Bathrooms Expert Tips Kitchens

What tradies do I need for my kitchen or bathroom renovation?

By Josh Mammoliti

A complete kitchen or bathroom renovation will require the services of a number of trades to create your Pinterest-worthy space. Tradespeople you may need to hire include:


Kitchen installer
A kitchen installer may be necessary for the first step in your kitchen renovation: the demolition. Like a Blockhead, you may choose to do this step yourself, however if you’re not entirely confident, your kitchen installer is the right trade for this job.

It is the electrician’s job to ensure any electrical outlets or lights are safe prior to the demolition. They will also be responsible for cutting out appliance holes in your bench top and the installation of appliances, lighting and electrical outlets. Don’t run the risk of any DIY work on anything electrical!

A plumber will make sure any gas or water outlets are safe before the demolition can start. They will also cut out space for the sink in your benchtop, install the sinks and taps and any gas appliances or dishwasher drainage.

You’ll need a cabinetmaker on hand to install your beautiful new kitchen cabinetry.

A stonemason will be necessary if you’ve opted for a stone benchtop. They will measure and install your stone benchtop including cutting out holes for your sink and appliances.

A tiler will take care of all things tiles including your splashback and flooring.


Waterproofing your new bathroom is a critical stage in your renovation. Always use a qualified waterproofer who can provide warranty on the job in case of any leaks in the future.

Depending on the extent of your renovation, if you are removing tiles or have existing water damage, you may need a plasterer to re-sheet your bathroom or fix cornices.


As with a kitchen renovation, an electrician is required to make any outlets or lights safe before demolition can start. They are also responsible for the installation of all the lighting and electrical outlets.

The plumber is responsible for ensuring any gas or water outlets are safe before the demolition can start. They’re also required for the installation of all your plumbing fittings including your bathtub, toilet, taps and shower.

A cabinetmaker should be on hand to install any cabinetry, such as vanities or hanging mirror cabinets. They are also responsible for sorting out any new doors, architraves or other structural changes that are being made to the space.

If you are opting for tiles in your bathroom, which is the most common and durable wall and floor finish, you’ll need a tiler to tile and grout your gorgeous new bathroom.

A glazier is necessary for measuring and installing your new shower screen and hanging mirrors.


So, by now you should be ready to lock in your trades and get the ball rolling on your kitchen or bathroom renovation.

Here are just a couple more tips to make the whole process hassle free:

Have your plan and budget in place before you start consulting the professionals. Run this plan by the trades and retailers you will be dealing with and get their feedback as they’ve been through this many times before (especially if this is your first renovation). It can often save you money in the long run.

Working with a good tradesperson is a smart way to save money as they often have their own little black book of tricks up their sleeve to save you dollars. Get three quotes for trades, but remember you get what you pay for, so make sure you feel comfortable with the people you are dealing with.

Order all of your products and fittings early on. Do this before you book in your trades. It doesn’t cost anything for products to sit in your home waiting to be installed, but trades sitting in your home waiting for products to arrive will!

Josh Mammoliti is managing director of The Blue Space, an online showroom of the latest in bathroom, kitchen and laundry trends.


Who takes the prize for most expensive trade in NSW?

We all know how important good tradespeople are to the success of your reno. They truly can make or break it with their skills and costs. Picking the right tradie is just one part of the equation however. Budgeting for them is the other and this is where many renovations either go full steam ahead or grind to a halt.

Working out how much to set aside for each of the tradies you’ll need to hire can be a tricky process. With this in mind, recently released their quarterly Tradie Price Index which gives an insight into what you can expect to pay for the individual services required.

After taking a 2.5 per cent drop at the start of the financial year, tradie prices in NSW are back up 9 percent to kick off 2017. The Tradie Price Index released on the 23rd January revealed a significant hike in the cost of hiring a tradie in NSW. The weighted average hourly rate currently sits at $64.46 which is over $5.00 more expensive than the previous quarter.

Why the price hike? ServiceSeeking SEO Jeremy Levitt attributes it to the housing affordability crisis currently sweeping through NSW. “Housing affordability in NSW is becoming increasingly dire and we’re seeing less and less properties on the market,” says Jeremy.  “It only makes sense that people are choosing to renovate rather than upsize to a new place.”

So who takes the prize for the most expensive trade in NSW?

tradeImage source: Tradie Point

Plumbers still take the prize as the most expensive tradie, charging on average $70.46 per hour, up 5 per cent on last quarter.

Electricians take out second place across the state, with an average hourly rate of $75.43, a price which has increased by 7.2% since last year.

Landscapers ($70.46) and Painters ($50.49), however, are the ones to watch this year, both recording huge hikes in the last quarter of 14.2 percent and 13.2 percent respectively.

tradeImage source:

Hourly rates are “gross” rates and aside from including the cost of labour, also cover the cost of running the business including insurance, tools, work vehicles, insurance and superannuation. The prices were derived by comparing a sample of 52,000 quotes submitted during the FY17 Q2 through

Want to find out how to pick the perfect tradie for your job? Check out Naomi Findlay’s post on what to look for (and avoid!)


