Interiors Addict

The best Etsy finds from my wedding

I spent a LOT of time on Etsy prior to our wedding and I only really realised quite how much I bought for it via my favourite online shopping destination recently. This is because when people asked me where did I get this or that, the answer was, more often than not, Etsy! So, here’s what I bought and where you can get it. Enjoy…

Swarovski crystal earrings (worn by me). $58.96 from simplychic93. I really wanted them blue and a little different to the usual pearl bridal earrings but couldn’t afford real sapphires. It took two online purchases before I hit the nail on the head with these.


My veil (serious bargain and custom made to my requirements by a lovely girl in America). $60 including shipping from the States from PrettyThingsByJenni.


Artwork to make you chuckle from Bowerbird Living

With my ‘style without the snobbery’ ethos, I love people that don’t take themselves too seriously, and I’m all for having things around your home which make you giggle. These felt, hand stitched artworks from Bowerbird Living really tickled me!

big butts

Interiors Addict

Craft Queen Makes Bunting Cool

English rose that I am, I’ve always loved the traditional fabric bunting with florals and polkadots. That said, it doesn’t exactly complement the look I’ve got going on in my Sydney apartment these days! But Tamara Maynes, whose handiwork you may know from the pages of Inside Out magazine, has put a very cool modern twist on bunting with her gold leather version. LOVE! You can buy it here.

Interiors Addict

Georgie Armstrong, textile designer

Georgie Armstrong is a textile designer making lovely things in an ethical way here in Australia and I like to support a small creative business.

How cool is this bunting in her Ledger fabric design? You really could incorporate it into a lot of schemes and, unlike most bunting, it isn’t uber girly, so you can probably get it past the man in your life too. You can also buy cushion covers in this design or just buy the fabric and do whatever you like with it!

Her latest creation in the Plume teatowel ($22) and I was lucky enough to be sent one this week. The problem is, it’s so pretty I don’t want to dirty it up so it’s still sitting clean and folded in the kitchen drawer!

Georgie hand screen prints everything in the old school way and is committed to ethical trade and being environmentally conscious. Check out all Georgie’s wares, which include baby slings and bibs, bags and more at