Interiors Addict Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

How to increase your home’s sale price with some backyard renos

With our purse-strings getting tighter and pandemic life changing the way we work, many are considering selling their homes for something new. So how can you get the maximum sale price? Simple – work smarter, not harder when it comes to renovations. Renovating your backyard can be an efficient way to give your home a competitive edge on the market. Here are some ways you can achieve that from Trex.

Create the space

Upgrade your backyard by building a deck, or resurfacing an existing deck, using composite materials. You’ll not only increase time enjoyed outside, but your home value, too. Unlike wood, high-performance composite decking like Trex resists fading, staining, scratching and mould – and won’t rot, warp, crack or splinter. Maintenance is hassle-free with no sanding, staining or painting required, and food and drink spills wash off easily with just soap and water. Your beautiful new outdoor space will last for decades, and is a key selling point for realters looking to showcase a work from home lifestyle to potential buyers. 

Plant the seed

Trees are one of the few things that truly appreciate over time. You can buy a sapling for just $10 at the nursery, and once it has grown, a mature tree can add $1,000 to $10,000 to the value of your home – not to mention the value of added shade, privacy, and charm.

Light the way

Make your home a 24-hour hangout with outdoor lighting, which adds both ambiance and safety to any space. Choose energy-efficient, low-voltage lights for durability, and remember to check if they are weather-proof and salt-air resistant – so you can talk to how they will retain a “like new” appearance for years to come in your sales pitch. Fixtures that are dimmable and cool to the touch will provide ambiance while being safe for children and pets. Outdoor lighting is an easy way to “wow” guests and potential buyers.

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Before & Afters Jen's reno Outdoor & Exteriors RENO ADDICT

My new deck: the big reveal!

Photography by Jacqui Turk

It finally stopped raining long enough in Sydney for us to shoot these photos of the finished deck and I couldn’t wait to share it with you. I also can’t wait to spend as much time out here as possible over the holidays!

When we bought this house, although it needed a lot of work to bring it up to the 21st century, we loved the size, the flat block and the backyard which had both an entertaining area –now decked–  and a lawn for the kids. Although we still have a few things to finish, seeing it come together like this makes me so happy. We intend to live here for many years and I am thrilled that we now have an outdoor area that really does function as extra living space and an outdoor room (or two). It’s also brought the exterior up to date in a big way!

My husband Damian and I agree it’s now our second favourite space in the house after the kitchen. This may sound like a half-baked compliment but when you consider it’s not actually an enclosed room, I think it’s high praise indeed!

Although the new Trex deck is no bigger than the paved area was before, it feels so much bigger. This is due to a few things: the planks laid horizontally give the illusion of a wider space, the deck comes out from the French doors at the same height which gives great indoor/outdoor flow, we’ve removed the old timber pergola which was about halfway down, plus the light grey composite deck gives a modern, clean aesthetic.

The addition of the steps down to the lawn give it a really slick, finished look and nicely separate the two distinct areas. They’re also great to sit on and put pots on! I’m really glad I went with the grey colour, Island Mist, of the Trex Transcend decking collection, because it has toned down our sixties red brick house and it looks modern (while still in keeping), light and bright.

Because we no longer have a big back step, we can make use of extra space near the French doors, so we now have two distinct areas: one off the dining room for lounging with a coffee or a glass of wine (this was always my dream!) and the other further back for the barbecue and large dining table for entertaining friends. We can look out onto the lawn from wherever we’re sitting and there’s still room for the paddling pool if needed. What more can a girl ask for (maybe a spa, Santa?!)?

If I had to say what I love best about our Trex deck apart from the aesthetics, it would be the low maintenance aspect. And the fact it is hardwearing means I don’t cringe every time Seb rides his scooter over it or drops food on it, knowing it won’t scratch and I can easily hose anything off it. We’ve had plenty of rain (too much!) lately so I can see it drains well and dries off in the sun. While it does get quite hot under direct sun (we’re getting a retractable awning soon), so does any hard surface, including timber. This is the only minor negative I can find but the many other advantages of a composite deck far outweigh it in my honest opinion. I don’t make habit of hanging around in direct sun anyway!

