I returned from a trip to China on the Monday and we needed to be out of our old office on the Friday. We already had one of the desks from the recent Life Instyle trade show, so it all started with the desk. We made a decision as a team that the space would have a scandi/neutral theme with copper accents and from there we sat down and figured out all of the elements. 10 days later we had a fully decked out office.”


Clean and clutter free: “I have a severe case of OCD so this is my idea of heaven!” Kristy didn’t realise how important a beautiful workspace was, until she had one. “We have only been here for three weeks and I can already tell the entire team is energised and excited about coming to work and all of the opportunities available to us.”


Primarily used as an office, customers are more than welcome to pop in, say hi and pick up an order. And with Kristy originally having discovered the space for a photoshoot, she is keen to take it back to its roots. “The space is perfect for photoshoots so we are planning on doing them here weekly with the products we will be focused on for that week.”

Watch this space!

Homewares Interviews Styling

Sibella Court’s new space, TV show and book and life as a travelling mum

It’s been a long time since we’ve heard much from Sibella Court, the Sydney stylist with a (no exaggeration really) cult following. But rest assured, behind the scenes, it is all happening! Today, we’re bringing you all the news on her new warehouse premises, TV show, boutique accommodation, book and last but by no means least daughter, baby Silver.

Low key Sibella is as busy as ever. Image by
Low key Sibella is as busy as ever

Sibella recently opened an amazing warehouse space – the all new Society Inc — in Sydney’s St Peters and we couldn’t wait to shoot it. Replacing her former tiny, packed-to-the-rafters shop in Paddington, it’s quite a change but the aesthetic is as distinctly Sibella as ever.


“At the beginning of last year, I saw the space for sale on Doody Street, a space I knew well from my early styling years. I viewed it, it was completely out of my price bracket and way too big, but it woke my imagination to be in a much larger space,” she says.

“I create interiors and I wanted clients, guests and customers to be able to experience the pages of my books by walking through sets, installations and vignettes and purchasing the pieces I put in my hospitality spaces (Ms G’s, Mr Wong, El Loco, Palmer & Co and Bistrode CBD to name but a few), as well as celebrating all the fabulous makers, designers, artists and creators I work with and have forged friendships with over a 20+ year career in the styling world.”



The L-shape space has been split into 65% public and 35% private. The public space will be “a combination of retail, installation, activity, magic and fantasy; a sensory experience that feels as though you’re walking amongst the pages of one of my books,” also used for workshops, talks, photography, dinner parties, flea markets, launches, events and whatever else takes her fancy. “It will showcase some of our handpicked favourite people, artists and companies that we have loved and worked with over the years.”

Sibella and her team will be launching brands not previously available in Australia from all over the globe (the USA, Netherlands, the Caribbean and the UK to name but a few) and if there’s one woman who knows how to curate, it’s her! There’ll also be two container sales a year from her travel destinations.

The dream space will also serve as an art gallery, where you can purchase the pieces displayed within her installations and vignettes. “Above all else, it will an interactive space that changes and invites conversation, with exciting products, exchange of ideas and fun!” The private side of the space will serve as a studio for her hospitality design work, ever-popular books and product development.



But that’s not all! That beautiful little 1860s corner terrace in leafy Paddington, which used to house The Society Inc, is now on Airbnb and you can stay there, or indeed host an event in the space. “We’ve turned it into a pied-a-terre; a one-bedroom hotel, a very boutique experience. It’s aimed at the weary pilgrim who needs to rest their head after a long journey, however with a little more than a humble stretcher.

“We are often asked by curious international parties about our favourite Australian furniture makers, artists, crafters, textile designers, dyers, tinkers and smiths and the like. This is where we will be showcasing some our favourites and sharing the love. It will be a sensory experience; an imaginarium of curiosities, forever changing and never finished, again, like being in the pages of one of my books.” A huge fan of sites like Airbnb and onefinestay, she hopes to appeal to those seeking a personal experience that gives their adventures a richer and deeper involvement in a Sydney stay and a fond memory to take home. Well, I live in Sydney and I’m despearately trying to find an excuse to stay there myself!



Sibella is not known for being a self-publicist (some would say an essential part of the stylist’s job these days) and perhaps her air of mystery, ironically, is what keeps people coming back for more. She also travels so far and wide that she is rarely in town for long. But becoming a mum hasn’t slowed down the laidback bowerbird. “Silver comes along for the ride and she is only little so she fits into my Filson bag! As any small business owner knows, there is no rest for the wicked. I have two babies now – Silver and The Society Inc.”

But we’re happy to hear we’ll see a lot more of the stylist this year. After two years of shooting, Sibella has a TV show coming up on the ABC later this year called Restoration Australia. “This year is as busy as ever with lots of hospitality spaces being designed, new product ranges in fragrance, furniture and soft furnishings, an Anthropologie collaboration, The Stylist’s Guide to the Globe (her latest book), collaborations and plenty of exciting, cool stuff.”


She’ll never be in one spot for too long though: “Part of my job description is to travel — it is the root of my inspiration for all things.”

