Decorating 101 Expert Tips

White paints: how to choose the perfect shade

A fresh coat of white paint is one the easiest ways to make a room look and feel brand
new! Whether you’ve just moved into a new home that needs a refresh, are preparing to sell or just feel like a change, adding a coat of white paint is a quick and cost-
effective solution. However, with so many different shades of white paint available, what first felt like a simple project can suddenly seem daunting. To help you make your choice, British Paints’ Product Manager, Nick Walsh shares his expert tips for picking the perfect white paint every time.

  1. Learn to distinguish between ‘cool whites’ and ‘warm whites’

Understanding that white paint isn’t just white paint is the most important factor in achieving a brilliant end result. Each shade of white has a different undertone, and this will influence whether it is a ‘cool white’ or a ‘warm white’. Cool whites tend to have grey, blue, green or even purple undertones. These whites will create a crisp, modern look and are well suited to contemporary homes and rooms that get lots of sunlight. In comparison, warm whites will have yellow, peach, pink, red or brown undertones. These whites add warmth and cosy vibes to a space. They’re well suited to older homes, like Victorian and Edwardian styles, as well as spaces that don’t receive as much natural light.

If you’re finding it difficult to tell the difference between whites, start by holding a sample against a sheet of white printer paper. This will help you see the undertones of the colour and how it contrasts against a pure white.

2. Consider your home

Before you start selecting shades and testing out samples, pause for a moment to consider your existing home and the look and feel you’re hoping to create. White paint is a great choice as it will go with just about any flooring, but it is important to also think about your existing cabinetry, furniture and artwork as the colours here will play a role in the exact shade of white you select. If your space is already very colourful and bright, then a cool white may work best. Alternatively, if the room is fairly neutral or slightly darker, then opting for a warmer white may be more suitable.

3. Test, test, test

There is no such thing as too many sample pots! Head to Bunnings to pick up samples of your top white paint colours. If you’re unsure whether a cool or warm white is better suited to your space, now is the perfect opportunity to try both. Once you have your sample pots, paint a large piece of paper in each white and adhere to the wall or surface you are painting. Observe the different shades multiple times throughout the day and in the evening to see how your favourite colours look in different lights.

4. Washable whites win

Unlike darker colours, white paint can more easily show marks or mess so choosing a resilient washable white paint is really important!

-Nick Walsh is a Product Manager at British Paints, an Australian paint company that has produced high quality products for more than 80 years.

Design Expert Tips RENO ADDICT

How to choose white paint for walls: some expert advice

Introducing white to your interior walls creates an immediate ambience of sophistication, freshness and timeless style. However, as any former home renovator knows, the choices of shades of white are endless and to make matters more complicated, often the shade of white selected can appear to look different when painted on the wall itself.

For guidance on nailing the white wall, we chatted to Henley Design’s Colour and Design Consultant Heidi Schwieters on how to select the right shade for your home.

Keep it cool

Cool whites, which are perfect for more contemporary and open plan settings, have a hint of grey, blue, blue-pink, green or even black undertones.

“When neutralising bright light, cool whites can work extremely well in rooms that have big windows and receive a lot of sun coming through,” says Heidi. “Timber and concrete floors are well suited to cool whites and can create the feeling of more energy within the room.”

Consider: Dulux Vivid White TM, Dulux White on White, Dulux Lexicon Quarter and Dulux Lexicon.

Warm whites

With yellow, brown or red undertones, warm whites are used to inject a cosy feel in a room and complement furniture and fixtures which have warmer hues including timbers.

“Warm whites tend to suit more traditional homes and are perfect for smaller rooms with less natural light such as bedrooms,” says Heidi. “Avoid cooler whites in these smaller rooms as it tends to make the room feel a little cold.”

Consider: Dulux Natural White, Dulux Snowy Mountains, Dulux Whisper White and Dulux Grand Piano Quarter.

Getting the lowdown on the undertone

The undertone is the subtle colour appearing through the main mass colour. It can often be quite distinguishable, however in whites, the undertone is often subtle. Sometimes until it is paired with other colours or in certain lighting, it is not apparent.

The undertone is how we separate cool or warm colour tones and is the secret to creating an effective and harmonious colour scheme. Comparing whites with other whites is the easiest way to distinguish undertones.

Test out a patch

Heidi’s top tip for determining your preference of cool white or warm whites is to trial a test patch on a decent part of the wall or to paint a narrowed down selection of chosen paint colours on a piece of board to compare whites. Give it time to dry well before you decide and ensure you have done two good coats. You will find the shade of white appears to change depending on the time of day, the amount of natural light coming in and with surrounding colour such as floors, furniture and accessories.

The expert team at Henley Design can guide you through the array of white hues on offer for your interior walls. Head on over to the Henley Design page for more inspiration and to make an appointment with the Henley Design interior experts.

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