How to check your tradie’s credentials before hiring them

If you’re looking to hire a tradesman, whether it be a plumber, electrician or just a handyman to repair something broken, it’s important that you choose carefully.

The best tradie for the job will be appropriately qualified, licensed, professional and have a reputation for producing great work. Being discerning in your choice will help you get work done on time, well and at a good price.

Image source: Jet Force Plumbing Services
Image source: Jet Force Plumbing Services

To help you hire the right tradie for the job, you need to ask the right questions. Here are four key factors to consider.

Are they legitimate?

An ABN or Australian Business Number is issued by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and helps businesses to identify one another. While it’s not mandatory for a tradie to have an ABN, it makes it easy for anyone to verify their business. The ATO database will enable you to see when the business was registered and whether that registration is still valid.

Are they licensed?

Most tradesmen in the building sector require a license to perform work in your customer’s home and have to hold a qualification to be awarded the license in the first place.

Trade licences are not as black and white as they might seem though, so be careful. Licensing of trades is done on a state-by-state basis, with each state having slightly different requirements. Some licences for builders, plumbers, electricians and gas fitters are licensed nationwide. Other tradesmen such as painters, are not required to hold a licence in every state.

To navigate through the confusion, searching online will quickly tell you whether your potential electrician/carpenter/tiler/landscaper needs a licence where you live. To check if theirs is valid you can look online or simply just ask to see it with your own eyes. If they push back on providing documentation then your alarm bells should really be ringing.

Are they covered?

It’s absolutely vital that the tradie you choose is covered by the correct insurance policy. Public liability insurance is compulsory and will protect you against third party injuries and property damage caused by the contractor. Without public liability insurance, they may not be able to pay for the damage, replacement or repair.

So it’s of the utmost importance that you check their insurance is current and valid, before allowing them to commence work in your home.

What’s the word on the street?

One of the best ways so check a tradie’s reputation, workmanship and professionalism, is to see what their past clients have said about them. Search their business online and look for testimonials or online recommendations. This will give you an idea of how they operate, and if you notice an alarming number of negative reviews, it would be best advised to steer clear!

Carefully considering all of these factors and asking the right questions upfront can ensure that you choose the right tradie for your home improvement needs, while avoiding any possible disappointment or disputes.

–Johanna Seton is a home improvement expert from, Australia’s largest online marketplace for hiring home improvement professionals 


Which tradies do what in a bathroom reno?

Not quite sure who does what in a bathroom reno? As one of the most renovated rooms in Australian homes (the kitchen is the other), everyone gets round to revamping their bathroom sooner or later.

Image: Precision Constructions
Image: Precision Constructions

But if you are a first timer, you really need to know what tradies you are going to need. Here is our overview of all the essential personnel you will need, depending on the scale of your project:


Perhaps the most important tradie in this list, a licensed plumber is critical to any bathroom reno, no matter the size of the project. He can take care of little jobs, like installing new tapware, to larger tasks such as installing a toilet, sink or that awesome freestanding bath!

Bathroom designer

If you are renovating a bathroom from top to bottom, a bathroom designer can help you decide where everything goes. This is not only important from a practical point of view – everything needs to be in the right place – but you would be surprised what can be squeezed into the smallest of spaces.


A cabinetmaker can help you get organised with custom storage or whip up your dream vanity. One thing you don’t want is clutter. Sensible storage helps you stay organised and sane!

Image: Interiors 2340
Image: Interiors 2340


You might think a sparkie and water don’t mix, but every bathroom needs lighting – task, general & mood. How else are you going to make sure you look just right? Other electrical elements you might need include powerpoints, heated towel rails and any other fancy smancy gadgets that require hook up to power.


Don’t underestimate the value of a good tiler, they can make or break the look of your bathroom. Just imagine your shower recess doesn’t drain properly – small details that a quality tiler will take care of.

Image: Love to Plumb
Image: Love to Plumb


A trade that is often overlooked, a waterproofer will use a variety of membranes to make sure your bathroom is properly sealed. This is especially critical around your shower and bath, but also for your floor. Who wants leaks sprouting up all over the place?

Dedicated bathroom builder

A dedicated bathroom builder is a one-stop shop for your project. They will take care of all aspects of the job, from plumbing to waterproofing and everything in between, including the design. They will have all the necessary tradies on staff or at the very least manage any subbies for you. The great thing about this option is it minimises the hassle – they project manage it all on your behalf. Expect to pay for the privilege though.

Ready to get started? Don’t forget to check that the tradie you hire is licensed for the work they carry out. It is also a good idea to check references, especially for larger projects with a big budget.

– Craig Gibson is the online editor of, Australia’s largest network of trade professionals and the perfect place to find a bathroom specialist in your local area.


How to find good tradies. And keep them!

Hands down I owe a huge part of my renovation and house flipping success to a fantastic team of trades. The team has everything from builders, plumber and electricians to surveyors, town planners, property developers, estate agents, stone masons and great suppliers.


There are loads of mainstream ways to find trades — the net, new apps, advertising etc — and there is naturally an important due diligence process that you must always follow that involves checking licences and insurance before you engage anyone. But today I am going to share with you my more common sense secrets to finding and keeping good trades; the human element, you could say. Unfortunately, people sometimes overlook these points when looking for and working with trades.

