Art Bedrooms Designers Homewares Kids Rooms Styling

Personalised alphabet art from design studio Me and Amber

Created after the birth of a child, and a fruitless search for beautiful personalised letters, Me and Amber’s range of alphabet art makes spelling out names or favourite quotes both simple and chic.


“After having my little girl Molly and looking for personalised letters, we realised there was nothing out there so decided to make our own,” says designer Karen Enis of the hand screenprinted letters on plywood.


From styling in nurseries and kids’ rooms to personalised decorations for birthday parties and weddings or even birth announcements, the range has endless applications.


“What originated as a personalised name product evolved into something much more playful and versatile. You can spell out names on a wall, hang them on the door, prop a word up on a bookshelf or hang the alphabet and get the little ones spelling!” says Karen.


Each character (including numbers and punctuation) costs $12 and is available in myriad colours to suit your style and space.

See Me and Amber.


Designer Amanda’s neon and geometric wedding styling

Just over a year ago, I had the honour of being MC at the wedding of my beautiful friend Amanda to her now husband Scott, at a stunning venue in Waiheki, New Zealand.


Amanda and I met at work at a publishing company in Sydney, where she was a graphic designer and I was an editor. We first bonded over being foreigners (her a Kiwi and me, a Pom!). She is one of my most creative and stylish friends and I knew her wedding would be super cool and non-traditional. Today, I have the pleasure of sharing her wedding styling with you.


Tell us a bit about the look and style of your wedding and your inspiration. The style came about quite unintentionally, it was just me thinking of all things I love really. Scott and I also joked around that it was going to be an awesome wedding on and it kind of stuck!  My favourite colours are black, grey, white, gold and bright neon coral. They became the colour palette for the wedding (Scott was cool with whatever!). For everyone who knows me, this wasn’t a surprise. Even my engagement ring is a black diamond, set in yellow gold with smaller white diamonds and I don’t leave the house without wearing a pop of neon coral. Crazy? Yes.


Your invitations were amazing. Do you feel they set the tone for the rest of the wedding? I hope so, that was what I was after! It started with an  idea I had of an invite revealing something as it’s unfolded. I had never wanted a traditional invite as it just wasn’t us. The folded idea took me to origami and I found the perfect fold online. I  wanted to incorporate a bright neon coral colour, of course, so I began a search for neon paper and found the perfect fluoro red origami paper and bought tonnes of it. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it, but it was so perfect I couldn’t leave it!


I thought of a few things to create in origami, but the hearts were the obvious choice, and they slotted into the invite perfectly. The origami and invite ended up being the catalyst for the theme I guess, as I really love geometric shapes (although arguably the theme was just ‘Amanda’s favourite stuff’)! I ended up finding origami-style lanterns and some amazing geometric-shaped candles, so it all worked in nicely.


How would you describe the style of your wedding in 3 words? Bold. Geometric. Personal.

How important was the styling element of the wedding? It was important to me because being a designer it became my own little (big!) project. I didn’t want someone else to do the creative work, that’s the fun part.


How much did your job as a graphic designer and being a creative person impact on your ideas for the wedding? Probably a lot more than I had imagined. I probably went a bit more crazy over the detail. My invite turned into a more elaborate project than I had first imagined, and the favours became personally designed screen printed tea towels, with printed paper wraps! Every part of it grew as I had more and more ideas! It was dangerous!


What did you spend the most money on in terms of styling? What was the biggest bargain? I spent a lot on the geometric candles, they were through a local stylist and imported from Sweden. I accidentally ordered two boxes instead of one. Each box was over NZ$300. Yikes (I am now in the process of selling off the other box. Any takers?)! The biggest bargains were the table centres, as they were mostly homemade. And using succulents instead of flower arrangements was a huge saver. They were $5 each but looked amazing. I also didn’t have a cake made and instead ordered macarons to put onto a tower I found. I bought two chocolate mud cakes from a beautiful chocolate shop to put either side: $50 each!


Was anything really hard to source or to get just right? Making sure all the bits I ordered online were the right colour match was difficult. It was hard to get the right neon coral! It hadn’t all been put together until the day of setting up, as a lot was brought over to New Zealand with me from Sydney. I was so relieved when it all worked! The only sourcing issue was with the lanterns. I had them ordered through a local stylist, but then she couldn’t get them, as they they had sold out. So I began a hunt online, and eventually found them all to buy in various parts of the world. Way more expensive!


Did you enjoy doing so much yourself and making it very personal? I did but it did become a lot larger than I had thought. I think I bit off a little more than I could chew, and in the end, that became a race against time and quite stressful!

What was people’s reaction and what things did they notice? The first thing people noticed was the view, of course! But I think people loved to see something different, the colour and the detail. They thought my tea towels were a cool gift, and enjoyed the macarons!


Did the venue dictate the styling or do you think would you have had similar styling in a different venue? We fell in love with the venue ( I mean, who wouldn’t, right!?) and the styling was personal to me and luckily they suited each other. I think wherever we had chosen, I would have done the same styling.


How did the styling of the venue tie in with the dresses, jewellery etc? My dress had a black bodice with a strap on the back, and my shoes were black and gold. The girls had black dresses with a geometric crossover front and black crossover shoes. It all tied in nicely. In mine and the girls’ hair were bright coral flowers. The girls wore gold bracelets and their earrings were actually called ‘origami’ and were gold triangles overlapped! I know, I was a bit obsessive!


Anything else you’d like to share about your big day with our readers? It was an amazing day, it all came together so well and the sun was shining! We were so lucky to have all our friends and family there too, considering we are from different sides of the Tasman. The venue was such a find, it’s worth hunting out those gems! The styling was a big job, but so amazing to do. I would recommend getting in and doing it if you’re tempted, it’s so rewarding!

