Art Designers Homewares

Page 33 and Blacklist collaborate on a unique light box

Don’t you just love it when two of your favourite brands collaborate?!


Page Thirty Three, creators of functional artworks and objects, have taken their 2010 release, the Cinematic Light Box, and given it a fresh new twist thanks to their partnership with Blacklist.


As one of Australia’s favourite stationery, prints and paper goods companies, Blacklist have provided custom lettering and iconography for the Cinematic Light Box.


Entitled Artist Collaboration No.1, once the limited edition run is sold out, Page Thirty Three will partner with a range of other artists to continue to create truly unique artworks for the home.

The Artist Series Cinematic Light Box goes on sale 25 May (though is currently available for pre-order) for $440.

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Online shopping fix: Antipodean Love + WIN a mum & baby box!

Frustrated that she couldn’t find high-quality, handmade Australian gifts for family and friends overseas, Kate Pierce decided to take matters into her own hands, starting online boutique Antipodean Love in 2011.

antipodean love interiors addict

“I think we all feel better giving and receiving gifts that are high in quality and made with love. And that’s where I found a niche: for a one-stop-store full of giftwares that hark back to Australia and New Zealand in some way, but are not at all tacky.”

With a unique curation of locally made products including homewares, baby products, paper goods and skincare, many of the wares on offer are quintessentially Australian; from the fairy-bread and ‘Hello Possum’ pillowcases to the non-traditional Whileaway travel guides.

Antipodean Love is all about supporting the small guys in manufacturing, from the small business owners to the independent artists. Thanks to Kate, everything comes gift-wrapped with hand-written messages for that extra personal touch.

antipodean love interiors addict
The Mum and Baby Gift Box Deluxe

Here at Interiors Addict, we love everything Antipodean Love has to offer; from the cute and the crafty to the stylish and sophisticated. So we are very excited that one lucky reader will win the Mum and Baby Gift Box Deluxe in Latte (contents pictured above), which includes a baby journal, biscuits, hand cream, nursery spray and a toy bear. To enter, complete the form below by 5pm on Friday 23 January 2015 . Open to Australian residents only.

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Online shopping fix: Ma and Grandy (plus 10% off everything for readers)

Harking back to the 1930s, Brisbane based paper goods and homewares brand Ma and Grandy, is all about encompassing the pre-war era.

ma and grandy

A range including limited edition cushions, A4 art prints, wood brooches, single greeting cards and card sets, it’s the old-fashioned notion of sending a note in the mail ‘just because’ that really gets founder Natala Stuetz’s heart singing.

“I’ve always loved greeting cards and am a big hoarder of things like that,” says Natala. “There’s nothing better than sending and receiving a handwritten note – they’re so much more personal. I’d love for our modern society to put down their smartphones, step away from the email and remember a time when the handwritten note ruled!”

With their wonderful typography and vibrant colour palette of mustard yellows, electric blue and gelato pinks, the Ma and Grandy range is one of delightful simplicity, made even more enchanting by the story behind the name.

Ma and Grandy were Natala’s actual Ma and Grandy (grandmother and grandfather) whose real and wholesome love saw Natala’s whole family be in awe of them. So for Natala, the name choice came easy: “It seemed so natural to represent these two amazing people through my work and continue their legacy.”

Ma and Grandy is offering Interiors Addicts 10% off everything for a week from today using the promo code Interior10.

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Interiors Addict

Papier d’Amour pops up in the city

I have a bit of a stationery habit and having just signed off on my own wedding invitations I’ve become more than a little obsessed with all things paper! So I’m excited about the Papier d’Amour popup opening at Sydney’s MLC Centre next week. Its focus will be on creative workspaces and, as I’m also in the middle of transforming my own home office, I’m always keen for some tips.

papier d'amour book cloth 3

As well as watching a variety of fun demos over the five weeks, you can also check out Papier d’Amour’s new bookcloth range (pictured), perfect for the stylish home. The boutique Double Bay stationery and gift store will open its popup on 6 June for five weeks, and every Thursday evening there’ll be a different demonstration. There’ll be plenty of gorgeous goods to browse and buy too, including art by Melbourne’s Emma Cleine of Lumiere Art + Co and paper artist Samantha Gazal.