Bathrooms The Block

The Block 2020: master en suite reveals

Well, I have to say, I was IMPRESSED by The Block contestants this week. Seriously impressed! There were high scores across the board and deservedly so! My personal favourite had to be Luke and Jasmin’s with its curved wall and reeded glass, joint first place with Jimmy and Tam (after the latter used their golden gnome bonus point to tie). But they were all pretty fab, weren’t they? And I love how different they were.

Joint second: Harry and Tash | 28.5/30

The tile choices were praised by the judges. They said the room was so much better and the opposite of their last bathroom, which was slammed.

Neale said it felt like a contemporary bathroom with definite references of the era. He said he wanted the basins for his own house! And Shaynna absolutely loved the bath, which couldn’t be more appropriate for the era!

None of them liked the wall sconce right above the tiles. And of course Darren noticed the shower glass being too short again!

They said the styling was superb; pared back and simple.

Darren was so happy he did a little tap dance!

Our picks to buy: Triple mirror shaving cabinet | Leif handwash

Joint second: Sarah and George | 28.5/30 

It was a tough week for the couple after Sarah’s grandmother passed away. But with the help of their trades, they rallied together to deliver a beautiful and spacious bathroom. 

Neale said: “Just when you think it couldn’t get any better, wow!”

Darren said it was just as bloody good as nextdoor. “These tiles are so beautiful. It’s really impactful and also really calming.”

Shaynna said there were technically too many types of tiles but somehow it all blended beautifully. “When you’re confident, know the rules and break them.” She was worried the splash out from the shower could be too much though.

The judges struggled to find anything to fault. Neale said, after learning about their family tragedy on top of the pandemic, that it was incredible they had delivered what they had.

“I’d be proud if I owned this home; I’d be proud if I created this bathroom,” said Darren. “This is exceptional.”

Our picks to buy: Matte black bath | Arch mirror cabinet

Last place: Daniel and Jade | 28/30

Fish scale tiles on not one but three walls! It was a brave move.

Darren loved the entrance through the wardrobe into the en suite. Neale said the fish scale tiles were beautiful. “I never thought I’d see as much of it and love it!” Darren said they made perfect sense.

Shaynna loved the layout and the drainage. And she loved the subtle curves, such as the bath, contrasting the hard lines.

Darren thought the vanity could have been a lot bigger.

But the tiling was exceptional, and the paintwork was excellent, there was no sense of hurry and it was another fantastic bathroom.

Our pick to buy: Bath caddy

Joint first: Luke and Jasmin | 29/30 

That curved wall! Oh my! This was my favourite, even though it was hard to pick this week.

Shaynna and Darren both said “What?!” as they walked in. In a good way! Neale followed it up with “Wow!”

“It’s so elegant, I’m just blown away how beautiful it is,” said Darren.

“I would not have expected a black bath but I love it,” said Shaynna. Darren said it was the one contrast point that was needed.

Neale said it was exceptional. “They have give us a very, very modern bathroom but remained faithful to those period cues.” He rightly pointed out that one of the vanities was much too close to the shower screen though. And the toilet roll holder was not well placed either.

Minor faults in an otherwise perfect bathroom.

Darren said the execution and craftsmanship was amazing. “They’ve taken a big risk but it has paid off.”

Our picks to buy: Matte black stone bath | Robert Gordon basin

Joint first: Jimmy and Tam  | 28 +1 with gnome = 29/30

Darren noticed it didn’t have a bath tub because it was smaller. But Shaynna said she preferred a bigger walk-in robe. They’d need to ensure they had a bath in their next bathroom though.

Shaynna said the colour palette was divine. Darren said it was a clever move to match the vanity to the bed and bedside tables. “They’re interesting tiles but they’re not expensive. It’s clever.”

Neale said the sconces were a little disappointing. And Shaynna said the lighting wasn’t functional at all. But that aside, the bathroom was great.

“Jimmy and Tam know exactly how to build a space that makes your heart sing; makes you happy,” Shaynna said.

Neale said the woman in the Slim Aarons print would be very happy in this bathroom.

Our picks to buy: Pink concrete basins

Overall, the judges said they felt privileged to have been at The Block that day. “I can’t remember seeing five such consistent bathrooms this early on in the compeitition,” Neale said. They agreed it was remarkable, especially considering the world was going into lockdown around them and they were away from their families.

Next week: a bedroom and a bathroom!

Bathrooms The Block

The Block 2019: week 2 ensuite bathroom reveals

As someone who has just made all the final selections for my own (main) bathroom reno, starting soon, I watched these Block reveals extra closely and let’s just say I felt pretty good about my decisions after the judging!