In a nutshell I am absolutely thrilled with the finished product and the process of having it delivered and built was exceptional. The new deck has massively improved the use we can get out of our outdoor area for entertaining, eating as a family and just simply relaxing, right in time for summer. But we love it so much I think we’ll be out there even when it’s colder, huddled around our firepit!

Our al fresco’s now almost finished with new lighting, retractable awning and vertical herb garden still on the list. The new life that has been breathed into this backyard with our Trex deck make the mortgage repayments and living out in the ‘burbs seem more worthwhile than ever!

And before I sign off, here’s a little reminder of what it looked like when we bought it!

Why I chose Trex

More about my deck build

More posts about my house reno

Disclaimer: My deck was supplied to me by Trex in exchange for coverage on this website, though this is an honest review of the product and service.

Deck build by Urban Arch and product delivered by Master Woodturning | Furniture from Early Settler, barbecue from Barbeques Galore | Gutters painted in Haymes Paint: Intimacy | French doors from Corinthian Doors.

Jen's reno Real Renos RENO ADDICT

A new deck and new backyard look in under a week!

Following on from last week’s post on why I chose Trex Transcend composite decking for our backyard, today I’m telling you a bit more about the installation process and largely, how quick and easy it was. I only got to witness the first two days of the build before I was off to hospital to be induced and have baby Charlie, nine days late! But Damian left me updated with progress pictures and the best part was getting home with a new baby to a brand new, finished, beautiful deck!

Before we go any further, shall we flash back to what the ‘Nanna House’ backyard looked like when we bought it 18 months ago?

We’ve changed the sliding doors to timber French ones, removed the old pergola and had all that red trim painted charcoal

I know, right?! VERY Nanna! We’ve done a lot out here, including removing the old pergola and reclaiming a lot of lawn from the many little flowerbeds, but I don’t want to keep you all day, so I’ll stick to the decking for the purpose of this post!

The entire build took just 4.5 days, including creating two steps at the end down to the lawn (the most time-consuming part of the build). I was so impressed with how thorough the job was. The guys from Urban Arch really knew their stuff and it all ran like a well-oiled machine! When they told me it would only take a week, I was dubious, but in the end, it took even less! This has a lot to do with the Trex Hideaway Hidden Fastening System which makes install a breeze, within the realm of handy homeowners (which Damian and I are not), so you can even do it yourself!

Everything was delivered by Master Woodturning on day one, who expertly craned the heavy materials over our brand new picket fence!

First, a pest expert came to install a termite barrier around the edge of the house where the deck would meet it.

Termite treatment around the edge of the house where the deck meets it

I have mentioned my termite phobia before, so this gave me extra peace of mind! Then our old red-tiled back step was jack hammered off in preparation for the frame going in, which, much to my excitement, would be at the same level as the back door, hugely improving our indoor/outdoor flow.

Bye bye back step!

You also don’t want a high step from your back door down to your al fresco when you have kids; it’s just asking for trouble. I am so happy to no longer have to worry about anyone tripping off the back step and falling flat on their face!

While all this was happening, we also had our favourite painters from BK Decor painting all the external trim of our house. All the trades managed to work around each other beautifully! I needn’t have worried about them getting in each other’s way or holding each other up!

Next, the timber frame, which was cut to size on site, went in. There was much measuring and cutting of timber and it all looked so pleasingly at right angles! Urban Arch explained that installing on top of pavers with good drainage was actually an excellent base for a deck. We decided against having railings installed, which Trex does offer in matching colours, because they weren’t really necessary at this height and we wanted to maximise the sense of space.

Where the steps will go in where the deck meets the lawn

It was really exciting to see the decking go in, and the space suddenly looked so much bigger and fresher, not to mention the fact it was all finally on one level. Yay! It was then I could really appreciate I’d chosen the right colour in the grey-toned Trex Island Mist, which I’m delighted with and everyone comments on!

I don’t want to share the entire transformation with you just yet (that’s coming next week, post-photoshoot) so these glimpses are just a teaser! Suffice to say we are thrilled and so impressed by and grateful for the great job done by Urban Arch and the amazing end result using Trex composite decking. You’re going to be super impressed when you see the finished look!

