Interiors Addict

Interiors Addict’s Jen Bishop in Kidspot’s blogger alumni

I’m really honoured to have been included in Kidspot’s Voices of 2015 blogger alumni alongside some women I really admire. The alumni “represent the very best in Australian blogging excellence, innovation and professionalism.” You can read the full list of alumni here and I thoroughly recommend it if you’ve been looking for some quality new blogs to follow.

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As someone who isn’t your typical blogger (more of an online publisher as an ex journo) and who doesn’t write much about their feelings(!) or parenting (give me time!) it’s really nice to be recognised. It’s also lovely to see my friends Christina Butcher (Hair Romance), Lexi Kentmann (PottyMouthMama) and Sonia Stackhouse (Life Love & Hiccups) on the list!

Thanks Kidspot!


10 fun ways to update a child’s room by PottyMouthMama

By Lexi Kentmann

I am a massive fan of colour. I think it helps lift your mood, makes life more fun, and in a kid’s room – it’s a no-brainer. Kids naturally love colour.

My approach to kids rooms? It’s pretty relaxed. I’m not matchy-matchy, and I love collecting bits and pieces that tell a story, or have a function. I am huge on products that do double-duty (like a stool also acting as a bedside table), I’m not a fan of treading on LEGO, and I adore storage. Because let’s face it – when you have kids – you need storage. And lots of it. I’m not into licensed kids products. Gosh. No siree. However my kids ARE. So where possible, I steer them away from that stuff, and into good stuff. Non-merch stuff.

1. Giant Corn Cob Stool from Third Drawer Down: 


Look – I adore the big things Australia has. The Big Banana, The Big Pineapple, The Big Ram, The Big Prawn. For so, so long I have adored this! It’s fun, quirky, and certainly not something you’ll see in everyone’s home. What’s not to love about an oversized corn cob that you can sit on and do story time on. Plus I think just as it might appeal to a small person – I can easily imagine this being quite at home in a teenager’s bedroom.

2. Kip and Co pretzel sheet set

These pretzels don’t make you thirsty – and if they do, don’t come out and ask for a glass of water 76 times stalling bedtime. As a kid I always loved having my own special sheets. These are SO on my wish list! Of course for my daughter’s room *cough*, and not mine.

Interiors Addict

Sunday Snippets: The best of the week in interiors