I don’t want to be mean but boy, that real estate agent (and trained tiler) Jesse was cockier than ever this week, wasn’t he? And then he and Mel came… last! Just saying…

Overall though, I thought it was a really impressive week and I liked three out of five bathrooms a lot (a combo of Mitch and Mark’s and Andy Deb’s might even be my perfect bathroom!). I also agreed with the judges on most of their comments and scores. So, let’s recap!

Missed last week’s guest bedrooms? Play catch up.

House 1: Mitch and Mark, 27.5 out of 30, SECOND PLACE.

Mitch described it as: “The week from hell, the best week of my life and the week of achieving the unachievable.” And didn’t they do well?! I really loved their understated glamour bathroom; a vision in white and gold! And, just like last week, it scored them second place.

Shaynna said it was very impressive and she loved the styling. All the tiles were absolutely stunning

Darren said it was a really stunning palette and he liked the remote control toilet. Shaynna however said it was unnecessary in a guest en suite and they needed to measure where they spend their money.

Neale said he felt like he’d stepped into a 1940s film set with Hollywood glamour. “It totally demonstrates the power of the old cliche, less is more.”

The paintwork left a little to be desired. In fact, maybe two coats! But that was Darren’s only negative about the room.

Our picks to buy: The fanciest toilet flush ever | Grohe Euphoria massage rail shower | Kado Lux wall hung vanity

House 2: Tess and Luke, 20 out of 30, FOURTH PLACE.

It was this couple’s second week of not finishing and they were clearly disappointed. But the judges had some pretty good feedback regardless. And I thought they did a nice job, even if, like Neale, I feel it’s nothing I haven’t seen many times before.

Darren said he loved it though. “I think it’s really appropriate to the colour scheme next door. I really like the feature tile against something otherwise so fresh and white and clean.”

While Neale loved the height of the ceiling and the timber paneling, his first thought was that it was nothing new. Shaynna agreed and said the styling was undercooked. “They’d be better off spending less on the finishes in these rooms that aren’t important and more on the accessories to amp it up.” She wondered if the overall size of the room and things like the double vanity were a waste of money.

Darren added: “To do this size and spend this much money you’re running the risk of burning through your budget before you’re even halfway.”

There was no grout on the floor and the tiles were unfinished. Darren said they were literally hours away from being done. “Manage your project and get it finished!”

Neale said nonetheless it was a strong base to build on.

Our picks to buy: Woodrow Hourglass stump stool | LED dimmable wall bracket in black and teak by Beacon Lighting

House 3: Andy and Deb, 28 out of 30, FIRST PLACE.

Having tied equal last last week, Andy and Deb were over the moon to take out first place with their en suite, which the judges loved. Neale even said he wanted to pick it up and put it in his own home. High praise indeed!

Darren loved the feeling of the tiles and the simplicity of it.

Neale said it was a happy, feel good bathroom and showed a different reading of luxury. “It’s beautiful.”

Shaynna felt it showed they were making better choices than the others on where to spend and where to save. “They can do budget on a beautiful level which excites me.”

From the last judging to this one, they now have three judges completely confident in them both as a team in the competition.

Our picks to buy: Ivy Muse plant hanger | Neo slimline wall hung vanity by Reece

House 4: El’ise and Matt, 22 out of 30, THIRD PLACE.

While I loved the quirky vanity and sage green tiles, I hated the light and the floor tiles so this one didn’t quite cut it for me.

Darren also loved the “really cool vanity” and the green tiles.

Neale, while not a big fan of pendants in bathrooms, thought they’d done well with their choice. Shaynna was not convinced it was practical enough to do your makeup by. She also hated the floor tile, saying it looked like lino. I have to agree!

The longer the judges spent in there, the worse the comments got. “There are some things that are so lovely but they’re being cancelled out by things that bug me,” Shaynna added.

Neale felt they’d slightly lost the plot.

Darren didn’t agree. “This is successful in that they’ve space planned it really well, I love the black tapware and the vanity. 95% of the room I love.”

Our picks to buy: Alape Scopio washstand | ISSY Z1 oval mirror with shaving cabinet

House 5: Jesse and Mel, 14 out of 30, LAST PLACE.

Ever confident, before the judging, Jesse said: “Yes we didn’t finish but we have delivered an amazing room given the time restraints and we’re very proud of that.”

Sadly, the judges didn’t agree. Shaynna said it was really disappointing. Neale couldn’t believe it. He said even if it had been finished, he would feel as if he was standing in a bit of a grey tomb. Ouch! “There is no relief from grey. And how long have we been seeing marble for?”

Darren said it was an amazing vanity and a beautiful basin, but suggested they painted the rest of the walls white to lighten it up.

