Design Kitchens RENO ADDICT

Which tradies do what in a kitchen reno?

Planning on revamping or rebuilding your kitchen? Depending on the scale of your project you are going to need the right tradies to make it all happen. Knowing who does what will help you decide who you are going to need.

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Benchtop installer

Having tons of space to work on is essential in the modern kitchen, so a benchtop specialist can install whatever surface is right for you, including budget laminate, timber, engineered or natural stone, amongst others.


A cabinetmaker can help you get exactly what you want in terms of storage for your kitchen including a dedicated pantry, deep drawers and all the latest hardware like soft close drawers. Don’t forget to plan for that wine rack, a must for any kitchen!


A sparkie is a must-have tradie for any kitchen project no matter the size. Besides obvious elements like lighting you are also going to need tons of powerpoints and all your integrated appliances wired and installed.

Kitchen designer

A kitchen designer can help you squeeze the most out of your space. Let’s face it a well laid out kitchen is an efficient kitchen. Expect to chat about the kitchen work triangle, layout and cabinet sizes.

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Nowadays you’ll be installing not just your kitchen sink and tapware but your dishwasher and that fancy fridge with water/ice dispenser. A licensed plumber can make it all happen and more.

Splashback installer

Unless you like the look of raw concrete (some of you just may) a glass, tiled or stainless steel splashback are perhaps more practical options to frame your work area.


Whether you are thinking of a snazzy tiled splashback or simply having tiles underfoot, an experienced tiler can lay these on walls or floors.

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Dedicated kitchen builder

If you are doing a whole kitchen reno and want someone to take care of the whole project, then a dedicated kitchen builder is definitely for you. They can manage all the above trades and save you a heap of time trying to juggle it all. Expect to pay for the convenience though.

If you are installing a flat pack kitchen there are also dedicated services that will do just that for you.

Don’t forget, like any other job all the tradies who work on your kitchen project need to be licensed for the work they undertake.

— Craig Gibson is the online editor of, Australia’s largest network of trade professionals and the perfect place to find a kitchen specialist in your local area.