Interiors Addict

Video: All the Reno Rumble week 3 kitchen details!

This week was definitely the week for the kitchens and bathrooms to shine. In fact, Dane and Leanne’s kitchen was probably my favourite room of the week. Judges Colin and Justin gave it 19 out of 20, while Scott and Nadia’s teal kitchen also scored highly with 16. While the majority of Australians still love a white gloss kitchen, I love seeing something different or contrasting, and these two rooms certainly delivered!

Watch the video for chats with Dane and Leanne and Scott and Nadia and all the inspiration and details behind their kitchens.

Thanks to Freedom Kitchens, official supplier to Reno Rumble, for sharing these behind the scenes.

Dane and Leanne's kitchen
Dane and Leanne’s kitchen
Scott and Nadia's kitchen
Scott and Nadia’s kitchen

Which was your favourite?

Read the rest of this week’s coverage and see the rest of the houses.


Reno Rumble week 3 reveals where kitchens & bathrooms shone

Week three and the amateur renovators produced some hits and misses once again! The standouts for me were Dane and Leanne’s kitchen and Lisa and John’s main bathroom and master bedroom. What did you think?

Here are all the pictures and judges’ comments and scores…


Lisa and John’s master bedroom


Justin said they’d come such a long way from last week and every part of the bedroom screamed well planned and comfortable. On the downside, the artwork above the bed wasn’t big enough.

Colin gave it an 8 and Justin, an 8

Get the look with this grey sheepskin

Sarah and Renee’s bedroom


]Justin loved the rug and the chevron gold headboards (until one fell off the bed during judging, revealing the shoddy workmanship behind! Oops!).

Colin gave it a 6 and Justin, a 7

Scott and Nadia’s bedroom


Justin was concerned about the position of the desk and Colin said the shelving was bare and the room was lacking a layer and personality. Justin also said it needed layering further and it lacked design and feel good factor.

Colin and Justin both gave it a 5

Lisa and John’s main bathroom


This one certainly made an impression! Colin said it looked like suddenly someone was serious about the competition. “Come on!” Colin said it was so of the moment, very contemporary and restful, beautiful design, well executed, perfection! Justin said it wouldn’t look out of place on the pages of a glossy magazine.

Colin gave it a 10 and Justin, a 9

Get the timber vanity cover

Sarah and Renee’s living room


Colin loved the extra ceiling height and skylights. Justin liked the overall feel and atmosphere but the laser cut paneling let it down with its rough, saw-cut edges!

Colin and Justin gave it 7 each

Scott and Nadia’s kitchen



Colin said the kitchen had it all. Justin said teal made him squeal. In a good way! He loved the way the colour scheme worked with the living room. But 13 chairs around the dining table and kitchen island were way too many! Otherwise, he thought it was very professional.

Colin and Justin both gave it an 8.

Buy the dining chairs

The blue house got 88 points in total, winning.


Dane and Leanne’s master bedroom


Justin said there was lots of nice elements in the room but they didn’t work together. He said it had been put together like a crazy dyslexic jigsaw puzzle?

Colin  and Justin both gave it 6

Buy the butterfly art

Hayley and Jim’s bedroom


Justin really like the mural but Colin said it was very dominant and lonely. While the mural was great, the rest of the room was devoid of personality and it needed Tara’s guitars on the wall!

Colin  and Justin both gave it 6

Hayley and Jim’s bathroom


Justin said it had a sense of theatre, purpose and joy. Colin didn’t love the colours and said it felt a bit dowdy. Justin said it was still well thought through and felt like a sumptuous spa.

Colin gave it a 7 and Justin, an 8

Get the look with this marble toothbrush holder

Dane and Leanne’s guest bedroom


Colin thought it was simple but elegant and Justin said it felt like a cosy, great little space.

Colin and Justin gave it 8 each

Get the look with this flamingo art

Dane and Leanne’s kitchen


Get the look with these black wire dining chairs


Colin said a lot of work had gone into it and it sang to him! Justin said they nailed it and loved the combination of the grey Caesarstone with the black cabinetry and three gorgeous pendant lights.

Colin gave it 9 and Justin, 10

Get the look with this dreamcatcher print

Hayley and Jim’s living room


Justin said while he loved brown leather sofas, having two of them paired with a hard edged coffee table and metal chair felt overpowering. And he pointed out the sofas were so low because they hadn’t realised they hadn’t put the legs on! And all that trouble cutting down the coffee table to size was unnecessary! Colin said it lacked continuity and had suffered because the kitchen was so brilliant. Ouch!

Colin  and Justin both gave it 6

Buy the cowhide rug

The house got a total of 86 which saw lowest scorers Hayley and Jim sent home.

Next week: semi finals already!

Tune in tomorrow for a closer look at this week’s impressive kitchen in our video interviews.


(The all new) Reno Rumble: week 1 room reveals

There was a lot of last minute panic, there were tears and of course bitching, but the results of last night’s first Reno Rumble reveals were nothing short of impressive for two teams of amateurs. Two entire homes in Melbourne were transformed in just one week. Wow. And the fact they were for deserving couples definitely added to the enjoyment of the show. One belonged to cancer survivor Sarah and the other to her best friend, Maddy, who raised huge amounts of money to find her treatment. Sarah is now in remission.

