Bedrooms Designers Furniture Homewares Interviews Kids Rooms

Sisters collaborating on nursery furniture across the globe

Desperate for a modern and stylish nursing chair for her newborn son, Chloe Brookman, along with her sister Olivia, decided to design one themselves. Made locally in England — where they both lived at the time — friends immediately started requesting one of their own, and so furniture business Olli Ella was born.


As soon as their nursery chairs hit the market, the whirlwind began, with them being stocked in Harrods within a matter of months! From there, they expanded into nursery furniture, baby bedding, rugs and much more, under the philosophy that just because something is made for a nursery, it needn’t look out-of-place elsewhere.

“We design pieces for your home with your growing family in mind,” explains Chloe. “We believe that our products should first and foremost be ethically produced, and secondly, able to work in any room in the home.”

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With their products stocked globally, the team is also international, with Chloe now living in Sydney, and Olivia back in London. But that doesn’t mean they’re both not 100% involved, with the sisters Skyping each other daily and collaborating on all their designs.

“Olivia and I design all of our products with the exception of some of our wall art,” says Chloe. “We work in a collaborative way, we usually start with a conversation, which is followed by a moodboard and then a lot of sketches back and forth until we have our concept ready. We then go into the sample phase, which can take anywhere from one-to-four months and then, once all has been signed off on, we roll out the new product or collection.”


Growing up in typical traditional English nurseries, it was important to the duo that their products wouldn’t be anything like that! “Olli Ella’s style is playful yet sophisticated, with a decidedly global influence,” explains Chloe. “Our products are inspired by our adventures and our love of our homes; we are homebodies yet adventurers, mothers and designers. We hope that this is translated through our collection.”

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With a dream nursery that is: “Full of love, uncluttered but lived in, handmade and vintage mixed with fresh and modern,” the sisters have many tips: “I think styling a nursery on a budget often brings about our favourite rooms because each element is so well thought out,” says Chloe. “Tips for styling on a budget are to go to flea markets — you can get so many amazing accessories such as toys, throws, pillows, mobiles — you name it. Welcome hand-me-downs on the big things like cots, changers and nursing chairs, that way you have extra wiggle room for other things. And remember, the nursery is a work in progress; your little one will be growing and changing and so the nursery can constantly be added to and changed, to reflect their personality and the love you have for them.”

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Bedrooms Expert Tips Furniture Kids Rooms Styling

Safe nursery design tips: it’s not all about the pretty

By Adrienne Biscontin

Baby rooms have come a long way from just the cot, change table and nightlight. These days, nurseries are often the most stylish room in the home, with Scandinavian furniture, designer toys, organic bamboo linen, personalised lighting, and interior designers who specialise in putting it all together! Yep, styling nurseries has become a booming industry.

Nursery with a bed

However, having a beautifully styled nursery is one thing, but providing a safe nursery for your baby to sleep, and eventually play in, is entirely another.

Most of the images you’ll come across on my page, Interiors Addict, Pinterest and elsewhere on the web have been styled for the photo; carefully placed items to showcase the products, the style and the furniture you can have in your baby room. It’s not actually how the room should be. Though the trend is now for more pared back nurseries with beautiful art, furnishings and simple details, safety is still as important as it ever was.

We can’t expect stylists to make all their photographs health and safety compliant, but as parents we do have a responsibility to make sure our own real-life nurseries are safe places for our children.

Practically speaking, there are a few dos and don’ts when setting up your nursery:

Location of the cot

There are several factors to consider when placing the cot in your baby’s room. It should not be under or against a window where a baby could easily climb out or push against the window (away from light peeping in will also help them sleep better). It should not be near blinds where cords are hanging, or curtains that could be pulled. There must be good air flow around the cot, so ideally it shouldn’t be in the corner of the room — ensure at least three sides are exposed. Likewise, keep the change table away from windows, and do not rest any frames or heavy items on the change table that the baby could easily pull down. And never leave your baby unattended on the change table.