Bridesmaid Julia Morris (left), the bride (right) and I
Bridesmaid Julia (left), the bride (right) and I

What a gorgeous day to be lucky enough to be a small part of! What do you think of Amanda’s non-conventional and very personal wedding styling? Would you like to see more wedding styling on Interiors Addict?

Amanda and Scott were married at Waikopou, a private house on Waiheki Island, New Zealand. They kept the venue a secret so we had no idea what to expect until we were bused there on the day. And wow, what a venue and view it was!

Follow Amanda on Instagram.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Captured by Keryn


Room mists from Voyager you can proudly leave out on the side!

There are a few things frustratingly absent from the Australian market in my opinion, and one of them is good-looking, great-smelling, reasonably priced room sprays. I cannot have one of those garish-coloured air freshener aerosols left out in my bathroom, I just can’t! But we all need something to disguise those unwanted whiffs, right?!

Voyager Room Mists 11


So I’m delighted to see Voyager, a local brand I love and whose candles I chose for my wedding reception last year, have brought out their own room mists in three fragrances inspired by gardens around the world. And hooray, they include Alexandra, “my wedding smell,” as I like to call it. Just a sniff takes me back to the best day of my life. Ah, bless…

Voyager candles at my wedding
Voyager candles at my wedding

Voyager’s Kerrie Golias developed the fragrances together with an internationally renowned perfumer to produce exclusive blends that are complex, subtle and elegant, inspired by the travels of a voyager. “With only a few sprays of a Voyager room mist, one can be momentarily transported to another time and place.”

Voyager Candles Image 11

Apart from my wedding day, Alexandra conjures up relaxing Melbourne coastal drives and jetty walks. Augusto will take you to the sun soaked beaches of Capri, or you can surround yourself with the scent of Serpentine, igniting your dreams of walking the cobbled streets of London.

Made in Melbourne using the finest fragrances, Voyager Perfumed Room Mists produce a balanced blend of soft and weighty notes that complement each other. For details of stockists in Australia and Hong Kong, visit I highly recommend their candles too.

RRP $32.

Interiors Addict

Get the look: the Interiors Addict guide to wedding styling

Today it’s 2 months since I married my love. How times flies when you’re honeymooning, moving house and enjoying married life! Before I completely let go of being a recent bride and get on with being a wife, I thought I’d share one last wedding post with you, this time about the styling aspect.

interiors addict wedding styling

It will come as no surprise that I was more interested in what my wedding would look like than what I’d look like! I don’t DO dresses. I do however, do decor! So I had a lot of fun with this part of wedding planning. Here are some highlights and details of all my suppliers.

Perhaps the most talked about things at my wedding were: the dress, the flowers and the vintage caravan which I had arranged to serve tea and biscuits (I know, how English) as a fun and pretty time-killer after church and before the reception. That Vintage Caravan were brilliant. I’d seen their pink caravan (Sweet Jane’s Travelling Teahouse) at events before but when I found out they had a new addition, Spencer, who was not only very handsome but also navy and therefore on colour scheme, it was just meant to be!


Suffice to say none of my guests had ever been to a wedding where they served tea from a caravan parked on the street outside the church before and everyone said it was “very Jen”. The priest, in his wisdom, didn’t hesitate to give us the go ahead. Kelly Holcroft and her team did a top job of styling the grassy area around Spencer too, which suited the relaxed, pretty vibe we were going for. Total event professionals!

Interiors Addict

10 things I learned from planning our wedding

1. A wedding planner or on-the-day co-ordinator can be a lifesaver! We used the lovely Katie Moore from Piccadilly Events. I was all over every detail of our wedding. I had spreadsheets and lists; LOTS of lists. So I wasn’t sure I really needed someone to help on the day (as well as my many generous friends who got stuck in) because I thought I’d already organised everything. Wrong! When there’s a wedding there is ALWAYS something else that needs doing! Katie was our wedding angel. So many guests commented on how fabulous she was.

That's Katie behind the flowers!
That’s Katie behind the flowers!

As well as the million things she probably did that I knew nothing about, she took the flowers from the church to the reception, made sure everyone knew where they should be and when and made sure my dad had a torch to read his speech with (he was seriously nervous that his eyesight was going to let him down, although I was of course oblivious!). When I arrived at the church, she produced a small tin of M&Ms, offered them to me and said: “Sugar hit?” Brilliant! Katie came to our rehearsal too so she knew the plan for the day as well as I did (we merged our respective run sheets!) and who all the key players were. I thoroughly recommend having someone like Katie as a go-to girl on the day. I told everyone that if they had any issues at all they should go and speak to the girl in the yellow dress (yes, she even told me what she’d be wearing in advance).

And she did all of this IN HEELS.

2. While we’re on the subject of extra pairs of hands, the next thing I learned (after a while) is that it’s okay to ask for help.

Interiors Addict

IKEA wedding table styling challenge

I’m no stylist. I think we all know that…

But when Ikea Australia asked me to take part in its wedding table styling challenge, as a bride-to-be, I thought it sounded like a lot of fun! And it was.

ikeaThe challenge was to create any kind of wedding table setting using nothing but what you can buy in Ikea, apart from large ticket items like the table itself, for under $500. And above is the result, my very pink and floral dessert station. I know it isn’t very good but hey, you can’t take yourself too seriously! Everything there, edibles aside, is from Ikea, right down to the faux flowers (really not that bad, don’t you think?), the frames, the napkins, the table covering, all of it. Tempting as it was to get one of my many stylists friends to do it for me, I think you can probably tell I didn’t!