Interiors Addict

Vote for me to win $2500 for Cancer Council and I’ll match it

I’m not normally one for begging people to vote for me in some kind of popularity contest.  It makes me feel a bit embarrassed. However, Kidspot are offering $2500 to the charity of the winner’s choice in their Voices of 2015 Most Popular Alumni Award and I couldn’t say no to the chance to raise money for The Cancer Council. What’s more, if I win, I pledge to donate a further $2500 to the cause, making a big fat $5000 for charity! I’d have to get an awful lot of people to sponsor me to do something to raise that kind of money!


The winning blogger gets not just $2500 for their charity but a cash prize or business grant of $7500 for themselves. I’m promising (and I’ll of course provide evidence) to give $2500 of that to The Cancer Council if I win.

I don’t need to tell you why The Cancer Council is a brilliant cause and I’d be surprised if any of you have not been touched by losing a loved one to this disease. But I can tell you why cancer is personal for me.

This cause is particularly close to my heart because I lost my mum, Patricia Bishop, to skin cancer (malignant melanoma) when I was three (and my little sister was even younger). Becoming a mum has brought the harsh reality of what happened into focus for me. I remember just a few days after Sebastian was born in May, having lost my mum hit me like a tonne of bricks and not how I’d expected it to at all.


I knew I might feel the lack of having a mother when I became a mother myself and of course the thought that Sebastian would never get to meet his maternal grandmother saddened me and still does. But what I didn’t see coming was the sudden empathy for my mum, knowing she was going to die and leave her two young daughters to grow up without her. I had never ever thought about her dying from her perspective before. I’d thought about how sad it was for my dad being left a single parent and for us little girls being left without a mum but I’d never (and how I feel rather selfish and ignorant about this) thought about how it would feel to be a mother knowing she was leaving her children.

I think only becoming a mother myself made me realise just how awful that must have been. I just can’t imagine it and if I try to put myself in her shoes it really is too painful to think about.

Of course, sadly, children will continue to lose their parents and parents will continue to lose their children, but I don’t want people to lose relatives because of a lack of research into the many different cancers which are killing people. Research saves lives, there is no doubt about it. I’ve recently become an ambassador for The Cancer Council’s Girls’ Night In (please consider holding your own event this month!).

So an unashamed PLEASE VOTE FOR ME! Not out of sympathy or to make me feel popular, but because The Cancer Council will get FIVE GRAND if I win! I won’t deny that if I manage to pull this off, it will make me feel amazing! Thank you SO much, lovely readers, for your help and for reading my personal story.

(And while I’m here I can’t resist a reminder to please wear your sunscreen and get your moles checked! I didn’t get this pale and interesting English rose look by sun baking, you know…).


Voting closes on 6 November 2015 at 6pm. You can vote as many times as you like.

Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict’s Jen Bishop in Kidspot’s blogger alumni

I’m really honoured to have been included in Kidspot’s Voices of 2015 blogger alumni alongside some women I really admire. The alumni “represent the very best in Australian blogging excellence, innovation and professionalism.” You can read the full list of alumni here and I thoroughly recommend it if you’ve been looking for some quality new blogs to follow.

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As someone who isn’t your typical blogger (more of an online publisher as an ex journo) and who doesn’t write much about their feelings(!) or parenting (give me time!) it’s really nice to be recognised. It’s also lovely to see my friends Christina Butcher (Hair Romance), Lexi Kentmann (PottyMouthMama) and Sonia Stackhouse (Life Love & Hiccups) on the list!

Thanks Kidspot!

Interiors Addict

Off Topic Tuesday a day late: ugly self doubt

Whoops, it’s Wednesday. I forgot to post Off-Topic Tuesday yesterday and the alliteration has such a nice ring to it! Ah well, I’m here anyway!

Today’s off-topic post is about doubt and about worrying too much about what other people think about what you’re doing. At the weekend, I was asked to speak about blogging at the Kidspot Voices of 2013 masterclass. A real honour. One of the questions to the panel (with the fab Viv from Ish & Chi and Rebecca from Wee Birdy, moderated by the fabulous Pip from Meet Me At Mikes) was do you ever doubt yourself? Now, it may seem from my blog and even from meeting me in real life, that I’m a super confident person who knows their stuff. Let me let you into a little secret: I am as self-doubting as the next person. I worry about what people think about me and might be saying about me behind my back. ALL THE TIME. I live in constant fear of being found out. What for, I’m not sure!