Around the cot

The Animal Print Shop by Sharon Montrose
Those tassles and cushions look fab but they’re a big safety no-no. Image credit: The Animal Print Shop

Babies sleep a lot (or so you hope!) so it’s crucial that their bassinet or cot is in the safest place for them to sleep. Do not have anything hanging over or on the cot. Lighting, mobiles, garlands, bunting — these all look gorgeous in a baby’s room, but just not over (within reaching distance) or on the cot. Babies will grab things before you know it and anything near the cot just isn’t safe. A securely fasteend mobile a safe distance above a cot, is fine.

On the cot

Do not have any blankets, doonas, wraps or throws hanging over the end or the side of the cot. These are a popular feature in stylists’ images of nurseries, but are there to show the style and products, they are not to be left there for sleeps. Anything hanging over the end of the cot that could fall off, or be pulled off, isn’t safe for your baby. Picture frames should not be leaning against the cot, or resting on the cot against the wall. One small bump and they could easily fall. Soft toys and dolls should be well away from the cot, not resting on the end or the side.

In the cot

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Perfect for a photoshoot but not for a newborn. Image credit: Vivid Wall Decals

Safe sleeping is the main focus of organisations like SIDS. They state very clearly that pillows, doonas/duvets, soft toys, cot bumpers or lambswools should not be anywhere in, or near the cot. Pillows, cushions and soft toys look lovely in photos, but can be a dangerous suffocation risk if they fall over a baby’s head, or they wriggle up against them. They also affect the air flow within the cot. Cot bumpers (those padded cushions that tie right around the inside of the cot to the cot bars)… forget it! They just restrict air flow and if your baby pulls them down over their head, or wriggles their head up against, or under them, it can be dangerous. The ties are dangerous too, and some are so padded that an older baby could use them as leverage to climb up, then fall out of, the cot.

If you want to use anything around your cot bars to prevent little arms and legs poking out, only use Australian Safety Standard approved AirWraps by The Little Linen Company. They also provide a visual shield if you want to pop your head in to see if your baby’s asleep! This is what I use and they’re great. 

Sheepskins have also become common in nursery images with the popularity of Scandi-style interior design, but any lambswool or sheepskin should never be in the cot. Babies will overheat very quickly if they’re left to sleep on a sheepskin. Only use them as rugs on the floor, as throws or on chairs.

Only use bedding that is lightweight, breathable 100% cotton or bamboo. It is better to add more layers of blankets than have one thick, heavy blanket. SIDS recommends against using a PVC-backed mattress protector as they can cause your baby to overheat. I use Bambi 100% cotton mattress protectors and they’re fantastic for protecting my mattresses against spills, vomits and wet nappies.

The cot itself

When purchasing a cot, ensure that it’s compliant with Australian Safety Standards with the correct gap (between 50 and 95 mm) between the cot bars for maximum air flow. This is particularly important if you are using a secondhand cot. If you can, purchase a cot that has all sides exposed, not enclosed ends. Cot mattresses are sold separately, so ensure you have a firm and well-fitting mattress with no gaps between the cot and the mattress. Press your hand firmly down on the mattress then remove it — if you can still see your handprint then the mattress is too soft for a baby to sleep on.

Image credit: La De Dah Kids
Image credit: La De Dah Kids

Elsewhere in the nursery

Nightlights or lamps should be kept well away from blinds and curtains, and out of reach of little hands. Keep baby monitors well out of, and off the cot. These days, baby monitors are very sensitive and will pick up any noise from the room if you sit them beside the cot on a table, shelf, bookcase, or any surface safely out of your baby’s reach. Ensure cords are hidden, even taped, well out of sight behind or under furniture. Exposed powerpoints should be blocked with a safety plug (Ikea sell them in bags of 12) and ensure you have a working smoke detector in, or close to, the room.

