The Block

Two reader events in Melbourne and Sydney with The Block’s Darren Palmer

I’m delighted to announce two free reader events in Melbourne (our first!) and Sydney next month with guest of honour, The Block judge and interior designer Darren Palmer.

Jen and Darren
Jen and Darren

The 7 Vignettes evening events will be open to more than 100 readers in each state, thanks to Interiors Addict’s sponsors Haymes Paint (in Melbourne) and BoConcept (in Sydney). I’ll be interviewing Darren live as he shares his top decorating and design tips and takes audience questions. Then attendees will be encouraged to create their own vignettes around the venues with prizes for the best ones. There’ll also be food and drink, goodie bags and the chance to meet fellow readers, interiors addicts and Instagram buddies, and of course, Darren and I! All Interiors Addict readers are welcome to apply for a spot.

The last Interiors Addict reader event at BoConcept
The last Interiors Addict reader event at BoConcept

Where and when

MELBOURNE, Thursday 6 February 2014, 6.30-8.30pm

Where: Haymes Colour & Concept Centre, 224 Normanby Road, Southbank, VIC 3006.

SYDNEY, Friday 21 February 2014, 6.30-8.30pm.

Where: BoConcept showroom, 575-597 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest, NSW 2065.

7 vignettes

See the photos from our last Sydney event, in association with BoConcept and Belle magazine, here.


To be in with a chance of a free place, please follow the following instructions carefully:

  • Unfortunately, both events are now full. Please keep an eye on the Facebook Page for news of any last minute spaces nearer the time.

The above links will be removed once the events are full.

Previous winners of our 7 Vignettes competition are guaranteed a spot and should contact Jen directly.

You will be emailed at least 2 weeks prior to the event (by 23 January for the Melbourne event and by 7 February for the Sydney event) with confirmation of whether you have a place or not. I look forward to meeting some of you at the events!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

3 replies on “Two reader events in Melbourne and Sydney with The Block’s Darren Palmer”

We were lucky enough to get tickets for both our Melbourne and Sydney teams, as we have offices in both cities, and it’s nice that no one has to travel to attend. We’re all very much looking forward to it and I wanted to thank you for giving us the first heads up.

Gah, I tried to get tickets to the Melbourne event but missed out! I’m such a fan and am quite disappointed but have been keeping my eye out for additional sales and the like. Thanks for sharing the info, next time I need to be more on the ball!

These sound like such great events to attend, it’s a shame I didn’t stumble across your blog sooner! I’ve always been a huge fan of The Block and would’ve loved the chance to meet Darren! I’ll be sure to keep my eyes peeled for more events in the future, as I’d love to be a part of them.

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