It was refreshing to see the teams renovating real, modest homes rather than exclusive apartments. New judges Colin and Justin delivering their verdicts in person was both entertaining and actually useful. Where they didn’t like what had been done they said why and could suggest what they should have done instead. I’m sure this can only lead to the contestants, and the viewing public, learning more from this newly tweaked show. Reno Rumble’s been renovated and I like it!

There was drama and inter-team bitching of course, but we don’t have time to repeat all that when there are so many rooms to look at!

So here’s what the teams did and how they scored, plus our picks of what to buy.

BLUE TEAM: Maddy and David’s home

Exterior and hallway: team effort

Reno Rumble S2

Reno Rumble S2

While Colin and Justin loved the exposed brickwork they thought the painted finish on the MDF barn-style doors let it down.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 7

Scott and Nadia’s master bedroom 

Our pick: White quilt cover set

Reno Rumble S2

Colin was expecting something more masterful and labelled it less of a reno rumble and more of a reno mumble. He added that it lacked a layer of luxury. Justin said the small floor floor area and high ceilings felt disproportionate, certainly not helped by hanging a tall, thin mirror vertically above the bed!

The hydraulic pop-up TV they were so proud of didn’t go down well either! Colin said it sounded great in theory but in practice it was a rickety old thing! Justin was a little kinder, saying  overall it was a really lovely room.

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin: 7

Lisa and John’s guest bedroom

Our pick: Quilted cushion

Reno Rumble S2

Justin said they’d been really clever with the built-in storage either side of bed and it was a good mix of closed and open storage. Colin said the bed was well dressed but the lack of a rug took away from the feeling of luxury.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7

Scott and Nadia’s bathroom

Reno Rumble S2

Justin really like the brickwork and the long subway tile but neither of them were fans of the “weird modesty wall” around toilet. “It’s not a huge room and it’s working working against the space,” Justin said.

Colin loved how the skylights flooded the room with natural light and the double, wall-mounted vanity. The frameless shower felt modern and larger, but he hated the way they’d created “the largest cistern concealer in Australia!” which was unnecessary!

SCORES: Justin: 6, Colin: 5.

Reno Rumble S2

Sarah and Renee’s kitchen/dining 

Our pick: Black marble serving board


Colin said the kitchen was miraculous and the standard of work in a short period of time was amazing.

Justin said it would be hard not to like it but wished the fridge had been integrated.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7.



Judged separately, Justin said the girls really let the side down with dining and the too-small table.

SCORES: Colin: 5, Justin: 4.

Lisa and John’s living room

Our pick: Electric skylight

Reno Rumble S2

They both loved the light and the integrated TV. Justin said the rug was much too small (an “Elastoplast on the belly of a whale” to be specific!).

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 7.

The blue team’s final overall house score was 88, coming last. As the lowest scoring pair on the lowest scoring team, Sarah and Renee escaped being sent home this week when Scotty revealed there would be no elimination. There definitely will be next week though!

RED TEAM: Sarah and Gavin’s home

Exterior and hallway: team effort



Colin said what had been the creepy house on the street had been totally turned around and had its fortunes changed. Justin said it now felt as if it had a bit of architectural presence.

In the hallway, Justin loved all the light and Colin said it had a new house feel but they had kept some traditional touches.

SCORES: Colin: 7, Justin: 8.

Hayley and Jim’s master bedroom 

Our pick: Antique fob mirror, get the look: geometric art print


Justin said it was a real sanctuary and Colin said while the colour scheme was gentle, the bed felt a bit teenage and the windows could have done with something more. It was only half good.

SCORES: Colin:5, Justin: 5.

Leanne and Dane’s guest room

Get the look: Tibetan wool cushion, marble side table


Justin much preferred it to the master bedroom before with its layers and quirky, mismatched bedsides. Colin loved how the timber warmed it up and the texture on the bed. Justin said the chandelier light was like something out of Game of Thrones, was far too high and should be over a dining table!

SCORES: Colin: 6, Justin 6.

Steve and Holly’s study

Our pick: Floating timber shelf


Justin said they played it far too safe and it felt like a pale painted room with some office furniture. He needed to see more drama and layers. Colin said: “must try harder.”

SCORES: Justin: 4, Colin: 5.

Holly and Steve’s bathroom


This one went down well! Justin said it had been a massive amount of work, was really well appointed, gorgeous and joyous. He couldn’t believe the same couple were responsible for the boring study! Colin said everything felt really considered and it had a layer of design and sophistication as well as a  sense of tranquility.


SCORES: Colin: 8, Justin: 8.

Leanne and Dane’s kitchen

Our pick: Ledlux ribbon lights


Justin said it was well planned but there should have been three pendant lights, not two. Colin said it was really well executed and felt cavernous.

SCORES: Justin: 7, Colin: 8.

Hayley and Jim’s living/dining

Let the look: Coffee table


Justin had issues with the visible TV wall-mounting bracket and cables which could have been hidden, but overall, they both liked the space.

SCORES: Justin: 6, Colin: 8.

The red team’s overall house score was 91, coming first. As the captains of the winning team, Dane and Leanne have immunity next week. Considering their popularity (or not) with their team mates, this should be interesting!


So, what did you all make of the new format and judges? Please share your comments below!

Get a closer look at both teams’ kitchens in our video tour this afternoon.