If you would like more information on safely purchasing furniture and setting up your nursery, read the ACCC’s Keeping Baby Safe Guide — it has excellent information on everything you need to protect your baby in the home.

Enjoy your ‘nesting’ time at home when preparing for your baby. Setting up your nursery is such a fun and exciting process, just make sure it’s safe.

 — Adrienne Biscontin is a mum of three and blogger at Stylish Bump

Furniture Interviews Kids Rooms

Incy Interiors: the Australian kids interiors success story

Here at Interiors Addict we are big fans of Incy Interiors, so much so that Jen chose their Lucy change table in mint to be a feature in her nursery (the big reveal will come once it’s finished, we promise)! And we’re not the only ones. Their cots, in particular, can be seen all over magazines, blogs and Pinterest!

incy interiors addict[contextly_sidebar id=”BI8kcZPH2FiUFF4E4DbTUXVNsOlah7cD”]Starting four years ago, Incy Interiors began making designer children’s furniture, before more recently adding adult bedroom furniture to their repertoire. With a new flagship store in Sydney’s Chatswood Chase, the once one-woman show has now grown into a team of 13 and founder Kristy Withers has one person to thank: her son, Oscar.

“Finding the perfect big boy bed for my son Oscar inspired the launch of Incy,” explains Kristy. “I searched and searched for over six months to try to find the perfect brown iron bed. I had seen lots of gorgeous beds overseas and I tried to import them. I also tried to have them made here, as well as buying an old one and re-spraying it, but it was either too expensive or I was worried about the safety.”

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So instead, Kristy decided to start from scratch herself, designing and making what would be the first of many beds, the aptly titled Oscar. And while she admits she’ll always have a soft spot for her first creation, nowadays her personal favourite product is the Eden (rose gold) bed, because as Kristy so rightly says: “What girl doesn’t want a gold bed?!”

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As a huge fan of metallics, Kristy is glad to see them gaining in popularity. And with a personal redecorating project on the cards, transitioning her daughter’s nursery to a big girl’s room, a peach and rose gold colour palette is currently the frontrunner. “Monochrome and pastels are still going strong but I’m excited to see that metallics, especially copper and rose gold, are making an appearance in the nurseries of some super cool new arrivals.”

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For Kristy, nurseries need to tick two boxes: to be a haven for the new arrival, whilst also fitting into the rest of the house. So to make this room a reality, Kristy recommends spending the big bucks on one or two statement pieces and going for more thrifty pieces elsewhere. “The absolute must-buy product is a beautiful cot. Even in the smallest of spaces, a divine cot allows you to create a beautiful space for your little one. If space and budget allow, a good change table and comfortable (but also stylish) chair will make those hours of feeding and changing a lot easier. Then if you have those gorgeous pieces that grab your attention, you can go for more budget savvy items elsewhere.”

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For more information.

Bedrooms Homewares Kids Rooms

Australian nursery ideas: with Bramwell Designs

It was only a matter of time before I started posting more about nursery decor since being pregnant. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! Today, I’m kicking off a new weekly feature on nursery ideas and products from all-Aussie brands. There are so many out there, I couldn’t believe it. I’ve also come to realise that a nursery is one of the most fun rooms you’ll ever decorate. Not to mention how exciting it is, coupled with the anticipation of the arrival of your baby, especially if it’s your first. So, introducing startup Bramwell Designs, who are making a name for themselves with their organic and stylish baby and kid’s room linen.


[contextly_sidebar id=”7MCPl0IZrebdcsb0nnJxN3MbPmbYf1wC”]”Everything is created in our studio by the sea on the Sunshine Coast,” says founder Emma Bramwell, who was inspired to start the business after becoming a mum to two little boys. “My designs are inspired by my childhood and the children in my life; how their little faces brighten up to the most simple things and their appreciation for their natural surroundings. We all need to remind ourselves to simplify our lives, appreciate the little things and take time to play and have some fun.”

