Interiors Addict

OMG Abigail Ahern is coming to Australia!

It seems really fitting jubilee news to hear that fellow Pom and amazing interiors queen Abigail Ahern is planning to bring her styling workshops to Sydney and Melbourne. Squeal! Dates in October are yet to be announced but make sure you keep an eye on her blog for further details.

In the meantime, read my interview with Abigail here.


Interiors Addict

David Met Nicole is closing: 20% off stock

The bad news is that Surry Hills institution David Met Nicole, a favourite of many stylists for props, is closing as the owners head home to London. The good news is they’re offering 20% off stock until they close in a few months’ time. I’ll miss seeing their fabulous things on the pages of magazines.

Interiors Addict

Vintage Schmintage

i tend to believe that by the time ‘everybody’  catches on to something, it is well and truly over… you know?

as well as styling interiors, i also design, style and implement events.  corporate. PR. product launches. and, yes…weddings.

hmmm.  and herein lies the problem.

go back for a second to statement number one.

‘i tend to believe that by the time ‘everybody’ catches on to something, it is well and truly over.’

on the whole, i love dealing with brides.  their enthusiasm is boundless…their passion second to none.  I love it.  really.

until they say this.  “i want something really different.  something no one has done before.  something VINTAGE”.


then they will go on to say “i like typewriters..a want a whole table of typewriters…..and mason jars filled with flowers,. you know,.flowers that a sweet seven year-old girl with flowing flaxen locks and a white cotton dress has lovingly plucked from a field and shoved into a jam jar.  and i want a field covered with bunting, bunting that flutters in the warm breeze.  oh,..and I LOVE VINTAGE mismatched crockery and whimsical pink champagne glasses.  and VINTAGE cameras.  and vintage suitcases stuffed with apples.  and a DESSERT or lolly table with a vintage tablecloth! and CUPCAKES!  you know? something DIFFERENT….something vintage, vintage, VINTAGE!’.

yah.  different.  totally different to all the other millions of folk who also wanted something different.

and, that’s ok.  i’ll totally deliver that.  it’ll be dreamy, and romantic and whimsical and VINTAGE.  but different?  not so much.

i think all the vintage is becoming souless.  people are trying so hard to add character and personality through ‘vintage’ that they are ending up doing the exact opposite. their events are looking like carbon copies of the event that was held in the same ‘vintage friendly’ venue the week before.

the same goes for interiors.  has anyone watched The Block recently?  it’s all replica furniture and vintage styling.  mainstream.  safe.  dull.

so..  here’s a shout out to the world.  let’s move on from vintage, folk!  Let’s find something else to love, something else to be inspired by…and something else to lust after.

United we can do it!  Call me..I’ll help you.


disclaimer *none of the above was EVER uttered by any of my gorgeous clients.  well… not entirely.*
Interiors Addict

I’m feeling girly this afternoon!

I’m feeling girly this afternoon!
Interiors Addict

Trademark Proebstel and Cairns! Love it! glenproebstel: I just LOVE this image! A gorgeous selection

Trademark Proebstel and Cairns! Love it! glenproebstel: I just LOVE this image! A gorgeous selection
Interiors Addict

In honour of Father’s Day this weekend, check out this lovely bit of styling by last week

In honour of Father’s Day this weekend, check out this lovely bit of styling by last week