Competitions Furniture Homewares

Discover the next big thing at the VIVID design comp in July

A rare opportunity to check out the cream of the crop of Australia’s design talent, the VIVID (Vibrant Vision in Design) competition will run again this year as part of Melbourne’s Décor + Design show from July 21-24 this year.


Jeremy Lee’s ‘Lo Chair’

Australia’s longest running design competition, it’s a fabulous platform for emerging designers to garner the attention of buyers, development and production managers, interior designers and manufacturers and competition finalists are also granted a first-hand look into the inner machinations of the design industry – a fabulous learning opportunity all-round.

“VIVID 2016 aims to convey to the design industry the talent of emerging Australian designers. We aim to shine a spotlight on designers who are raising the bar in terms of innovation and design thinking,” says Daniel Della Riva, VIVID Curator. This year’s crop runs the full gamut from ultra-modern to more classic design aesthetics though a strong theme has emerged this year across the board of finalists – the use of natural timbers.


Glen Braghurst’s ‘Outdoor Chair’

A favourite finalist of ours, Glen Braghurst’s ‘Outdoor Chair’ will have you looking super chic at your next festival – made from Swedish leather that has been wrapped around a powder-coated steel frame this chair really is an object of understated beauty.

We’re also loving Richard Greenacre’s ‘Hex Table Lamp’ – the gorgeous powdery blue shade especially. This interesting design was dreamt up after the designer was inspired by a piece of hexagonal brass.


Richard Greenacre’s ‘Hex Table Lamp’

Pushing the natural theme to its limit, Gary Pennington’s ‘Groove Floor Lamp’ is made from bamboo and hand-printed hemp cloth while Jeremy Lee’s handmade ‘Lo Chair’ is a sleek low chair that features simple clean lines made from beautiful wood too.


Gary Pennington’s ‘Groove Floor Lamp’


Ryan Pennings’ ‘Percy Stool’

Competition sponsors include Dulux, GlobeWest, Pen, Design to Print, JP Finsbury and (inside)Magazine and there’s a decent amount of prize money to be won.

See here for more.

Competitions Designers

Beacon Lighting to support emerging designers

With a keen interest in supporting emerging Australian designers, Beacon Lighting have announced a new partnership with the highly coveted design industry competition, VIVID.

Alrik Pendants

Hoping to elevate the status of this important program, they will also be offering a $5,000 for the inaugural Beacon Lighting Award, a prize that will also include the possibility of being stocked in their stores.

Scott Robinson, senior category buyer and lighting designer for Beacon Lighting, believes it is important for the company to get involved: “Beacon Lighting has a key focus on delivering the latest design trends from all over the world to the Australian market. Through our travels and trend spotting, we have come across great designs from emerging Australian designers. Through a collaborative approach, we would like to help young designers and artists in producing and bringing their designs to market.”

LEDlux Nord

While in the past they have generally looked overseas for great lighting designs, Beacon recognise that the calibre of design talent here in Australia is certainly on a world-class level. With outstanding production capabilities and global design networks, they feel that they can help emerging designers get noticed both on a national and international stage.

VIVID celebrates its 12th this year at Decor + Design and has become an integral platform to support new and emerging Australian designers. Competition categories include lighting, student, concept, commercial and green. Finalists will be on display at Decor + Design, from 10-to-13 July at Melbourne Exhibition Centre.