Interiors Addict

IKEA wedding table styling challenge

I’m no stylist. I think we all know that…

But when Ikea Australia asked me to take part in its wedding table styling challenge, as a bride-to-be, I thought it sounded like a lot of fun! And it was.

ikeaThe challenge was to create any kind of wedding table setting using nothing but what you can buy in Ikea, apart from large ticket items like the table itself, for under $500. And above is the result, my very pink and floral dessert station. I know it isn’t very good but hey, you can’t take yourself too seriously! Everything there, edibles aside, is from Ikea, right down to the faux flowers (really not that bad, don’t you think?), the frames, the napkins, the table covering, all of it. Tempting as it was to get one of my many stylists friends to do it for me, I think you can probably tell I didn’t!

It’s really amazing how much pink and floral stuff Ikea has, for somewhere known for its basics and minimalist Swedish design. You just have to look. I have nothing floral or pastel pink in my home (well that’s a lie, I do NOW) but I went through a very enthusiastic “nanna chic” stage a couple of apartments ago in 2008 (which scared away all potential boyfriends) and I think a little part of me is still in love with the roses.

Do not underestimate the choice and value of Ikea’s textile department these days. I headed straight there for a ‘table cloth’ and found a great choice of linen and hessian-type textiles, for just a few dollars a metre. Very good to know. I then layered this with some lace, also ridiculously cheap. All the while I’m thinking up money-saving ideas for my own wedding…

Being restricted to only buying things from one store is HARD and I felt immense pressure going round and round (and round and round) the aisles with no real plan before I got there. But it does force you to be creative. It also ensures you buy way too much, just in case. So yeah, I bought more than was humanly possible to fit on my dining table and didn’t use a lot of it. So if you want to know if you can do a dessert station from Ikea for $500? Um yes. About three times over.

The above shot is brought to you by my iPhone camera and some really poor daylight during this week’s crappy weather! Hopefully I get marks for enthusiasm. My fiancé was also very happy to eat all the props afterwards. I sent him to work with this today so I think he may win boss of the week.

Of course, being a bride to be, I am on a diet. So it was less of a styling challenge and more of a don’t-eat-everything-on-the-table challenge!

Thanks for the opportunity Ikea, it was fun!

By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

11 replies on “IKEA wedding table styling challenge”

I think you did a gorgeous job! It looks lovely! I would be pretty proud if guests came round to my place with a table that looked like that – and hey, now I know where to buy all those things. Also am jealous of your lovely neat handwriting 🙂

Cute! It looks very English to me, with all the roses in vases and lace tablecloth. I haven’t been to an Ikea in Australia yet so I must make it down there for a browse – and come out spending far more than planned due to their tempting price vs design ratio! I ‘d love to reupholster an Ikea chair in some of my own fabric (- I feel a “My Bespoke Chair” facebook /blog post developing….)

You’ll find it weird because it’s the only store in Oz that’s EXACTLY the same as the UK, apart from the prices are in dollars! I think you have a great idea for a blog post there, Emma 🙂

This looks so pretty! What a fantastic job you did – especially considering, as you mentioned, that you’re not a stylist! That would have been a tough challenge, but lots of fun too! I am also a bride-to-be and looking at the Candy Buffet options available, but you have definitely inspired me to perhaps consider “doing it myself” – knowing I could do my own buffet 3 times over for under $500!!
Thanks Jen!

Thanks Jess! Definitely have a go at doing your own. It would have been so much better with a few additions like labels and ribbons etc and fresh flowers. And with better light and a better backdrop etc but I just didn’t have that much spare time… or talent!

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