Designers The Block

Meet The Block’s Darren Palmer at our next reader event

I’m delighted to announce that we have one more Sydney reader event before Christmas with Block judge, interior designer and most recently author, our friend Darren Palmer. The event will take place on the evening of  Wednesday 19 November at West Elm Bondi Junction.

Darren at home, as seen on Interiors Addict

Register quick for this one as places are limited and we expect it to be popular!

I’ll be interviewing Darren about his book, Easy Luxury, The Block, and his design work. Then we’ll set you loose on the store to style, arrange and rearrange to your heart’s content. You can photograph and share your vignettes on Instagram with one person taking home a prize on the night.

There’ll also be refreshments by Williams-Sonoma, drinks, a chance to meet fellow interiors addicts and, if you’re interested, yours truly! And you can buy and get your copy of Easy Luxury signed by Darren too.


We respectfully ask that you’re sure you can attend before you register as last minute cancellations result in wasted spaces which could have been offered to someone else. Sadly, people often let us know when it is too late to offer their place to someone on the wait list.

When: 7-9pm, Wednesday 19 November 2014

Where: West Elm, The Exchange Building, 472 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction, Sydney 2022.


By Jen Bishop

Jen Bishop is our owner and publisher and an experienced journalist and editor. Interiors Addict has been her full-time job for more than 10 years. She is mum to two young boys and lives in Sydney.

One reply on “Meet The Block’s Darren Palmer at our next reader event”

I am sorry of rate late reply, however I am now unable to attend this evenings event at West Elm and not sure how to let you know. Thank you for the invitation and I hope that I may be able to make the next one.

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