Interiors Addict

And the winner of our 3rd birthday $2,000 homewares giveaway is…

We knew there’d be hundreds of entries for our biggest competition yet and the chance to win a combined $2000 to spend with some of our favourite homewares brands. Heck, Olivia and I wish we could win!


But the very lucky winner is Maria Angus, whose entry really made us giggle! We thought we’d let you read her winning answer for yourself. To enter, you had to say why you were the ultimate interiors addict…

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Congratulations, Maria. I’ll be emailing you your prize details this week. I’m so envious of your imminent online shopping spree and hope you’ll share your purchases with us!

Thanks to everyone else who entered and wished us a happy blog birthday! The biggest thank you must go to our generous prize sponsors Dinosaur Designs, Temple & Webster, Kate & Kate, Lumiere Art + Co, Billy Heckenberg, Urban Road, I Love Linen, Alisa & Lysandra Collections, The Block Shop and Bonnie and Neil.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

One reply on “And the winner of our 3rd birthday $2,000 homewares giveaway is…”

Thank you so much Jen and Olivia. Some days are diamonds and today surely was one! Heartfelt thanks, Maria Angus X

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