The Society Inc. | Warehouse 3.02, 75 Mary Street, St Peters, NSW 2044 

Photography by Jacqui Turk

Designers Homewares

The year that was for Design Twins & their concrete homewares

We love supporting small businesses in the interiors and homewares industry and last year, one couple (in love and business) stood out. They were Crystal Bailey and Mitchel Lindsay from Design Twins and we are a bit smug with ourselves for having been the first blog to feature their gorgeous concrete wares!

Crystal and Mitch of Design Twins
Crystal and Mitch of Design Twins

The business was in fact, only launched six months ago in June. “The adventure has become a dream come true,” Crystal says. “We spent the start of the year working on original designs that no one had ever seen before and decided to make them all out of an industrial obsession with concrete! It turned out to be so much fun that we would start selling them at the markets. We started to gain a fair amount of interest on social media when we started participating in Interiors Addict’s 7 Vignettes challenge (thank you for being the reason I woke up so early, half asleep in my PJs to take a styled shot!), so setting up a website seemed like a natural thing to do. Once our website was live, our orders were so huge, that we had to move out of our tiny little apartment and into a home with a workshop. It was bittersweet, because we still miss that cute little place on the beach!”

design twins 3 interiors addict

design twins 2 interiors addict

A few weeks later, the couple started receiving a large amount of interest from stockists around the country and decided to move Design Twins into a warehouse, where they juggled business with other jobs and family and then Crystal found out she was six weeks pregnant on her 30th birthday!

(I told you they had a big year!)

“The following month, we moved home and our warehouse again, but it all finally works perfectly and we are working on a brand new collection,” says Crystal. “It’s definitely the hardest we have ever worked, but everything has been so worth it. We have had our products featured in our favourite magazines such as Real Living, Marie Claire and Inside Out and currently have our products stocked in the most beautiful homewares stores such as Fenton & Fenton, Ahoy Trader and The Minimalist. We were also invited to teach sold out concrete classes at The School by Megan Morton.”

design twins concrete cups interiors addict

design twins 4 interiors addict

In October, Design Twins exhibited at Grand Designs Live and they had a sale event on Temple & Webster.

“All of this, with huge amounts of online orders, and it’s been one crazy, fun, exhausting but rewarding year for us! Everything happened so naturally that we actually can’t explain how it all happened, but we have always remained inspired by others, constantly designing and true to ourselves.”

Crystal credits stylist Megan Morton for the initial inspiration to launch the business, after attending one of her workshops, which she described as life-changing.

Shop online at Design Twins.

The duo have just announced they are taking on new stockists. Contact them via their website if you’re interested.

If you’re a homewares startup, get in touch and share your products with us!


House Rules has its first elimination

Normally, post house reveal I speak to the homeowners, but unfortunately this week’s contestants Bomber and Mel are not doing any press.

Last night’s episode of House Rules saw the completion of the last interior renovation and also the first elimination, with the controversial Tassie duo Brooke and Grant being sent home.

Brooke and Grant

Despite receiving their highest scores to date, by both the judges and the homeowners Bomber and Mel, it was a case of too little too late, with the duo unable to secure enough points to gain a place in the next phase of the competition.

On that note though, I think Bomber and Mel should be applauded. They were fifth on the overall leaderboard prior to their home renovation (second last in front of Brook and Grant) and by scoring strategically they would have had a real chance of saving their own skin. But while their scores weren’t the highest (ranging between six and eight ), they didn’t do that, and as a result could have been sent home. Either crazy or kind! But luckily for them they live to see another renovation.

Bomber and Mel

My favourites, Adam and Lisa, took out this week’s renovation for the second time running, for their master bedroom, walk-in wardrobe, ensuite and entry. Brooke and Grant followed in second with a kid’s bedroom, family room and toilet. Both these teams met the brief, of turning a tired century-old cottage into a home that was junkshop chic. Bomber and Mel were wanting the space to be filled with upcycled furniture and for the family room to have a warehouse feel, both requirements which were successfully achieved.

AFTER: Adam and Lisa's master bedroom
Adam and Lisa’s master bedroom
Brooke and Grant's family room
Brooke and Grant’s family room

Yet not all teams got it right, with Maddi and Lloyd scoring the worst for their kitchen, dining room and a second kid’s bedroom, with the judges singling out their modern kitchen cabinetry and DIY painted splashback as not fitting into the space or the house rules

Maddi and Lloyd's kitchen
Maddi and Lloyd’s kitchen

After scores from all six interior renovations were combined Carole and Russel finished first on 107 points; Adam and Lisa second on 105; Candy and Ryan third on 103; Maddi and Lloyd fourth on 101; Bomber and Mel fifth on 97; and Brooke and Grant sixth on 91 points.

Following the elimination of Brooke and Grant, the leaderboard has now been wiped clean for the next phase of the competition, which starts tonight. All five teams are once again on a level playing field as they face their toughest challenge yet, to transform an entire home in just four days!

House Rules airs Tuesday and Wednesday at 7.30pm and continues Sunday at 6.30pm.

Read ALL our House Rules coverage.