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How to choose a roof colour: 5 tips

Creating street appeal for any home is about achieving the right balance of style and exterior colours and tones. As the largest surface area of a home, the finish of the roof can make or break this balance.

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Boral’s Mark Dell offers the following tips for homeowners choosing a roof colour:

·        Research the architectural style and colour characteristics of the home’s design. For example, Federation homes draw on the traditional reds of terracotta roof tiles, contemporary home designs may use darker flat roof tiles to accentuate straight lines and sharp angles, and Cape Cod inspired homes typically feature grey or brown toned roof tiles.
·        Consider the surrounding natural environment. Lighter toned roof tiles may better suit coastal areas, while earthy tones complement the Australian bush.
·        Streamlining roof colour with neighbours’ homes can create a cohesive streetscape and enhance overall exterior appeal.
·        Consult the local council on roof colour and design guidelines, as this will ultimately influence the building approvals process.
·        When selecting roof colour and finish, consider the guttering and fascia colours. As a guide, look for colours that are in harmony or contrast. For example, complement white fascia and guttering with light grey roof tiles, or create a striking contrast with deep red or black roof tiles.

To help homeowners and renovators make a sky high statement, building materials specialist Boral has refreshed its palette of concrete roof tiles. The addition of lighter greys and earthy tones adds depth to their existing range of darker toned concrete roof tiles.


“Over the course of building or renovating, homeowners will make hundreds of decisions about the colours and finishes of building materials. As the largest single surface area of a home, the roof is an important architectural feature and choosing its colour and profile can help to shape the broader exterior design vision,” says Mark, national sales and marketing manager at Boral Roofing and Masonry East.

“The refreshed range of Boral concrete roof tiles now includes a full and carefully chosen spectrum of colours and tones to simplify the roofing decision for homeowners. Catering for the emerging interest in lighter roofing and the lasting trend of dark roofs, the range offers a sophisticated and relatively cost-effective roofing solution.”

For more information on the new range of Boral concrete roof tiles, visit or call 1300 134 002.

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

2 replies on “How to choose a roof colour: 5 tips”

I like that you mention consulting the local council on roof color because I never thought that you should do something like that. I guess it does make sense to present something like that because you want to get the building approved. The better looking it is the better the chances of it getting approved.

Going with a roof color that will compliment your home is a good idea. You won’t just want to go with a color that is going to match your home, but isn’t going to add character to the home. Choosing a color that really brings out the style and color of your home will really add to the value the home!

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