
Brisbane stylist Tahn Scoon’s latest book: The Thoughtful Home

Here at Interiors Addict there are two things we’ve always been big on: style without the snobbery (so your home doesn’t have to be full of designer or expensive pieces to look fabulous) and your home being a reflection of the people who live in it, with real personality. So stylist Tahn Scoon’s latest book, The Thoughtful Home, really appeals.


Basically, the idea behind the book was to show people how to create fresh, simple and pretty interiors, even on a tight budget – it includes heaps of insider advice and a handful of super easy how-to projects,” she says.


The Queensland interior stylist and decorator, who also wrote New Vintage, shares all her insider tips and tricks on how to create thoughtful, authentic and beautiful interiors – homes that are kind to the purse, kind to the planet and a pleasure to live in.

Insider tips include how to achieve bespoke style cabinetry at a fraction of the cost, how to give children’s rooms the vintage treatment and how to professionally style your home so it’s magazine shoot ready!


How-to projects include a designer fabric cutting cushion, crystal decanter light fitting and ‘chalk’ painted vintage frame.

While being a mum doesn’t give me much time to read at the moment, I’ve flicked through my copy and found it a lovely browse.

The Thoughtful Home is published by New Holland. Buy a signed copy online from Tahn’s website.


Kids’ bedroom decorating workshop in Brisbane

Interior stylist Tahn Scoon, author of New Vintage: the Handmade Home, is running a workshop on 1 March called Decorating Kids’ Rooms and Family Spaces.

Photo by Anastasia Kariofyllidis
Photo by Anastasia Kariofyllidis

Learn tips and tricks for how to create gorgeous interiors for children and families on any budget.

Interiors Addict

Sunday Snippets: the best of the week in interiors

  • I shared this competition from the Life InStyle trade fair which I’m judging alongside Mr Jason Grant and Lucy Feagins of The Design Files blog. Have you entered yet?
  • I enjoyed interviewing Melbourne interior designer David Hicks, who just opened an LA office and had some great stuff to share about design.
  • I launched my competition with Wicked Wix to win a year’s worth of candles and the good news is, you still have until noon on Friday to enter. What are you waiting for?!
  • Ex Real Living style director Mr Jason Grant offered Interiors Addict readers an EXCLUSIVE opportunity to join him for a VIP shopping tour around Sydney, visiting his favourite stores with him and learning stylist secrets. There’s still time to book your place for next week.
  • I featured a cool new product that lets you hang plants upside inside. No, I don’t really understand how it works either, but it’s pretty clever!
  • A stunning Art Deco inspired bar opened in Melbourne’s Brunswick on Friday night and I shared some snaps with you beforehand.
  • I reviewed this lovely book New Vintage by stylist Tahn Scoon.
  • I spent Saturday morning at a session with super stylist Megan Morton about putting the love in your home. It was awesome. Read all about it. Her home is in the current issue of Vogue Living. Well worth a look.

This coming week I’m looking forward to attending the Writing about Interiors, Style and Design evening class at Sydney Writers’ Centre. I know I shouldn’t really need it, right? But I think you can always learn something new and it’s great to hear other people’s perspective on things.

What are you doing this coming week? Jen x

Interiors Addict

New Vintage by Tahn Scoon

I recently received this beautiful book from its author, Tahn Scoon. To be honest, my first thought was “nice but hmm… not really my thing,” but on closer inspection, it really is. When I see the word vintage I sometimes worry this actually means hipster and that’s not me, plus I live in a pretty modern apartment so although I love old things with some character and history, the vintage look, so to speak, doesn’t always work for me. If you’re like me, don’t stop reading because this book is, fortunately, for you too! In fact its subtitle ‘The Homemade Home. Beautiful Interiors and How-To Projects’ explains it much better.