These smart steps provide a great transition to the lawn which was definitely missing before.

Make sure you come back next week to see it all! And if you have any questions, please ask them in the comments.

Disclaimer: My deck was supplied to me by Trex in exchange for coverage on this website, though this is an honest review of the product and service.

Interiors Addict

Choosing a deck: my backyard transformation with Trex

Today is the first in a series of three posts about our yet to be revealed backyard transformation, which I can’t wait to share.

A deck is every Aussie’s dream for the ultimate in indoor/outdoor living and seamless entertaining flow from your house to your al fresco, am I right?! Damian and I have always loved the idea of a deck, especially when we bought our family home 18 months ago, with a designated area for entertaining as well as a flat lawn further back for the kids (there are two since little Charlie joined us last month!) to play.

The back garden in full bloom last summer!

Maintenance though, is not our idea of fun. We have already realised that going from apartment balcony (where someone else takes care of the outdoors for you!) to front and back gardens is a big jump. Is it even the weekend if you’re not at Bunnings buying a lawnmower, hedge trimmer, lawn feed, and so the list goes on! Not to mention trying to modernise what was a very “Nanna” house inside too, lived in by the same old lady for three decades.

So, we didn’t want to have to think about sanding back, staining and treating a deck. No thanks! Plus we live in a bushfire prone area of Sydney’s upper north shore, we’re terrified of termites and we want the kids to be able to drop ice creams and have the paddling pool spill everywhere without worrying about a deck staining or rotting. And, of course, Australia gets really bloody hot for a large portion of the year, so I didn’t want something that would warp and split. Does a deck like this even exist?!

Enter: Trex Company, the world’s number one decking brand and the inventor of timber-alternative composite decking, with more than 25 years of product experience. When the brand approached me to work with them on creating the back deck we’d been dreaming of, I read the product information and it was like it had been designed for us! Equally, it’s eco-friendly and made of 95% recycled materials (a 4.9 metre Trex composite deck board contains approximately 2,250 recycled plastic bags), which sits well with me and my increasing consciousness of our disposable, throwaway society.

We picked Trex’s Transcend decking in their grey-toned colour option (there are 10 to choose from), Island Mist. It requires no sanding, staining or painting and uses special technology to ensure it will maintain its colour and finish against all of the Aussie elements. Sound too good to be true? It’s backed by a 25-year fade and stain warranty, so I was on board (or deck!).

My choice: Trex Transcend in Island Mist

In terms of caring for it, you literally sweep it with a soft bristle brush and clean the composite deck with soap and water when required. Too easy!

While you can install Trex decking yourself, I’ve made no secret in the past of our lack of practical skills, although Damian is becoming handier by the day since we moved here! So we were lucky enough to have experienced tradespeople Urban Arch do the job for us, with distributor Master Woodturning delivering the product.

Tony Masciocchi from Urban Arch came out to our home with samples to discuss what would work well, show me colours, discuss the design and what we wanted. Tony made everything really clear and answered all my stupid questions without making me feel stupid for asking them! I felt really confident that his team knew their stuff, having seen photos of other jobs, and I had no issue leaving them to it as the job was half finished when I disappeared into hospital to give birth!

Trex Transcend in Spiced Rum, one of 10 colours

So, just how hardy and low-maintenance is it? Unlike timber, Trex composite decking is termite-proof (woohoo!) and will not rot, splinter, split, scratch or require seasonal painting, staining or sealing. And it can withstand and resist intense sun, powerful winds, animal, insects (and children, presumably!), furniture and shoe wear, and strong salty seawater.

All Trex composite decking products come with an installation guide that covers planning and preparation, installation and care, if you want to DIY rather than have someone DIFY (Do It (For) You)!

NEXT WEEK: Read and see more about the build of our deck, including before photos.

For more information about Trex, help with planning and budgeting, decking inspiration or to order free samples.

Disclaimer: My deck was supplied to me by Trex in exchange for coverage on this website, though this is an honest review of the product and service.