Neale continued: “I can’t find anything in here to get excited about. I felt so excited when I walked into their bedroom. I felt like I was seeing something new. I feel like this is truly old. It feels old hat. Where is that spark? Is it the same couple who delivered that amazing bedroom?!”

Shaynna agreed she didn’t see the glamour that she’d seen in the other bathrooms. “It’s a yawn.”

Our picks to buy: Roca Inspira round basin | ISSY Halo vanity unit

So, which was YOUR fave?

Next week: lounge rooms!

Last week’s guest bedroomsAll our Block coverage.

House Tours The Block

The Block Glasshouse en suite room reveals

Well, it was a night of mixed reviews and plenty of drama and whingeing, was it not?! But I’m very glad the boys took out the top prize and I think they deserved it. I can’t help but like these two; they’re so much fun and they seem to be genuinely nice guys. But I can’t not mention Dee’s super harsh bitching about Shaynna at the end of the episode. Definitely a step too far in my opinion. I’m a big fan of Dee and Darren’s style but the attitude I’ve been trying to ignore is bugging me now.  Anyway, back to the important stuff: the design!


Poor Carlene and Michael and their lack of a door! Thank goodness the judges could at least see they intended to have one! Darren said it was very glassy (yes glassy, not classy!) and fitting for the Block Glasshouse. Neale loved the joinery, sink and benchtop but found the room a bit cold. Shaynna said the pendants didn’t really work and they would have been better off with something in a timber finish. Darren, on the other hand, said he wouldn’t change anything and they’d done a really amazing job. And let’s just not talk about the dried flowers…

The Block in Melbourne

Get Carlene and Michael’s look: Jensen pendants, copper vase.


H2 Rm8 C&J Ensuite EA 22

This bathroom made Carlene and Michael’s missing door seem like nothing! Although it was full of great features, the judges couldn’t ignore the fact it was seriously unfinished (despite them carrying on working for 10 minutes after Scotty blew the whistle (naughty!). Shaynna loved the texture and shadows of the geometric tiles. I’m still undecided. I love the concept of 3D tiles but I wasn’t loving the scale of these. Brave choice though, good on them.

Everyone loved the exposed copper pipe leading to the shower and the fact that there was a bath. But as Neale said, you turn one way and it’s a bathroom by the contestants who got 30/30 for their main bathroom and you turn the other way and it’s a mess! Neale said they’d tried to do too much and incorporate too many ideas while Darren said he could see its potential and it was a real shame it hadn’t been finished in time. And just to put the boot in a little more, Shaynna and Neale both agreed the styling was really bad. Awkward!

Get Chris and Jenna’s look: Ando pendant in concrete, driftwood drum stool, emScents candle, VERE body products.


H3 Rm8 M&K Ensuite EA 02

It started off well with Max and Karstan’s reveal but very quickly seemed to turn sour. Shaynna said the room left her cold and felt a bit clinical. Neale said it was very hard. Mr Nice Guy Darren said it flowed very nicely from the en suite with its simple palette, while Neale said it felt dated. Darren made a big deal of the lighting and said the pair always make great choices in that department. He said it felt consistent with the rest of the apartment but didn’t appeal to him personally. I actually really liked its gloss and hotel feel. I also like a dark tiled bathroom. And not just because I think it will hide dust…

Get Max and Karstan’s look: Unika pendant, Tolo LED lights, Glasshouse Bora Bora candle.


H4 Rm8 S&S Ensuite EA 37

Well of COURSE they all loved the timber bath. “Oh my God, that’s awesome,” said Shaynna, who loved it so much she kicked off her heels and hopped in to try it out for size. Neale said the boys had absolutely nailed it and Darren said it was really really good. It was quite obvious the boys were going to win. Shaynna said it felt like a high end hotel suite and all the judges agreed this bathroom would become a key selling point for their apartment and something buyers would go crazy for. I absolutely loved this bathroom and think it totally deserved the win. I am a real bath lover and that timber tub is now on my dream house wish list!

H4 Rm8 S&S Ensuite EA 11

Get Shannon and Simon’s winning look: Lab pendants, Nord pendant, Octopus ornament, Sibella Court Gypsy book, Wood and Water timber bath.


H5 Rm8 D&D Ensuite EA 55

It may be small but Darren and Dee’s en suite looked pretty perfectly formed to me. Darren said it took your breath away but in a really gentle way. Neale said it was just beautiful. But Shaynna said there wasn’t enough storage (which did not go down well with Dee: understatement of the year!).

H5 Rm8 D&D Ensuite EA 62

Get Darren and Dee’s look: Constellation single pendant.

I’d love to know which was your favourite and what you thought of Chris and Jenna’s 3D tiles and the boys’ timber bath?