Interiors Addict

The best Etsy finds from my wedding

I spent a LOT of time on Etsy prior to our wedding and I only really realised quite how much I bought for it via my favourite online shopping destination recently. This is because when people asked me where did I get this or that, the answer was, more often than not, Etsy! So, here’s what I bought and where you can get it. Enjoy…

Swarovski crystal earrings (worn by me). $58.96 from simplychic93. I really wanted them blue and a little different to the usual pearl bridal earrings but couldn’t afford real sapphires. It took two online purchases before I hit the nail on the head with these.


My veil (serious bargain and custom made to my requirements by a lovely girl in America). $60 including shipping from the States from PrettyThingsByJenni.


The new designer SodaStream Source

Did you have a childhood SodaStream? We did. It was white and yellow. I can picture it in my head, clear as day. It came with glass bottles and I was really jealous when our neighbours got one of the first new models with (wait for it) plastic ones! When I got the chance to road test the latest, 2013 model, I had no idea it would look quite this slick!

SodaStream Source

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the SodaStream Source. Fancy, huh? It even has LED lights.