Interiors Addict

Just another end of year musings blog post!

I don’t think I’ve had such a big year since 2005. That was the year I made the very difficult decision to leave a long term relationship that just about everyone else imagined was perfect. It was probably the biggest leap out of my comfort zone ever so when later that year, aged 26, I decided to move from London to Sydney (where I knew two people and had never been before) and everyone said I was brave, I really couldn’t see it. Moving to Australia was easy. And exciting.

I was only supposed to stay for a year but, after about four months, I knew I was never going home for good. That was almost five years ago and this year has been a major biggy to beat even that!

At the beginning of the year I started the long and drawn out process of applying for permanent residency. Around April, when this blog turned one, I seriously started thinking about its future, spurred on by the encouragement of my fiancé, friends, colleagues and industry heavyweights. The prospect of turning Interiors Addict into an actual job seemed too exciting to really believe. Nevertheless, I started making plans to eventually go part time,  putting in place a succession plan at my magazine job.

In June, my now fiancé popped the question underneath the Harbour Bridge. I started planning our wedding. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I know, I know, this is starting to sound like a bad novel.

Interiors Addict

Weekend inspiration from decor8’s Holly Becker

Today I’m inspired by this honest and inspiring post by fellow blogger Holly Becker of decor8, whose blog makes mine look TEENY tiny! Whether you’re a blogger or not, you can take something from this post about chasing your dreams and it never being too late to make changes in your life if you believe in yourself.

PS. Imagine Kelly Hoppen asking you to write for her blog! Imagine having two books to your name and 48,000 readers a day! Massive respect, Holly!

Interiors Addict

I’m loving: Kelly Wearstler’s My Vibe My Life

Interior, and more recently fashion designer Kelly Wearstler is so cool that if I ever met her I think I would be a starstruck mess. She’s also super talented and a great sharer and her blog My Vibe My Life is one of my favourites.

In it you’ll find plenty of photos of her work, her vintage finds, street art and plenty of colour. It’s inspiration central. And there are also plenty of gratuitous photos of Kelly looking fabulous in killer heels and wonderful clothes. So for a serious dose of cool, you know where to go…

I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of her new book Rhapsody either!

Interiors Addict

Today marks new beginnings as a full-time interiors addict!

Yesterday I left my day job and ventured out into the world of blogging and self-employment! It’s a little bit scary but very exciting!

It’s going to be amazing to have so much more head space (and TIME) to devote to Interiors Addict. It really will be a luxury. As ever, I want to know what you like, what you want, who you are! Feel free to comment below, introduce yourself, tell me who you are, what you do, what you like (and don’t) about the blog. I’d love to ‘meet’ you!

And can I ask a favour? If you have friends who you think might like Interiors Addict too, spread the word via your social networks? We’re on Facebook, TwitterPinterest and Instagram (jenbishop_interiorsaddict)!

Interiors Addict

Coco Republic launches a blog

Furniture and homewares brand Coco Republic has launched a blog called Design Field Notes, ‘your guide to the great indoors’. On first glance it’s a great source of interior inspiration with photographs, how to’s and more. 

Interiors Addict

I knew Linda from OEKE designed gorgeous sun umbrellas but I only just discovered her lovely design

I knew Linda from OEKE designed gorgeous sun umbrellas but I only just discovered her lovely design blog. Check it out!