Marty the builder, one of Naomi’s dream team!

Finding them

Ask other trades. If you are already working with a good team and want to add to it, ask the trades you are working with for their recommendations. Like attracts like, so if you like the trades you have, more than likely you will like the trades they enjoy working with too.

Meet with the tradies before you get them on site, offer to meet them on one of their job sites. This will allow you to get a feel for them and also get an idea of how they work. For me it is very simple: if they look me in the eye, shake my hand firmly and can hold a respectful conversation with me about the work they do, then we are off to a good start.

I generally ask them about what jobs they have on at the moment, who is in their team, what their lead times are and specifics about the task that I am keen to have them work on. I also find out who they know in the industry, as cross checking them with other trades is a great way to get honest feedback.

Then… give them a shot. Using a trade once does not mean they are yours forever. On the first job, make sure you communicate extremely well, in multiple mediums. Call them to tell them what you want done, meet them on site to show them and have the instructions and diagrams of what you want done written and stuck on the walls of the job. Then leave them to it. Don’t micromanage them or watch them work! That shows no trust.

Keeping them

This is all about respect, respect for their skill, their trade and most importantly them as people. How you do this really comes down to simple things that apply everywhere in life.

  • When I go on site I great every trade with a handshake and a big hello.
  • If I see someone on site I don’t know, I always introduce myself.
  • If I arrive to site with a coffee, I will always bring drinks for the tradespeople too.
  • Every day I tell them how happy I am with the job (as long as I am).
  • If I am not happy about something, I seek to understand before I seek to be understood.
  • I pay very quickly! Inspect the job as soon as it is complete and then you will be ready to pay as soon as that invoice comes in. I never leave a trade to wait for pay.
  • I get dirty! When required, I join my trades to demo and to clean up.
  • I show and interest in what they do and ask why. Most trades are so keen to share their knowledge they are just waiting for someone to ask.
  • I involve the trades in the project. Feeling part of a team can make all the difference.
  • I plan well. Trades are constantly being asked to do things at the drop of a hat. Be the standout client and book them in as much in advance as you can.

Enjoy your trades! It is so great to be part of a great team of tradespeople and it can be such a joy to be on site with a great team!

Got a question for Naomi or one of our other resident experts? Submit it for consideration here.

What advice would you add to the above?


How to hire a dream tradie

By Craig Gibson

Tradies can be such an important part of designing our dream living space. But all too often it can feel like chasing shadows; the unanswered calls, no-shows and mysterious absences are frustratingly familiar to many of us. The no-show is perhaps the most exasperating, but worse could (and does) happen — especially once you have hired them. Absconding with your deposit or horrendous workmanship are two not uncommon scenarios, alongside a variety of other transgressions.

Copyright: A Man at Hand Property Maintenance
Copyright: A Man at Hand Property Maintenance

So do dream tradies really exist or are we asking too much? Is it realistic to expect them to call you back ASAP, get your job done on time and clean up after themselves? The good news (and answer) is yes! Like any industry, there are rotten and rosy apples, you just need some pointers to help you have the best experience when creating your perfect home.

So how do you go about finding that dream tradie, and avoid your reno dreams turning into a nightmare?

  • Communication — your first point of contact with a tradie is a good indication of how professional they are. A dream tradie is punctual, courteous and ready to answer all your questions. If they are responsive — answer your calls or emails promptly and keep appointments (these are positive, heartwarming signs) — they obviously value you as a client.
  • Reviews — online reviews and recommendations can make finding that dream tradie easier. Word (good and bad) travels fast online, and you can read consumer reviews and recommendations of individual businesses on tradie-finder sites.
  • Price — don’t be seduced by the cheapest quote, the best tradies often charge more for a reason. They will tend to use quality materials and spend more time getting your job done right. Shonky tradies will often use low prices as bait to help close the deal with you.
  • Licences — many jobs must be carried out by a licensed tradesperson, including all projects that require a sparkie, plumber or gas fitter, as well as larger building projects. Is it really worth risking someone unqualified making a mess of your dream kitchen? Checking a tradie’s licence is easily done; literally a few clicks away on sites such as
  • Paperwork — besides licences, any reputable tradie will be forthcoming when it comes to producing documentation such as a detailed quote. If your job is a significant building project, then a contract is essential to protect you (and them). Builders are also required to have a range of insurances, including public liability and warranty insurance.
  • Knowledge is power — educating yourself about your job gives you leverage in any dealings with a tradesperson. Take the time to find out the approximate market rate for labour and materials, so you can examine a quote with an informed eye. Dream tradies won’t try to hoodwink you, but it helps to be informed.

When you do find a dream tradie, you will want to adopt them, or at the very least share your good fortune with all your friends and family. Do feel free to spread the word — they will get more work out of it and very soon dream tradies will rule the universe!

–Craig Gibson is online editor of, Australia’s most visited site in the building, renovation and home improvement sector, where you can post your job and three businesses are sourced to quote on the work.

Interiors Addict

Pinterest meets online directory with new Oneflare Scrapbooks

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oneflare scrapbooks

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