Bramwell Designs use soft, luxurious organic cotton for the bedding and organic canvas for the accessories. Many items are one-offs, however if clients love something they have seen, they’re happy to work on custom design bedding for them.


She adds: “We are a young company growing steadily, but enjoying the ride and not taking anything too seriously. The journey is better than the destination, that’s for sure.”


As a mum, designer and business owner, Emma is super busy. “I try my best to be super organised and allocate time for my designs and custom bedding orders, and when I’m with my boys, I’m 100% devoted to them. My bedding collection is an extension of them, being free spirits, having fun on the journey and taking some risks. My passion for business and design drives me to continue and always will.”


Trademark touches of fun fluro feature throughout the range and probably always will, according to Emma! Bassinet sheets cost from $40, pillowcases from $45 and cot doona covers from $130.

Emma’s latest product is a fun kindy sheet set, with the option of hand printed name badges. But there are plenty of new and exciting things planned for this year so watch this space! If you’re a grown up who loves these designs, don’t worry, they go up to king size in some cases! And they cater for kids of all ages too, not just babies.

Shop online.

See all our kid’s room posts.

Styling by Simone Barter | Photography by Elisabeth Harvey

Bedrooms Furniture Homewares Kids Rooms

Incy Interiors bring cool kids’ bedrooms to Sydney

Creator of cult cots Incy Interiors, have opened an exciting new store in Sydney’s Chatswood Chase. If you’re looking for inspiration for a cool nursery or kids’ room, look no further!

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Bathurst based since launching three years ago, Incy interiors, which has seen huge popularity and growth, is expanding to the big city. Their products are now stocked in more than 120 stores across Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong, as well as online.

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Founder and director Kristy Withers said its Sydney store opening was the next logical step: “We have received great support from our customers since we opened our Bathurst store in 2012, but were constantly asked if we had a Sydney presence. We’re really excited to welcome existing Sydney customers and also introduce ourselves to a new pool of Incy fans.

The 10 best places to buy Aussie kids’ line online.

“Many customers still prefer to buy from a traditional bricks-and-mortar store. They like to touch and feel a product before they buy it, especially if it’s for their child.”

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The new store is beautifully styled and full-to-the-brim with its award-winning furniture ranges. The timeless pieces include cots, beds, bookcases, change tables, dressers and side tables. Queen-sized designs (so kids don’t have all the fun) and the much-lauded Megan Morton limited edition beds are also available in store.

As well as Incy’s own full range, there’s an extensive selection of premium Australian brands including Kip & Co, Blacklist Studio, Armadillo, Down to the Woods, Aura, Ladedah Kids, Kate & Kate, Love Mae, and Seedling.


Incy Interiors, Shop 219, Chatswood Chase Shopping Centre, 345 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood, NSW.

Open seven days.

Kids Rooms

Incy Interiors and Kip & Co collaborate on a fun kids’ line

Incy Interiors and Kip & Co are two companies who pride themselves on designing products to make interiors unique, playful and anything but traditional. When I found out that they were collaborating on a line of kids’ beds and cots I was extremely excited to see what they had in store, and they didn’t disappoint!

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Vibrant and stylish, these unisex kids’ beds ($699) and cots ($999) are made with multi-coloured panels and come in a range of combinations, anything from melon yellow to magenta and rose.

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Available from September, Incy Interiors founder Kristy Withers believes this collaboration is a match made in heaven: “I’ve always loved the colourful combinations and unique designs the Kip & Co girls come up with and it’s really exciting to have their input into this exclusive range.”

Kip & Co co-founder Kate Heppell agrees: “Collaborating with Incy Interiors was a natural extension for us. This collaboration proves that the fun shouldn’t stop with just the bedding. We were able to create beds that blend great design, colour and a hint of playfulness, perfect for those cheeky kids.”

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The range will be available for purchase online and word on the street is that Incy Interiors are opening a store in Sydney’s Chatswood Chase next month, so you may just be able to pop in and grab them there yourself. Watch this space…