Interiors Addict

Prepare for more nursery posts: I’m pregnant!

I’m not going to be able to keep it a secret for much longer and, safely on the other side of our 19-week scan yesterday, I have some exciting news to share: I’m pregnant! Interiors Addict is no longer my only baby!

I tried to keep it quiet but my rapidly expanding belly is starting to give it away. And then I got busted a few times on Instagram when well-meaning friends made comments on totally non-baby photos! I took the first one down but then I gave up!

Nursery with a bed

Although I admit to being a chronic over-sharer (that’s why me and social media get along so well) I have felt very private and protective of this little person growing inside me (still totally surreal, by the way!). I didn’t want the world and his wife to know, or to tempt fate. This is pretty much the biggest thing that has ever happened to me so I’m nervous, like all first-time-mums-to-be, I’m sure. I’m also really, really happy and excited!

Yesterday, we had our 19-week morphology scan and bub was looking healthy and perfect (we also found out the gender but as some relatives don’t want to know, I’m not revealing it here!).

As you know, Damian and I have not long returned home from a six-month overseas trip. That was the “before we settle down and have babies” trip. Ha!

I have never taken falling pregnant for granted. Sadly, so many of my friends have struggled to conceive. Why should I be any different? Having a child is a blessing, not a given. That being said, we of course fell pregnant right away, not realising we were flying home to Sydney with an extra passenger on board! And there was I thinking I had THE worst case of jetlag of all time and a weird craving for pretzels…

Less than a week after landing, we found out the good news and then started the longest couple of months of our lives while we kept a big secret from everyone but our nearest and dearest and counted down to the all-important 12 weeks. At this point, we told all our friends but I still wasn’t ready to share it with you guys. There’s tens of thousands of you, that’s huge!

But now I’m finally content to share our happy news and thankfully, I’m also safe to fly to Dubai tonight for what will probably be my last overseas trip for a long time! You’ve lucked out really, because you missed all my whingeing about nausea and extreme tiredness!

What a year I am having! Feeling very blessed indeed.

And yes, of course I’ll share my nursery progress with you! Nothing like a Christmas holiday project…